Pierce Corcoran only 22 years old, killed by an illegal immigrant who veered off into traffic to collide head on into Pierce. 2nd citizen killed by an illegal after Christmas.

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

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According to Knox News,

KNOXVILLE — The mother of Pierce Corcoran, who was killed in a car crash involving a suspected undocumented immigrant, has released her first public statement about her son's death.

Corcoran, 22, died the day before New Year's Eve after police say Francisco Eduardo Cambrany Franco swerved into oncoming traffic and struck his car head-on, causing a four-vehicle wreck on Chapman Highway. No one else was seriously hurt.

Franco, 44, faces charges of criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license or insurance. He was released Friday from the Knox County Detention Facility into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It's unclear whether he will face deportation proceedings or the state charges first.

Pierce's mother, Wendy Corcoran, posted Saturday on a blog started by the family called "Justice for Pierce."

**Here is what Pierce Corcoran's mother said,

Pierce Corcoran was only 22 years old when he was killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash on December 29th, 2018.

"Pierce Corcoran, born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. A responsible, hardworking and loving son, brother and grandson. Pierce’s life is to be remembered and celebrated for his relationship with his Heavenly Father, his love for others, and his determination to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Was he perfect? No, but he was taught to care about others and his impact on them. He was taught and practiced personal responsibility throughout his life. He was compassionate towards others, others whom might look differently than he or whom might speak differently than he.

"As we mourn our precious son and try to honor his memory, we are also faced with the fact that there is much discussion surrounding his tragic death.

"For us, there are two issues: safety and responsibility. As it pertains to safety, we are not the first, nor will we be the last to lose a loved one on a road known to many as dangerous. This is something we feel must be addressed. As it pertains to responsibility, we as parents taught all three of our children to be responsible for their actions. We discussed with them their need to maintain their vehicles and always have their license, registration and insurance up to date.

"Everyone is well aware that the 44 year old man involved in our 22 year old’s death did not practice this same responsibility and has not done so for 14 years. Yes, it was an accident and yes, it could have been anyone.

"It’s not about where this man came from — it’s the fact that he takes no personal responsibility for his actions. Not only in the financial sense, but no responsibility at all. He will most likely face very little jail time when all is said and done. He believes he should remain in our country illegally. Not only that, but we provide his counsel to fight for his rights.

"We are all aware, as a family, that nothing will bring Pierce back, but don’t tell me my son, who lived in this country and followed its rules, doesn’t deserve better. For God’s sake, out of respect for the men and women who fought and fight to make this country such a desirable place to live, DO THE RIGHT THING and come here legally and become a responsible citizen."

My heart goes out to her. It didn't have to happen. One wonders, why are Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer fighting so hard to allow more of these illegal immigrants in without any proper vetting?

The fact they allow and support a catch and release program to allow repeat offenders back on the street is unconscionable! Do you suppose if it were their child or grandchild something would finally be done to protect the rights of citizens who themselves Must uphold the laws, obey the laws of our land? Or would they continue to allow those who are Not citizens to have more rights than those who were born here or have properly gone through the process to be legal? Those who make the effort to be responsible law abiding citizens?

That IS all we're are asking. We are not saying we do not support a better way for those who wish to come in, respect our laws, care about the protection of others, work hard to make things better for their families. . .We Fully support that, them.

What we are saying is. . .follow the laws. Don't allow corrupt politicians like governor Jerry Brown release Known criminals back onto the streets to kill one of our own. Those who are here legally or are trying to obtain legal status, in this case a heroic police officer, Deputy Royhinder Singh was killed by one of Jerry Brown's protected illegal criminals.

Why is Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and many of these other obstructionists to protecting We the People and our loved ones so intent on putting their Agenda above the people they were hired to protect? What is going on with that? Who benefits from them protecting criminals while punishing our own citizens to the point of allowing them to murder one of our own like officer Singh, who Was protecting us.

See Officer Singh's full story here,


Please pray for the Singh family. . . his wife, his baby, and all the others in his family that lost this kind, upstanding citizen who even took English classes so he was better understood while on duty protecting civilians. God comfort they and the Corcoran family.

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How would you feel if you nurtured, taught responsibility, love and concern for others, taught your child to abide by the law, in Singh's case follow the steps to become a legal citizen and an illegal criminal just stomps all over the hard work, the life of a dedicated individual, snuffed all they would achieve and aspire to just so that some elitist politicians could further their own careers, keep lining their pockets from the drug, weapons and human trafficking? How would you feel?

I know how I would feel and do feel for these parent, these families, Singh's wife and the lifelong sadness of a child who will Never know his father. Nothing can bring him back, but what is sad is it Didn't have to happen. This criminal would not have been on the streets to reoffend if it wasn't for Governor Brown's fight and disregard for his own citizens. Those he Should be protecting, but belligerently refuses to do so in favor of those aiding his corrupt career and globalist policies to flood our nation with unvetted people.

Ronil Singh, 33, a member of the Newman Police Department, was eulogized as a dedicated cop and a loving husband and father who grew up in his native Fiji watching cop dramas on TV and dreaming of being a police officer in the U.S.

“He told me he came to this country with one purpose that one purpose was to become a police officer,” tearful Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson said during his eulogy.

Richardson said those who had offered him their condolences included people Singh had arrested on the street.

Reggie Singh told the church his family, including his brother, “legally migrated” to the U.S. in 2003.

Singh said he knew that this was what his brother wanted.

“He wanted justice and justice will be served,” he said.




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