Solar Winds Security Advisory. Archived Facebook Frames Will it stay? U.S. Spaceforce new cybersecurity?

in informationwar •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Reported by SolarWinds Security Advisory

  • SolarWinds was the victim of a cyberattack to our systems that inserted a vulnerability (SUNBURST) within our Orion® Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5, 2020.2 with no hotfix installed, and 2020.2 HF 1
  • which, if present and activated, could potentially allow an attacker to compromise the server on which the Orion products run.
  • This attack was very sophisticated supply chain attack, which refers to a disruption in a standard process resulting in

a compromised result with a goal of being able to attack subsequent users of the software.

  • In this case, it appears that the code was intended to be used in a targeted way as its exploitation requires manual intervention.
  • We’ve been advised that the nature of this attack indicates that it may have been conducted by an outside nation state.
    So SolarWinds claims they were the victim of SUNBURST. Were they?
    You be the judge if the information overlords will allow you. Will they or will they continue to censor verified info?
    Is there more to the story?
    Wonder why this happened. . .
    According to Yahoo Finance CEO of Solar Winds stepped down and sold off his shares as YF reported,
    I wonder if Zuckie and Fact Checkers approve this source, or is it going Against their Narrative? Always be TestingTheNarrative!

President & CEO of Solarwinds Corp (30-Year Financial, Insider Trades) Kevin B Thompson (insider trades) sold 166,129 shares of SWI on 11/19/2020 at an average price of $21.65 a share.
According to the Guardian from 4 days ago,
SolarWinds' longtime CEO, Kevin Thompson, had months earlier indicated that he would be leaving at the end of the year as the company explored spinning off one of its divisions.
Well That's interesting, just like the song from the 80's We Built This City Stated,
"Someone always playing, Corporation Games"
"Who cares they're always changing corporation names."
"We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage" (who's really in charge of information?)
who counts the money underneath the bar?
Well. ..
"Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio, don't you Remember?"
Hmmm. ..I just wonder!
As a quick side note, did you hear Biden's pick for Transportation Secretary?
Just reminds me of how important MODES of transport are.
That song Sure does have a lot of tells.
You should have a listen and consider what reality is.
Who was Marconi?
Who had the nickname of Black Mamba?
As reported by the History channel,
Guglielmo Marconi was born in 1874 in Bologna, Italy. His father was a wealthy landowner and his mother was a member of Ireland’s Jameson family of distillers.
As reported by the History Channel. . .asking for a friend if this is on the FB overlord's and mods "approved sources list?"
According to FireEye, a Cybersecurity company,
Multiple trojanzied updates were digitally signed from March - May 2020 and posted to the SolarWinds updates website.
FireEye has detected this activity at multiple entities worldwide. The victims have included government, consulting, technology, telecom and extractive entities in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. We anticipate there are additional victims in other countries and verticals. FireEye has notified all entities we are aware of being affected.
In 2013, Mandiant (before being acquired by FireEye) uncovered a multi-year espionage effort by a Chinese hacking group called APT1.
Also in 2015, FireEye uncovered an attack exploiting two previously unknown vulnerabilities, one in Microsoft Office (CVE-2015-2545) and another in Windows (CVE-2015-2546). The attackers hid the exploit within a Microsoft Word document (.docx) that appeared to be a résumé. The combination of these two exploits grant fully privileged remote code execution. Both vulnerabilities were patched by Microsoft.
So now the obvious questions become. . .were certain systems used for v^i_g that starts with the 4th letter of the alphabet.
9 and 10 News reports,
The public release of the audit was authorized by Judge Kevin Elsenheimer. It takes a closer look at the voting operation system used to count the ballots in Antrim County.
Does FB allow 9 and 10 news to report?
You can see the full audit done by this security firm inside the Frames.
Here is a summary of what ASOG (Allied Security Operations Group) found and put into it's report that judge allowed to be released to the public.
ASOG concludes,
“The D_m^
i&n V*)ing S&s_em is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”
And adds,
“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.”
While the county clerk stated that the election night result of the vote flip was human error, ASOG says it’s instead due to “machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.”
So basically anyone including the cleaning crew. . .in other words Anyone with access,
All they had to do was go in, put a thumb drive in, download and crack the code later.
Sure is interesting an Elections Warehouse was broken into in Philadelphia and MSM desperately tried to downplay it, though Dem leaders were Not downplaying Election interference in 2019 as was evidenced by Elizabeth Warren and other Dem leaders letters which spoke specifically about those Systems mentioned earlier that start with the 4th letter of the alphabet. Interesting right?
I'll put a link to Warren, a Dem leader and her comrades' letter which they wrote to investors concerning those systems. Very enlightening and from Elizabeth Warren's very own site. Is Warren's site on the approved list of sources from our "Oh so Mighty and Powerful" overlords? I guess we will find out!
So basically what Could happen Did happen as was reported by a local station in Philadelphia where an election warehouse was broken into and surprise, surprise, a laptop and USB drive were stolen. Report inside the frames from ABC channel 6 if allowed. I'll archive otherwise on a blockchain platform where they can't pull it down.
Don't worry Trump haters and despisers, they pretended that it was No Big Deal. ..because it Wasn't for Them!
Concerning the audit and findings of that audit released by Judge Kevin Elsenheimer. . .

