This is in regards to an article I did recently on steemit (I use steemit by the way as a springboard, one place I can put everything and it is easy to use).
This conversation that will be featured was taken from a social media platform in regards to this article,
I do turn a blind eye to many trolls and haters, but as you know if you subscribe to my content, there are times I engage and defend myself. The conversation I am sharing did not involve a troll, but rather the process many of us fighting to wake others up engage in.
The trolls or attackers come into play because I am using this conversation as an example to show what I do. I was accused of doing what they now appear to be doing. I realize that is the typical MO of a controller.
To see what the attackers accused me of, here is the link with their comments,
Attackers/Trolls who pretend to be on the side of Good must be descendants of the Pharisees!
Though not required to defend myself (making the choice), I am putting this here to show one of my goals is to talk to people and try to meet them where they are at on the grounds of what they perceive to be true. In other words, just because people believe something that is propaganda, does not mean they realize they are believing in an illusion or what I like to think of as a delusion. This takes time and patience, a patience my attackers are not exhibiting as they are not engaging with these people, but rather seeking up votes through targeted attacks of people on the side of Good.
I shouldn't have to prove my character because I have been doing this work for over a year and a half now and I don't operate under an anonymous name as my attackers do. There is no apparent reason for them to attack me as I Never attack others and odd they are doing so simply based on mere assumptions while not following Anything Q encourages on being unified. Once again, either paid opposition or too much ego as Q has given many reminders when he states,
People being divisive who claim to be part of the cause, don't even check out what I do. And it is easy to do so as I have standards across all platforms. I don't have a paypal link, no patreon, no asking for donations (though people have kindly offered without my request) and I don't mix my business with my truth reports. All separate, because I did not call myself to do this. I am called by a higher authority. . .even higher than Q, and Q knows who that authority is.
It is not My cause, nor the cause of the arrogant who take it upon themselves to pick on people because they worry about their own popularity and getting more up votes.
That is Not what I am called to do, so it constantly puts me in a line where these self-appointed Rulers over voat and sometimes reddit or facebook content, think they can personally attack to elevate themselves. Possibly they hope to obtain more up votes with their cohorts, as why take the time to troll another truth teller. What other purpose? I generally hear about how they think they are doing things more above board because they don't have a steemit, or they stay confined to one group. If you're closed off, how are you doing what the white hats need help with. . .Waking the Others Up?
I am putting this as an example due to an attack on my character by yet, two more people ganging up on me in what is supposed to be a Great Awakening group, because I am committed to sharing the truth. They attacked me because they don't like that I use steemit and they didn't even research my reports to verify I make no income on my research and truth reports. The attacks were made based on assumptions because they feel they are better than me and more deserving of up votes. Very sad as this cause should not be about up votes (which I don't believe I receive many anyhow). The concern should be about spreading information and making people aware, not a couple of guys concerned about their ego by putting others down to make themselves look better.
Most people for the cause and Fight for Good, do not do this! Perhaps it exposes their true character or lack thereof as our Creator states, we will know them by their fruits.
I meant to put this up before as it occurred on June 2nd. I will put a screenshot for verification. Odd, because my attackers don't have Anything that matches who they say they are, and don't validate they keep their word nor seem to be actively communicating with the world outside of their comfort zone of closed groups.
I feel there is value in knowing how many good people out there are not awake, because they are turned around. It takes more than just throwing our hands up and staying put in groups or with people that have our same belief system or are awake.
Rather it takes time and patience and not getting upset when they don't see things others feel they Should have seen.
That is why I share this. I will say again, one thing I appreciate from people like this, when we are clearly on opposite sides of the spectrum is the fact they are respectful. We all need to be willing to have conversations with one another without name calling, degrading and getting down in the dirt. That accomplishes Nothing. Aren't we here to try to awaken and not Turn Away?
If so, people need to reconsider their methods not just with the side still with blinders on, but amongst one another. There should Not be Attacks on people who are trying to spread truth. There should not be False Accusations leveled against people with No basis or Evidence. People need to let go of their egos and point gathering.
