What this article seeks to cover
Questions as to why progressives claim to care about animals and women's rights, yet they fully support groups who are violent to both women and animals. How do dog lovers rectify these blatant dichotomies? Would they do so for Christians?
Obama and evidence of his support for the Muslim Brotherhood even from other Muslims considered liberal who were initially advocates of Obama.
Why in the world does this matter now? The last time we checked Trump is President?
Connections to Obama, Syria and ISIS in 2014
Will the documents from the Obama administration and his support of ISIS be unclassified through a FOIA request?
See how an organization Obama blatantly and boldly backed was labeled a terrorist organization by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates.
See how Obama told the American people and led them to believe that through the Muslim Brotherhood's political Islam and Nationalism would lead key nations like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Syria to political stability in what would be known as the Arab Spring. Was this a blatant lie? Were these nations stabilized or were they instead destabilized as progressive activist organizations led by people like Soros made a great deal of money on these wars?
See a story about rape threats and dog abuse and killings covered up by Mainstream Media
The question arose in a recent article I did on just who brought in the Muslim Brotherhood to the United States?
This came up due to an article on many Muslims dislike and hate of dogs. It has been verified through many sources,
A pet rescue operation has saved three puppies from Muslim Brotherhood clutches, after discovering the militant members were dousing the animals with gasoline, setting them on fire and throwing them into the chaos of a Tahrir Square demonstration, as makeshift bombs.
Robyn Urman, a rescuer with the New Jersey group, Pet ResQ Inc, said this isn’t the first time Muslim Brotherhood members had been busted trying to use animals as gasoline-fired bombs, Breitbart reported. And this particular discovery didn’t end well for all the dogs.
To read more go here,
According to a National Review article done in 2014 it states,
Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot.
Today, Thursday, July 3, marks the one-year anniversary of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Mohamed Morsi’s ouster from the presidency by the Egyptian military in the wake of massive protests. Morsi’s successor, former defense minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, was sworn in as president this past June 8.
While Sisi is undeniably authoritarian, he has not openly allied himself with jihadi terrorists as Morsi has. In his inaugural address, Morsi announced his intention to agitate for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman from U.S. custody. Rahman, known in the U.S. as the “blind sheikh,” is implicated in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and numerous other terrorist plots.
Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime.
In a different context, those remarks would be entirely reasonable. The rub is that Morsi’s competitor, Ahmed Shafiq, was a military man denounced by critics as a throwback to the Mubarak regime. Clinton’s uttering of these words in the eleventh hour of the campaign — without any warning about the dangers of Islamist government — could only have undermined him.
The Obama administration’s use of foreign aid — arguably America’s biggest political lever — has also tended to favor the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks to the Camp David accords, Egypt receives $1.5 billion of aid annually, most of which is earmarked for the military. That makes Egypt the second biggest recipient of U.S. aid next to Israel. Both countries have come to rely on the aid.
In 2011, Obama signed a law that made aid to Egypt contingent on the State Department’s assurance that Egypt was making progress on human rights. When Morsi won the presidency, there was no indication that this was the case. Many in Congress, including Democratic stalwart Patrick Leahy, expected to see the aid suspended until such progress was seen. The law, however, allowed for the secretary of state to sign a waiver for national security reasons. And that is what Clinton did.
Critics were especially galled that the Obama administration was prepared to provide the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled government with 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 tanks based on an aid package that had been agreed upon when Mubarak, a long-time American ally, was in power. Twelve of these planes were delivered before Morsi’s ouster.
Starting a year ago this week, Obama seemed to choose the worst over the bad in Egypt.
Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot.
Today, Thursday, July 3, marks the one-year anniversary of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Mohamed Morsi’s ouster from the presidency by the Egyptian military in the wake of massive protests. Morsi’s successor, former defense minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, was sworn in as president this past June 8.
While Sisi is undeniably authoritarian, he has not openly allied himself with jihadi terrorists as Morsi has. In his inaugural address, Morsi announced his intention to agitate for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman from U.S. custody. Rahman, known in the U.S. as the “blind sheikh,” is implicated in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and numerous other terrorist plots.
Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime.
In a different context, those remarks would be entirely reasonable. The rub is that Morsi’s competitor, Ahmed Shafiq, was a military man denounced by critics as a throwback to the Mubarak regime. Clinton’s uttering of these words in the eleventh hour of the campaign — without any warning about the dangers of Islamist government — could only have undermined him.
