Arrogant, Obnoxious, Smug and borderline evil. . .See what this outspoken reporter states about Obama and Netflix deal!

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

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This article will cover;
A video clip by Jon Miller concerning Programming being produced and orchestrated by Barry and Michelle
Netflix placing Susan Rice on their Board of Directors and just a few of the questions surrounding her
Thoughts on why or who places themselves at the helm of controlling the masses.

Deception surrounds them even in name. For instance, why did the media try to stay away from using his full name? Barak Hussein Obama? Word on the street is they didn't want you to know of his muslim roots, but at the same time, who was Obama always protecting over the American People? Who did he and Hillary seek to infiltrate our government with and try to take down if anyone called them out on it?

In this information war where the DNC has been exposed even from those on the inside concerning the theft of the nomination from Bernie Sanders, it's no wonder they would bring their allegedly disbarred, community organizers front and forward with a platform to reach those susceptible to their Programming. After all these two appear to have connection to Serco, but that is for another article.

Netflix has been front and center in promoting the sexualization of children. Just think about their show Big Mouth.
I will post a link to an article showing what it promotes soon. Here are a couple of photos with description that will give you an idea of what it is all about! They are hoping to take the job of teaching kids these concepts away from parents all while encouraging exploration. Ask yourself who always seeks to lower the age of consent for children?

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One must ask, why would the Obama's want to align themselves with a group that promotes this in their Programming?

Susan Rice on Netflix Board of Directors! What is the world coming to?
The same Susan Rice who supported Rwandan, Ugandan, AFDL and Angolan invasion of Zaire. from Rwanda in 1996 and overthrow of dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, saying privately that "Anything's better than Mobutu." According to Gérard Prunier, a staffer to the Assistant Secretary said that "the only thing we have to do is look the other way", with respect to Rwanda's continued intervention. New York Times correspondent Howard W. French said that according to his sources, Rice herself made the remark. The Congo Wars orchestrated and led by Rwanda led to over five million deaths.

In 2012, when serving as UN ambassador, Rice opposed efforts to publicly censure Rwandan President Paul Kagame for again supporting a Congolese rebel group, this time in the 2012 Congo conflict, despite the sacking of the regional capital of Goma. The Rwandan government was a client when Rice worked at Intellibridge in 2001–02.

The same Susan Rice who was a UN Ambassador on the Board of Directors for Netflix to help sway people's opinion. The same one who tried to convince those who would lend an ear that the Benghazi attack was not pre-planned. Even in the wake of evidence showing Hillary had ignored hundreds of requests for help and Patrick F. Kennedy, the under secretary of state for management, had said prior to her interview that he believed the assault was planned,[46] and other sources, including Libyan President Mohammed Magariaf, had expressed the view that the attack was pre-planned and that there was an al-Qaeda link.

Jon Miller personally thinks, “Obama is an arrogant, obnoxious, smug and borderline evil punk. He states, his success was all due to the fact that people liked him on a personal level. When his ideas went on to the ballot, but he himself was Not on the ballot, so many American people promptly rejected him and stood against everything he stood for to Elect Donal Trump as President!”

But will the progressives who enjoy their entertainment above their and their children's well being be willing to step outside of the facade or readily distractions?

My guess is no. They are already assimilated! Will they listen when shown evidence of the life they have planned for them vs. the life of elites in their luxurious accommodations found below? Keep in mind, there is a reason for their saying as above, so below. Those who choose the ways of the leader concerning rebellion against human kind and their creator have set out a way to provide their own "heaven." More coming on that in a later report. Remember how they tried with the Tower of Babel? You don't think they just quietly gave up and slinked away do you? No, they didn't and they have made this clear with their symbols they flash and flaunt all around us through their music, entertainment, meetings consortiums and special groups where people shudder if you call out the controllers by name.

Who thinks they are wise enough, endowed enough, full of riches off the backs of the citizenry to tell all of us they are the "planners?" Who has named themselves the god over all of us?

Perhaps they will be covering concepts like, “when did it become acceptable to defend gang members? Oh, that’s already happening!

When did it become a crime to acknowledge gender as it has been understood as two of them for thousands of years?

These are Radical Transformations! As noted by Jon.

See Jon Miller's clip where he calls out Obama for exactly who he believes him to be.

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Evil Agenda
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