As Q states, This is Not a GAME! People's lives and future generations' well being is at stake!
That said, I feel this conversation about the aforementioned article is valuable because it shows the thought process of individuals who clearly are on the side of Good, but have been misled by the globalists. These people are clearly articulate and intelligent.
Those of us who woke up and are not ashamed to admit we were once asleep also, should fully understand how easy it was and still is to fall for the propaganda. It starts off slowly, almost undetectably, so while you are doing.. .taking care of family, job, even doing what you think is the Creator's bidding, during your down time with distractions (before you were consumed with truth and developed an appetite for Nothing but the Truth), also while sleeping. are then slowly but surely assimilated! No one is above it so we don't have a right to Judge! God our Creator is the sole Judge. Discernment. . .yes, judging won't help the person get out of the simulation!
Following is the conversation but keeping posters name's anonymous for protection and their privacy.
Question posed in article was, "Why did a First Grade Teacher take her kids to a Black Lives Matter March without parental consent?"
One commenter states,
"Indoctrination that’s why!! Putting garbage in the heads of the young.."
I post,
Exactly! Abusive to these kids and trampling of parents' rights!
A second Commenter posts,
"But is the msg of racial equality really garbage? Again completely agree the parents should have been consulted every step of the way."
My response,
Yes! Many minorities state right out, never dem again because the democratic party has just been using them for votes. For example, they put this Black Lives Matter group out and they are very radicalized. There has been violence on the streets when they gather, they yell hate at the police and people around them. The Democrats count on people not knowing that they are the hateful ones and two out of 3 stated at that school they would have rather done All Lives Matter rather than focus on racial division as Obama did during his presidency. Have you heard of the Promise Program initiated under Obama? It was where if you were of mixed heritage, you could not receive consequences and the law had to catch and release no matter what crime or rules these teens broke because Obama called it racial profiling no matter the case. That is why the Florida shooting was reported to authorities 39 times and 2 times to the FBI, yet they did nothing. Same for the Texas shooting. Any red flags, the administration was not allowed to use consequences, no expelling because of their heritage. They are fairly light colored, but mixed heritage. The target becomes a huge issue when people use it in this manner. There have been people from Black Lives Matter saying they need to kill the white people and white people owe them reparations for what their ancestors went through. Those people don't realize it was the democratic party, which is our left leaning party that voted Against ending slavery. Those who understand are with us like Candace Owens. As a matter of fact stats show there are more black on black crimes than white on black crimes and they kill more of the black population than any whites do. The problem is the MSM is controlled by evil people at the top that send propaganda messages and make people believe otherwise. If you look at Chicago inner city, Detroit and many other cities in our country, you will see. Chicago people spoke out about how Obama never made good on his promise to help them. Now after all of those years in the presidency, he is pretending to care, because even they called him out on it and said he just used them for their votes. Now guess what his new foundation is? Yes, pretending to help them. Why didn't he help them when he was the leader? He wanted to divide the country and make people believe it was the whites that were killing the blacks. Obama encouraged Black Lives Matter, is friends with their leadership and honestly, They are racist and the black people and minorities not fooled by their lies know this to be true. I'll share some Candace Owens in more posts. Clearly it is not just the black population taken in by the Dems lies, it is many white people who are bribed or buy into the false narrative. The democrats desperately need their false narrative because many of their leaders have been found in corruption and lies. All still coming out. That is why Trump won.
The second poster again,
"Trump was put there to further divide. Their is no Republican and Democrats there are the elite and the non elite. You are almost there! There's a little more to this picture x"
Third poster,
" Brain washing! I’m sure the libs would love for the conservatives to indoctrinate their kids. It would be correct though. 😊 She over stepped, and should be reprimanded with time off without pay plus an apology to the parents. Totally unacceptable. She could even face law suites. Typical communist behavior."
Second poster response,
"I understand it's wrong that they didn't get permission but I don't think people understand the ideology or definition of communism"
Third Poster,
" Explain that, please."