The Obama administration’s use of foreign aid — arguably America’s biggest political lever — has also tended to favor the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks to the Camp David accords, Egypt receives $1.5 billion of aid annually, most of which is earmarked for the military. That makes Egypt the second biggest recipient of U.S. aid next to Israel. Both countries have come to rely on the aid.
Critics were especially galled that the Obama administration was prepared to provide the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled government with 20 F-16 fighter jets and 200 tanks based on an aid package that had been agreed upon when Mubarak, a long-time American ally, was in power. Twelve of these planes were delivered before Morsi’s ouster.
Upon the news of Morsi’s overthrow, a White House press release urged the army “to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible” and “to avoid arbitrary arrests of Mr. Morsi and his supporters.” To his credit, Obama refrained from demanding Morsi’s re-installment or calling the ouster a “coup,” which, by law, would require immediately terminating aid at a critical moment.
Yet the flow of aid did slow, starting with the transfer of the fighter planes. A Washington Post article quotes Pentagon press secretary George Little as saying: “Given the current situation in Egypt, we do not believe it is appropriate to move forward at this time with the delivery of F-16s.”
The White House said this decision did not have implications for the $1.5 billion in foreign aid that Egypt had come to expect. Then, following Sisi’s brutal crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood — and while the United States was distracted by the 2013 government shutdown — the Obama administration suspended most of that aid as well.
In 2014 a substantial chunk of the aide, $572 million, was released during Secretary of State John Kerry’s June 22 visit to Cairo. It appears that the remainder is being used as a carrot to encourage the government to treat the Muslim Brotherhood as a legitimate political actor, rather than an Islamist enemy of the country. At the time of the visit, an aide to Kerry said:
We do not share the view of the Egyptian government about links between the Muslim Brothers and terrorist groups like ISIS [the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq]., [Egyptian leaders] need to include, and find ways to reach out to, the Muslim Brothers.# …# With regard to the challenge that the Muslim Brothers pose, I would characterize it more as a political challenge than a security challenge.
This may be how the Obama administration sees the Muslim Brotherhood, but it is not how Sisi sees the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is not how the Muslim Brothers see themselves. The Obama administration must learn that there isn’t always a “third way.” Sometimes decisions are between bad and worse. Ignoring reality only makes the worst more likely.
This reported back in 2011. Guess who counts on everyone forgetting who Obama really supported and valued?
Obama did not issue a statement marking Easter this year, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was asked about it during a press conference on April 25.
You guys traditionally put out statements or proclamations on various religious holidays and I dont think I saw one from the president on Easter yesterday and was just wondering if theres any reason one didnt go out? a reporter asked.
Carney responded, You know, the president went to the church yesterday; it was well covered. Im not sure if we put out a statement or not, but he obviously personally celebrated Easter with his family and went to church to celebrate that, and
Another reported interjected, Wait a minute. The highest Christian holiday and you don't know if he put out a statement?
an article from Gulag Bound and Noisy Room: Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House – Vetting Obama
Stated by a Muslim Liberal Democrat Marxist who worked and campaigned for Barack Obama:
“I want you to focus and I hope you can talk to your families and your friends and your neighbors that when someone says that there is a penetration of Jihadi Islamists within Canadian society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing xenophobic racist rant.
Today in the White House there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood that influence Obama’s policy.
One is Rashad Hussain of Indian origin who is the American Ambassador to the 52 nation organization of Islamic countries.
Dalia Mogahed who writes his speech who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Just day before yesterday, another woman, an academic, was appointed in that circle. [Readers, I believe this is Azizah al-Hibri, but she was appointed in June 2011. I will clarify as soon as possible. In the meantime, Azizah al-Hibri is an Obama appointee and has participated in a seminar sponsored by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), which the Muslim Brotherhood says is a “like minded” organization.]
This is happening while we sit silent and I say that as a Liberal Democrat, as someone who worked and campaigned for Barack Obama.
We have evidence in Canada of this penetration that’s going on.”
Tarek Fatah, a moderate Muslim advocate and Liberal Democrat Marxist, told an auditorium filled with thousands of Canadians at Ideacity that “the religion of Islam is being used as a tool by a fascist force.”