  • James Ramsland, Jr., a resident of Dallas County, Texas, who holds an MBA from Harvard University, and a political science degree from Duke University, led the audit in Antrim County with his company.
  • Ramsland, who has worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among other organizations, alleges in the report that the failures are so egregious that a full investigation by Director of National Intelligence is warranted.
    FB should be okay with reporting this as it was Obama that gave this initial directive.
    President Obama signed Executive Order on National Critical Infrastructure on 6 January 2017, stating in
  • Section 1. Cybersecurity of Federal Networks, “The Executive Branch operates its information technology (IT) on behalf of the American people.
  • The President will hold heads of executive departments and agencies (agency heads) accountable for managing cybersecurity risk to their enterprises.
  • In addition, because risk management decisions made by agency heads can affect the risk to the executive branch as a whole, and to national security, it is also the policy of the United States to manage cybersecurity risk as. ..
    ** an executive branch enterprise.”**
    The audit also concluded that based on the findings related to the nation’s national security that under President Trump’s July, 2018 Executive Order, which strengthened President Obama’s prior Executive Order to
  • include requirements to ensure the integrity of the US election systems, and that
  • “its people were not manipulated by foreign meddling, either through electronic or systemic manipulation, social media, or physical changes made in hardware, software, or supporting systems.”
    Ramsland’s security company suggested in the audit that there is enough evidence in their findings to have the Michigan State Legislature decertify the election results.
    I would Say THAT definitely goes against Their Narrative YIKES!
    So ask yourself, what role does DNI now play?
    So it operates it's technology on behalf of the American People?
    Who is sworn to act in the interests of We the People?
    President TRUMP!
    Can a weapon formed against you be used against you if you are the Sons and Daughters of God?
    This is how God reigned in on it. . .
    Isaiah 54:17
    “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.”
    Do^(n_on v)(tig s_stm software configuration logs in the divert options shows that all write in options were flagged to be diverted automatically for adjudication.
    If not familiar please check 11 Alive News,
    Thereby, allowing Any Operator to Change Those Votes!
    On 12/08/2020 Microsoft issued 58 Security Patches across Ten Plus Products, some of which were used for Election Software
    of 58 Security Fixes, 22 were patches to remote code exec Vulnerabilities.
    in reviewing the Election Management System Logs it was evidenced there were config errors through the set-up election and tabulation.
    The bottom line. . .This Calibration Rejects the Vote!
    This provides Direct Proof to tamper with evidence.
    President Trump's Executive orders, initiated by President Obama are Rock Solid!
    He will be able to meet with
    JASOC (Joint Special Operations Command)
    and other Special Operations Intelligence Units and come up with a solution if the judicial and justice depts. are so corrupted and infiltrated.
    The First 7 to enlist in the U.S. Space Force graduated from basic Military Training on Dec. 10th, 2020.
    Head of the Space Force sates,
    “I need you to be bold. You will help us build this service from the ground up. You will help us define our warfighting culture.
    You will build the Space Force as the first digital service. You will lay the foundation of a service that is innovative and can go fast in order to stay ahead of a significant and growing threat, and you, if deterrence fails, will fight and win the battle for space superiority which is so vital to our nation, our allies and our joint and coalition forces,” he said, adding that “the nation expects you to deliver dominant Spacepower.”
    Will they take the place of agencies that have been corrupted and infiltrated like CISA, and like Esper head of DOD have proven to be?
    Only Space Force and Air Force which had not been compromised.
    Do you Remember the Weakening of the air force and the generals directly let go that didn't support a nefarious enemy?
    A loyal core has been built of those who have Not Been Corrupted or Bribed by the globalist enemies.
    Who gained access to a Backdoor into various sectors years ago?
    Do you remember Promis software and how there was a backdoor virtually into ever sector from banking, law enforcement to education?
    I'll drop verification inside.
    Also see tie-ins to that song that deal with Marconi and all involving Kobe Bryant concerning a certain Gyrochip called the QRS11, a piano company, other musicians, the helicopter Bryant was on and where he and daughters remains are at Corona Del Mar.
    There you have it, tried to pack it all in. . .numerous connections. All coincidence you decide.
    Do they exist or are there No Coincidences?
    The great thing is. ..You're the Judge when you step outside of their attempt to control. Give it a listen. ..21 Pilots, The Judge. . . oh no, Set me FREE!

According to Stillness in the Storm,

(Ethan Huff) After it was discovered earlier in the week that hackers had inserted Trojan Horse malware into the SolarWinds Orion security software used by a large swath of government agencies, the Pentagon issued an emergency memo calling for the immediate shutdown of a classified internal communications network known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET).

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As seen by @KanekoaTheGreat on #TruthSocial

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 12.40.04 PM.png

U.S. Election Software Company Previously Built Confucius Institute 'Communication Platform'
Konnech Inc., creator of the 'PollChief' software used by 'thousands of Election Offices across North America' built for the Confucius Institute.

Link and information in here,

Thank you Kanekoa for #FightingTheGoodFight!