Second Poster,
"I wouldn't exactly call the black lives matter movement communist or even that radical. From what I can see in America it's still terribly backward considering the race debate. However I do agree that you should absolutely have to consult parents on every single decision and they had no right. I also agree that if it was a trump rally it would be a different narrative."
My response,
"Here is where Candace Owens tells the ones hollering at a gathering that they need to be Victors rather than Victims and that they didn't live the lives of their ancestors and are over privileged people. You can find her clip here"
Second Commenter,
"In absolute respect to you Melissa McGarity I really disagree. Racism is much more than slavery. In the last couple of weeks I have seen a black man getting hassled for bbqing in your country, The police getting called on Bob Marley's granddaughter for leaving a airbnb. Here aboriginal people get treated appallingly. I think as white women it's not something we can ever understand. With all the respect in the world why do you think it's bad that African Americans wanting to be treated equally is a bad thing ?"
She had written to me on another post so here was yet another response from me to her.
Hi . (her name was here) , sorry I didn't see this one before. It's been even crazy because I have been covering operation backyard braw and trying to research the surrounding areas along with the shady CEMEX co. I understand your concern for wanting the equality. We completely agree! The disparity comes in where people who are not directly here experiencing this don't realize the MSM makes all the noise. They also put out footage that doesn't tell the entire story. the person being harassed was by someone who thought everyone should follow the rules. These clips are generally done by Soros progressive activist groups he funds and they go around looking for problems even when the problem isn't about race, they are sure to Blame it on race. The police didn't bully the woman or harass her. There may have been some ordinance for all we know. Also, maybe these two women had female altercations if you know what I mean. Some women can be catty or sometimes annoy one another. The police did not indict the black woman nor cause her any issues. My point is even if there was an ordinance, common sense prevailed over the fact that no one was being hurt. I did not hear about the Bob Marley case. If it was done by a leftist group, they are generally looking and promoting trouble. I say that because they have been found out so many times. Most of the people just get along. I go into the inner city at times also, people get along. Now if you do end up with an attacker, and they happen to be black, guess what? This isn't the black people's fault, it is the leftist progressivism that makes people fear doing anything or even calling authorities because they Know, they have made color an issue when it is Not an issue to the Majority of us. They simply have a Louder voice and make it appear to people watching their propaganda, that is why they call it a Tell a is the vision They want to tell and They want You to have. I know first hand. My daughter had someone downtown get in her face when she was walking to work. She tried to ignore him, he got directly close to her, tried to block her way. We told her she had the right to push him away, but she was scared of making a scene because of his color. Obviously she and we believe in trying to get out of situations without being physical. Didn't matter to her what color he was, she didn't want him invading her space and it was threatening to her. She went to work shaking and still had to finish her day. Not long after that, she quit and found a different job. Now if it had been a black girl and a white guy did this, if the family believed what the media spouts, they would have made it about color and had it all over Every Major news network. Because that is how they operate. A majority of black people don't conduct themselves in that manner, so we don't buy into their divisive game. There are people from every color that are good and respect others, and those from every color who are evil or at least run the spectrum. Some are respectful, some are not. The media makes people here that listen to them and in other countries think there is this huge problem, but when you look at the statistics as I researched in this article, you will see, more blacks kill blacks than whites kill blacks. I even hate saying this because all of us don't make it about color, but the media forces us to narrow Everything down to color because a Huge part of their NWO agenda is to Divide and conquer. They want to start another civil war. I gave those links on Candace Owens and Jamal because they are black and can speak firsthand about what I am saying. They are only two out of many that have testified to the fact that the racism is an angle the globalist media has created and fosters, the idea of it and they make people who are susceptible to propaganda believe it. This article has statistics and links