Americans need to know, as Tarek clearly states…
“Instead of bringing victory over the fascist forces of the Muslim Brotherhood, we now recognize that their infiltration is right up to the American White House, but we can’t say that.”
“Today we are fighting another idea of Islamo-fascism that has shut our mouths and we can’t speak because we’re too scared that someone may turn around and call us a racist. And mind you, everyday as I speak, a few dozen Muslims would have been killed by now by these Jihadi’s.”
He says that he has seen his own “fellow travelers betray the cause of Social Justice and align themselves with the most horrendous fascists that you could ever meet.” The far-left has joined with radical Islamists and they are working together.
America’s government-controlled media fail to report the truth, which is why many Americans research, self-educate and become citizen journalists in order to bring you the truth. On this subject, we have previously explained that Islamism is not a religion; it is a complete system comprised of totalitarian rule over day-to-day life – political, financial, legal, social, cultural and religious – and its mission is Jihad. Tarek explains this too.
“Please understand that there is a distinction between Islam as a faith which, along with every other religion, has its own problems, and “Islamism,” which is an ideology, a political ideology, that says that Western Civilization has to be destroyed.”
“The books that are distributed at Eaton Centre and the Dundas Square clearly state by the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood that all Western countries have to be destroyed.”
Obama’s embrace of those who hate America and actively pursue the destruction of our country from within and externally has been on display for quite awhile and it’s time we see, speak and hear the truth.
Obama brought the Muslim Brotherhood into our White House; no one but Obama did this. He brought George Soros into our White House, an anti-Semite who aided the Nazi’s and a financial terrorist who is making billions off the economic misery Obama has purposely caused in our country.
Many Americans fail to understand this while the media hides the truth. From corrupt dictators (e.g.inviting President Ali Bongo of Gabon to the White House) to domestic terrorists (e.g. Bill Ayers) to self-proclaimed Communist/Marxist (e.g. Van Jones), these, and many more like them, are the people Obama brings into our White House… these are his friends and associates.
Do you know people like this? Do you work with people like this? Would you appoint three Muslim Brotherhood members to the White House if you were President?
The Muslim Brotherhood creed:
“Allah is our objective, the prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
“Jihad is our way” explicitly endorses the reinstatement of a worldwide Islamic regime.
As Tarek says, talk to your families, friends and neighbors; show them the warning from this Liberal Democrat Marxist.
“Why is it happening? Because we are not speaking out. And the dangers we face… if we do not confront them today, our children will not forgive us tomorrow.”
Fast forward to present times and their connections with a past the globalists count on American Citizens and even the the rest of the world to conveniently forget. after all, we are always just One Generation away from a disaster in history repeating itself because those younger during the time don't remember who the corruptors and orchestrators were. This bodes well for corruptors!
We have not forgotten. You see, according to Journal-Neo,
There is a great uproar over the recent decision by US President Trump to pull US troops out of Syria, announcing his reason for doing so is that ISIS, the so-called Islamic State, has largely been defeated. What lies behind the decision and more important, what was behind the surprise emergence of ISIS across Syria in 2014 brings the spotlight to yet-classified documents of the Obama term. If the reorganized Justice Department is compelled to make these documents public in lawsuits or Freedom of Information requests, it could rock organizations such as the CIA and many in the Obama camp.
In 2010 the US Administration under President Barack Obama developed a top secret blueprint for the most ambitious and far-ranging series of US-backed regime change across the Islamic Middle East since World War I and the Anglo-French Sykes-Picot agreement. It was to set off a wave of wars and chaos, of failed states and floods of war refugees unimaginable to the most cynical veteran diplomat, and beyond the belief of most lay persons in the world.
In August, 2010, six months before Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution was launched by the Washington NGOs including the NED, the Soros Foundations, Freedom House and others, President Obama signed Presidential Study Directive-11 (PDS-11), ordering Washington government agencies to prepare for “change.” The change was to be a radical policy calling for Washington’s backing for the secret fundamentalist Islamic Muslim Brotherhood sect across the Middle East Muslim world, and with it, the unleashing of a reign of terror that would change the entire world.