The funny thing is, people who are treated poorly are many of the whites, not elitists, but working middle class which Obama heavily taxed while giving those not working more money, breaks, free healthcare while he quadrupled our healthcare by putting regulations on our employee healthcare program. He made it so hard for them, it shot their costs up, which they passed on to us and we rarely go to the doctor anymore. I paid over $300 for my daughter's inhalers and meds because they spray our skies daily with poisonous chemicals and the air quality in her school is so bad it has made what used to mild asthma worse. I just don't even get inhalers. I gave up trying to get help and do breathing exercises. No one helps my kids including gov. programs because we are not on any welfare or gov. assistance, but because we work full time, both my husband and myself, they decide we won't get any assistance. Now our working full time keeps a roof over our head and our bills paid as while Obama was in office all our costs increased drastically. If me or my kinds were another color, there would be lots of help. My dad didn't have regular work when I went off to college, but I received very little assistance while those who were the right color (not white) received all to most of their funding from the gov. The oppressed are the white lower middle working class. The worst person to be in our society, is a white, working class male. They are called all sorts of names, not allowed to have an opinion without leftists jumping all over them and calling them names and are constantly looked down upon by the elitists and the leftists. If you don't chant their chants, talk with their rhetoric and agree with them, they are abusive. I have encountered it just when discussing topics in a calm manner. They give personal attacks, call names, use foul language then say their side is oppressed. This usually happens from other whites, so not saying otherwise, although there was a minority, not black who called Trump and all of us horrible names just because we had different opinions. Things are weird over here, but the rest of us no matter what color get along just fine, work side by side, shop together, help each other out and think nothing of it. It is a smaller group that is louder, more aggressive at times causing riots and destroying property. They even encourage it. That is what gets all the Mainstream media's attention because they are being played and paid at times by the globalists who want division and chaos so they can install the one world government they have talked about for years, even since the first Bush called the New World Order.
This is a really good one (her name here). Candace Owens is very well spoken. She speaks after Kanye West, who BTW tried to tell us all once about those rituals and what they really do to the children, but they hauled him off to "rehab" and made the masses think he was crazy. They weren't able to stifle his desire to think for himself though! Candace speaks after Kanye in the one where the gentleman yells, "I am free!"
Second commenter,
"I am on board with what you are trying to say. Poor Kanye I think they have really scared him and I hope someone really can protect him and his family. I just think this post is causing hate in people who are focusing on the wrong issues. I have found a lot of racism in this group and I think it defers from the issue of why we are here. To expose the elite and save the children not to divide anymore"
"Understood but every group has a few bad apples that spoil the bunch. I think it's a little hard to point out African Americans"
My response,
It absolutely is Not all African Americans. We all love and value our black population! At least all the Patriots I interact with. Black Lives Matter is just a very small percentage, but almost all the news media in the US is owned by just 6 corporations and they receive scripts for much of what they say. I will share a link on this. Common sense people, no matter their color know this group is about causing problems. Don't let the name fool you, that is what it is intended to do. I will also put up some other great speakers who are black who are against this group because this group isn't really helping black people. They are being used for a show of threats and violence by the globalist and democrat party. As a matter of fact many, many white people support this. It is not representing even the majority of the black
Second commenter,
"I believe the same about Trump. They have both been designed to promote this divide"
Third commenter,
"Only the BLM group."
Second Commenter,
"Why is that?"
"These are straight up facts about racial injustice. This is why people are upset. have Socialist leanings. I believe in equality for all."
Third Commenter,
"capitalism is the greatest by far. I don’t want some govt. taking my earnings to give to another because, a govt decides I can’t succeed, and gives what I worked hard for to some lazy person. You just go ahead and lean that way, I’ll keep my earnings! I think you ought to do an in depth study on socialism."
Second commenter,
"What you are describing is a communist dictatorship; this is not what I believe would be a good idea. Politics is not as black and white as most people think. Yes I am a proud socialist but I also believe that you are entitled to your earnings of course I would never want to see effort go unrewarded. I believe you should should actually earn more! under a capitalist system the money goes upwards and I would be worried more about the people on top of you taking your money off you and profiting from your hard work. That's why capitalists who own the media and every corporation you can think off want to keep you convinced it's the best system for you. I wouldn't worry about the unfortunate I would worry about the billionaires that profit of hard working people."
Second Commenter,
"It's a hard nut to crack but unless you are born a Kennedy or a Rothschild go to an IVY league school where you meet the right people fall into a job that is always been secured for you then the capitalist system is just taking advantage of you. Your hard work is keeping people rich so technically you're in a system where you work hard so lazy people can have better lives.
I don't believe a communist or even a socialist government works at all. Every attempt has been turned into a dictatorship.
"Hope that clears things up have a beautiful day :)"
My response,
Here is a really neat guy
Second Commenter,
" I honestly feel this is getting away from the real issues"
Third Commenter,
" How's that?"
Second Commenter,
"This group is about pedogate not about a race war
I agree teachers shouldn't act without full consent of the parents but that's where the appropriate conversation ends."
My response,
(Second Commenter's name here) I understand. I do share some of my material on some pedogate boards when it is part of the agenda. For instance, this teacher talked about the children being able to decide. That is, though as I pointed out I am not saying she in particular is a pedo, but that Is sadly part of the pedophile agenda of allowing children to make their own decisions. We have found it to be the same premise of groups like Heart Progress and NAMBA. It is a very dangerous agenda in Any situation when parents are told their kids don't need their permission. The Black Lives Matters marches have been proven to have violence at many of them at a moments notice. So besides possibly endangering them physically, it is also putting adult issued upon children. They are children, so it is unfair for any teacher to force their political views no matter what side they are on, upon children. Children need nurturing, love, guidance, boundaries and protection. This board is my own personal board under my name. You are always welcome to comment whether here or on other boards.
The same people promoting the violence of Black Lives Matter, promote the other agenda's like taking children to the marches. I shared the other black people's information, because they tell others about how this group, Black Lives Matters, is just a pawn of the political left leaders and orchestrator. In our country it is the left perpetuating the problems rather than the conservatives. Many of the conservatives, libertarians and independents are the ones who are part of the Great Awakening trying to expose the corruption, pedophilia, lying, deceit, including the deception of the Mainstream Media. Vox encodes 33, they are backed and funded by the Cabal or leftist controllers. Once again, this is not to say some who call themselves conservatives in leadership are not involved, they are. If you look at those who have resigned, it gives you a clue. Also people like McCain who pretends to be a Republican is not. His charity, the McCain Institute and Foundation reads like the Clinton Foundation and they are known and have been called out by the people in Haiti for child trafficking, stealing from them and taking advantage of them.
Second Commenter,
" I completely agree It's not an issue children need to think about or be subjected to that environment. I don't understand how that women thought it would be OK. I can't even fathom how heart progress or NAMBLA even exsist it's sickening. I think we should keep the discussions here to the children my point was that we all agree it was the wrong thing to do but I don't think this is the right page to get into the actual black lives matter issue. I think we should unite to focus on the act of the teacher not the political content of the rally. She was in the wrong parents should have more input in what is taught to them in schools; I believe that is the real issue here."
My response,
(Commenter's name here) I understand Emma, but this post is my personal page and we discuss all the connections, because I am part of Qanon Great Awakening and we are constantly looking at the big picture and how it all connects. That group, BLM, is part of their agenda to create chaos, and from chaos comes destruction, the Free Masons, connected to the illuminati, connected to luciferians, connected to the UN. Illuminati set up by the Rothschild's who is the family that originally had Adam Weishaupt begin infiltrating Mason lodges with illuminati teachings. The UN is at the helm of the New World Order and there saying is the same as with the Free Masons, Ordo Ab Chao.
Second Commenter's states,
"I am so sorry Melissa I thought we were posting in the group. You have every right to your own opinion on your personal page."
My response,
(Second commenter's name here) It's not a problem Emma. I realized you thought we were on one of the pedogate group sites. I do like talking to you though. That is why I do what I do. So people can discuss opposing view points. It is refreshing to have someone who considers themselves a socialist or possibly left leaning willing to do so respectfully and without personal attacks or name calling . You wouldn't believe how many in my country do not converse respectfully sticking to facts rather than drama, emotions, personal attacks and name calling. It is very sad. I know there have to be others in my country out there like you, and we have to keep trying to find them.