Now before anyone tries to claim this information is being twisted to fit a political bias, here is the actual pdf of that Directive -11 signed by Obama
According to US Congressional testimony of Peter Hoekstra, former Chairman of the US House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Obama Administration PSD-11 directive–as of March 2017 still classified Top Secret–“ordered a government-wide reassessment of prospects for political reform in the Middle East and of the Muslim Brotherhood’s role in the process. “
The Washington Times described Obama's Directive in this manner,
President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11. The directive was produced in 2011 and outlines administration support for political reform in the Middle East and North Africa, according to officials familiar with the classified study.
Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful.
White House National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan declined to comment on PSD-11. “We have nothing for you on this,” she said.
The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia in recent months appears to be moderating its opposition to the Brotherhood in a bid to gain more regional support against pro-Iran rebels in Yemen.
The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.
Critics of the administration’s strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group’s motto includes the phrase “jihad is our way.” Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.
Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.
“The failed Obama Doctrine that so-called ‘moderate Islamists’ were going to usher in a glorious era of peace and democracy in the Middle East was adopted by the administration because that’s what the foreign policy establishment going back to the George W. Bush administration proclaimed as gospel,” Mr. Poole said.
“And now we see as a result Egypt fighting a terror campaign by the ‘moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood; we have a failed state in Libya; and we see NATO ally Turkey turning from secular democracy to religious totalitarianism under Obama’s pal [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan.
“This dangerous foreign policy was launched by PSD-11 and the administration’s open embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, and now we can see its catastrophic effect,” Mr. Poole added.
Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, extensively documented Muslim Brotherhood subversion efforts, both in the United States and abroad.
Mr. Gaffney has said the Muslim Brotherhood is the most dangerous group promoting the totalitarian and Islamist supremacist doctrine of Shariah. Several Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been identified as key advisers to Mr. Obama, according to Mr. Gaffney.
Egyptian press reports after the ouster of Mr. Morsi have revealed extensive cooperation between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood during Mr. Morsi’s presidency.
To draft the contents of PSD-11, a top secret task force was established within the Obama National Security Council (NSC), headed by Dennis Ross, Samantha Power, Gayle Smith, Ben Rhodes and Michael McFaul.
The PSD-11 Task Force members were remarkable in many regards. Samantha Power, who would go on to become Obama’s UN Ambassador and lead the demonizing of Russia after the CIA’s Ukraine Color Revolution coup in 2014, was to play an instrumental role in convincing President Obama that Libya’s Mohammar Qaddafi must be militarily removed for what she called “humanitarian reasons.” Dennis Ross, accused by Palestinian opponents of being “more pro-Israeli than the Israelis,” co-founded the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)-sponsored Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). He was Special Assistant to President Obama and Senior Director at the NSC for the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia when he was part of the PSD-11 task force.
Gayle Smith would later go on in 2015 to head the USAID, the CIA-linked State Department agency that funneled US taxpayer millions to finance the NGOs of the Arab Spring and other Color Revolution regime changes. Michael McFaul, who once described himself as a “specialist on democracy, anti-dictator movements, revolutions,” was later named Obama’s Ambassador to Moscow where he coordinated opposition protests against Putin.
The Top Secret PSD-11 report that the Task Force drew up was partially revealed in a series of legal Freedom of Information Act requests to the State Department. Released official documents revealed that the NSC Task Force had concluded that the Muslim Brotherhood was a “viable movement” for the US Government to support throughout North Africa and the Middle East. A resulting Presidential directive ordered American diplomats to make contacts with top Muslim Brotherhood leaders and gave active support to the organization’s drive for power in key nations like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Syria, at the 2011 outset of the “Arab Spring.” The PDS-11 secret paper came to the bizarre conclusion that the Muslim Brotherhood’s brand of political Islam, combined with its fervent nationalism, could lead to “reform and stability It was a lie, a lie well known to the Obama PSD-11 Task Force members.
So what is the True Muslim Brotherhood?
Al-Banna created a secret or hidden arm of the Ikhwan in Egypt and later worldwide, known as the Special Section (al-nizam al-khass), or, as it was referred to by the British in Egypt, the Secret Apparatus (al-jihaz al-sirri). That was the military wing of the Brotherhood, in effect, the “assassination bureau.” Al-Banna taught his recruits, exclusively male, that “Jihad is an obligation of every Muslim.” He preached the nobility of “Death in the Service of Allah,” and wrote, Allah grants a “noble life to that nation which knows how to die a noble death.” He preached a death cult in which “Victory can only come with the mastery of the ‘Art of Death.’” For the Brotherhood that “mastery” was perfected in the killing of “infidels” in Jihad or Holy War in the name of Allah. The infidels could be other Muslims such as Shi’ite or Sufi who did not follow Al-Banna’s strict Sunni practice, or Christians.