Second Commenter,
" Likewise I don't usually get met with such logical arguments just abuse also you are the first person who has given a rational argument for trump and why you support him. I just want to rid this world of the true evil I have come to realise exists. Whatever can do that I am supportive of."
My response,
(I address commenter by name here) in one of the Q groups I came across this very apt meme. You are probably familiar with George Soros and all the economies he has toppled, the fact he even thinks of himself as some type of god, and he runs a lot of the activist groups who are part of the Cabal, he has been linked to many of the child trafficking rings and gateways.
These people are all connected is what we have been seeing for years now!
Second Commenter states,
"I am aware of him and that's why playing to either side is propelling this. He is next level sick."
My response,
I understand, it is why we want to do away with the two party system, but here in America, there is a clear distinction between those who lean right (conservatives) and those who lean left (liberals). The globalist are working with a liberal agenda. Even some of the liberals have said, the democratic party and most liberals they deal with are too radicalized and lean so far left, there is no middle ground. Things are very different here than what the tiv, radio, news media is reporting. There is only one news station that is independent, that is One America News. Even a percentage of Fox News is owned by the Cabal and Soros (who obviously is part of the Cabal). It all seems so convoluted because they have been tricking many, including the mass public for years. Anyone who tries to speak out against them, just as you guys in your country, if you try to speak out against the Establishment i.e. the Catholic hierarchy and pedophile priests, they try to ban us. They have been trying to silence us and take our rights away. They have been chipping at them for years and now after They have caused the chaos, they are trying to blame Trump who has only been in office a very short period compared to everything the Bushes (who were Republican) did, Clinton and Obama. They orchestrated the division and the Cabal is simply trying to blame it on Trump, because he is exposing their blatant crimes and the preying upon our children. Trump was asked to run by the White Hats. He never would have run otherwise. He never wanted to, but had said he didn't want to see America get as bad as we had. He has greatly increased jobs, is rebuilding the military, has bettered the economy, has given us better tax breaks, and forged peace deals Obama talked about, yet never got done! He recently signed the Right to Try law so patients with life threatening illnesses will finally have access to experimental treatments that could improve or even cure their conditions. This is very good because Trump is taking Big Pharma on! This is why the media hates him! He threatens the Cabal, the corrupt politicians and the entire Democratic party, including those corrupt in the Republican party who were pocketing money from the MS-13 gangs, the regulations not allowing these patients to get better care, the drug running, the human trafficking. . .everything they make money from Trump stands in the way because he is For the People! They tried to steal the election, but God said NO! The news refuses to show all the good he is doing. Instead they constantly talk of impeaching or even killing him. His life has been threatened many times, not because we all hate hime, but the controlling Elitists, much of Hollywood and the Music industry (not all, just many) hate him. We the regular people Need Him! Here is a tweet from 2012, the media doesn't talk about, because they deny pedogate is even going on.
This is why we love him, he recently signed the Right to Try law giving these patients who at times are terminal more options. Big Pharma hates him for this including the Cabal and corrupt politicians other elitists making money off of Big Pharma which is about money Not people!
The mainstream media news purposely hides all the good he does. He is taking the power, control and money out of the hands of the Establishment and putting it back into the hands of the People as it was supposed to be!
(Second commenter's name here) this has some statistics and links
That concluded the discussion. If I would have done, what I see many doing on both sides of the fence, she wouldn't have even listened. I know by the way I am treated by divisive people claiming to be on the same side (it's expected of the others) that they would have belittled and spoken arrogantly to drive their point home and pretend to be the knowledgeable person on top! The sad thing is. . .where does that get you? It boasts the ego, is the ego going to Wake People Up?
What are your thoughts? Do you have people who claim to be on the side of Good whether in Pizzagate, Pedogate or Great Awakening Groups who arrogantly attack and don't like it if others are spreading the message in as many places as possible? Not saying All people in those groups do this, I have come across many fully understanding it is a team effort And understanding what Q just stated in a recent drop.
What experiences have you had in the Fight? Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed!
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