Hasan Al-Banna called for adoption of the very strict Islamic Shari’a law, the complete segregation of male and female students, with a separate curriculum for girls, a prohibition of dancing, and a call for Islamic states to eventually unify in a Caliphate.
Read more in the Journal-Neo link below in sources.
Why Treason is being called out concerning Obama and his administration
The members of the Obama Administration National Security Council PSD-11 Task Force that recommended a US Government embrace of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Islamic countries of the Arab Middle East, knew very well who they were dealing with. Since the 1950’s the CIA had worked with the Ikhwan around the world. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda in Iraq and in Syria, al Nusra Front in Syria, as well as the so-called Islamic State or ISIS all were created out of Muslim Brotherhood networks, changing names as a chameleon lizard changes color to suit its surroundings.
The origins of Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria and later of ISIS , the murderous wars and chaos sweeping across the Arab Middle East and into Western Europe since 2010, could all be directly traced back to those Washington Obama policies, their so-called Arab Spring, coming from that August 2010 PSD-11 Presidential Task Force directive.
Yet another reason why the Deep State, Shadow Government, those tied both to the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton's time as Secretary of State fight so hard and now demonstrate that they are in an all out Panic!
This is what threatens to come out with declassification of US Justice Department files in the coming months. Some in Washington speak of treason, a strong word.
The Washington Times states,
Critics of the administration’s strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group’s motto includes the phrase “jihad is our way.” Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.
Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.
Here we see that Obama promoted, perpetuated and condoned the Muslim Brotherhood, but he wasn't the only one ushering in this group known for violence. George W, Bush was also integral.
“The failed Obama Doctrine that so-called ‘moderate Islamists’ were going to usher in a glorious era of peace and democracy in the Middle East was adopted by the administration because that’s what the foreign policy establishment going back to the George W. Bush administration proclaimed as gospel,” Mr. Poole said.
“And now we see as a result Egypt fighting a terror campaign by the ‘moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood; we have a failed state in Libya; and we see NATO ally Turkey turning from secular democracy to religious totalitarianism under Obama’s pal [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan.
“This dangerous foreign policy was launched by PSD-11 and the administration’s open embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, and now we can see its catastrophic effect,” Mr. Poole added.
Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, extensively documented Muslim Brotherhood subversion efforts, both in the United States and abroad.
Mr. Gaffney has said the Muslim Brotherhood is the most dangerous group promoting the totalitarian and Islamist supremacist doctrine of Shariah. Several Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been identified as key advisers to Mr. Obama, according to Mr. Gaffney.
Egyptian press reports after the ouster of Mr. Morsi have revealed extensive cooperation between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood during Mr. Morsi’s presidency.
Is there treason from within? You be the judge.
Here is the takeover of Dearborn, Michigan. This has nothing to do with Not wanting to share our country, it has Everything to do with Being Forced to abide by radical beliefs from people From another country. This They themselves have stated, they would Not tolerate. Yet the radical leftists in our own country along with these in many cases, illegals expect us to succumb to their laws and ways.
Would you go to another country and Demand they follow Your ways?
Here is a video where Dennis Michael Lynch visits Dearborn, MI just back in 2016 and it's a Real Eye Opener!
Facts about the video,
Muslims from the Middle East are the fastest-growing legal immigration into the U.S., more than Mexico or Central America.
7 million Syrians have applied to come to the U.S. as refugees, thanks to Obama’s policy of aiding the jihadist “rebels” against the Assad government in the ongoing Syrian civil war.
Muslims are over-represented among America’s welfare-dependent poor: Whereas 36% of Americans claim to earn less than $30,000 a year, thereby qualifying them to receive welfare, 45% of Muslims in America claim to earn less than $30,000/year.
Muslims refuse to learn the English language and assimilate, i.e., become Americanized.
Public schools with large numbers of Muslim students have a separate school-lunch menu in Arabic.
From Wikipedia,
Dearborn is the 8th largest city in Michigan, part of the Detroit metropolitan area.
Total population in 2010 was 998,153.The largest ethnic group — 41.7% of the city’s total population — are of Middle Eastern ancestry (Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian).
Dearborn has the largest proportion of Arab-Americans in the U.S. In 2000, 29.3% of Dearborn residents spoke Arabic.
The largest mosque in North America, the Islamic Center of America, is in Dearborn.
This researched and stated by Michigan Live,
Government welfare in Michigan comes in two forms: Food Assistance Program (FAP) and the ironically-named Family Independence Program (FIP).
Recipients of FAP get food stamps in the form of a Bridge Card. FIP provides cash assistance to families with children and pregnant women.
In fiscal year 2015, there were 132,141 FIP recipients and 2 million FAP recipients in Michigan — more than 20% of Michiganders.
Wayne County, where Dearborn is located, has the highest number of both FAP and FIP welfare dependents.
Let's take a look at some Very Important Posts from Qanon.
Posted December 22, 2018
I've been discussing in various youtube reports for over a year now and how Obama along with the globalists were actively weakening America. They needed us to fall in order to usher in a one world government through the cooperation and leadership of both the EU and the UN.
Here is an article that demonstrates how Obama got rid of good men and protectors to further his own agenda.
This pertains to connections with Christine Blasey Ford's father. You will recall how she was used to try to impede a quality judge dedicated to ending the reign of these corruptors who are all colluding to keep We the People from showing the rest of America and the World what they have been up to with their evil.
Ralph Blasey the weakening of America and Who had to fall as another rose in power part 2
Then notice what happened with the colluding Mainstream Media when President Trump tried to end the reign of terror for those in Syria and the United States.
They attempt to hide the truth about what Obama was actually orchestrating in Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood and his globalists friends.
Interesting article here,
Find more information here,
EXCLUSIVE: Michigan Mosques Linked to Iranian Regime
There are far more connections demonstrating the harm of the radical leftist agenda furthered by Obama. But I will just leave you with these last two articles.
The odd thing is you rarely hear left leaning mainstream media address these issues which they "claim" they are opposed to, yet they continue to support the actions of these groups either by Not reporting or staying silent.
Would they be as silent if this were a group of Christians or even white people?
That's right, I said what they attempt to Silence us on! Let's start calling a Spade a Spade.
They will continue trying to Silence us, but we must Speak up and Stand up for our rights or they will continue allowing our rights, freedom, security and protection to be trampled upon!
Silent No More! Sheep No More!
Media Hiding What Mob Of Somali Muslims Did To White Minnesota Neighbors
How is a law against Female Genital Mutilation Unconstitutional?
What is wrong with that statement?
According to Detroit Free Press,
In a major blow to the federal government, a judge in Detroit has declared America's female genital mutilation law unconstitutional, thereby dismissing the key charges against two Michigan doctors and six others accused of subjecting at least nine minor girls to the cutting procedure in the nation's first FGM case.
The historic case involves minor girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, including some who cried, screamed and bled during the procedure and one who was given Valium ground in liquid Tylenol to keep her calm, court records show.
The judge's ruling also dismissed charges against three mothers, including two Minnesota women whom prosecutors said tricked their 7 -year-old daughters into thinking they were coming to metro Detroit for a girls' weekend, but instead had their genitals cut at a Livonia clinic as part of a religious procedure.
U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman concluded that "as despicable as this practice may be," Congress did not have the authority to pass the 22-year-old federal law that criminalizes female genital mutilation, and that FGM is for the states to regulate. FGM is banned worldwide and has been outlawed in more than 30 countries, though the U.S. statute had never been tested before this case.
I ask you again, if this were a group of Christians, how incited would the radical left be? How outraged would people be and Rightly so, but do you see the blatant dichotomy?
So the left has decided it's okay to abuse not just women's rights, but children's rights as long as they fall under the category of Muslim. But it's not allowed in other instances. Is this what we are seeing?
Mums is the word from Mainstream Media all over. Is the Mainstream Media dedicated to helping or are they furthering a radical political agenda? You decide.
Please let me know your thoughts and comments below or in the platform where you see this article link. Godspeed Fine Patriots. Keep spreading truth wherever you go. The only way people will hear it is through you and other Patriots. As you can see there is an active war on silencing Truth for a reason. God tells us it will be this way.
I Timothy 4
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
Matthew 24:9-12
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
2 Peter 3:3-4
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
2 Peter 3:5-13 Very Powerful
nd saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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