President Trump dedicated to protecting the American People on New Year's eve so we can have a Greater 2019! Just look at the walls around Obama, Pelosi, Clinton homes. Wow!

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

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I Love all he does for us and how hard he works. Working for Our Security like a true leader and hero instead of a traditional party!

Even New Years Eve! Just as many of you, I was working too. No Party, but oh so much to be Thankful for and to celebrate in this New Year!

Not since the days of JFK have we seen a leader Fight So Hard for We the People!

President Donald Trump sent a New Year’s greeting to the American people, reminding them that he was Still at the White House trying to get funding for border security.

“While I’m at the White House working, you’re out there partying tonight, but I don’t blame you,” Trump said in a video posted to Twitter.

“Enjoy yourselves, have a great year, have a really, really, Happy New Year!” Trump continued.

The president again defended his demand for a wall, noting that walls worked for securing the border.

“Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change,” he wrote. “You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!”

See more in sources.

See a video of President Trump's message to We the People here,

And finally, why by MSM's standards was it fine and heroic when Obama and Clinton were for tougher border security, but an outrage when our President tries to protect us? What gives? I believe we all know.

Hear Obama on his CNN platform singing a completely different tune than what he is touting Now!

Also, how hypocritical is it that Obama has a security wall around his house, but takes issue with We the People wanting the Same protection for our whole country?

Ahh, the ole' "What is good for me, but not for thee!"

Blatant, in your face elitist entitlement! Wow! How many are opening their eyes and seeing the dichotomy? The Truth of it all?

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Some interesting tweets here,

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Obama's house and what MSM doesn't always show you on the News.

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When I see this, I ask myself, why do people like Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, Schumer and Many others in congress advocate and try to protect these criminals Above those who are here legally and Contributing to society rather than preying upon citizens and bringing great men down like this heroic police officer from Fiji?

Does it make sense to you? Is there instead an agenda afoot that benefits Them and their globalist friends rather than We the People?

Pelosi, Schumer and the democrat political leaders ways definitely benefited This criminal over this contributing Legal Citizen!

I guess they figure enough people aren't caring or paying attention. Are you paying attention?

You are if you care about the welfare and safety of your family and others around you!

According to Lifezette,

An illegal immigrant shot and killed Newman Police Department Cpl. Ronil “Ron” Singh, 33, this past Wednesday during a traffic stop in California.

Singh was born in Fiji and immigrated to this country legally.

It was his dream to serve his Newman community in Stanislaus County as one who upholds the law.

English was not his first language — and he worked hard to learn it so that he could be as effective as possible on the job.

Many are rightly outraged at this murder by someone who was in our country unlawfully.

the Fiji-born police officer is “the absolute poster child for why immigration works if done legally.”

Singh “knew that he was difficult to understand because of his accent,” Christianson said, adding that “he threw everything into language classes” so that he would improve his English skills.

According to Breitbart and Elephant Address,

President Trump tweeted after the California police officer killed and reiterated that it is time to build the wall.

“There is right now a full-scale manhunt going on in California for an illegal immigrant accused of shooting and killing a police officer during a traffic stop. Time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!”

The Democrats don’t want to let us have strong borders — only for one reason. You know why? Because I want it,” said President Donald J. Trump Wednesday, to the laughter of U.S. troops at Iraq’s Al Asad Air Base. “But you gave me an idea, just looking at this warrior group. I think I’ll say, ‘I don’t want the wall.’ And then they’re going to give it to me.”

California police officer killed the day after Christmas. This has to stop the killing of innocent US citizens by illegal aliens. President Trump has made clear his stance on a border wall. Walls have been proven to work just look at Israel. The Democrats do not want a wall for two reasons. It gives President Trump a victory and it eliminates potential Democrat voters.

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According to Breitbart,

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency confirmed to Breitbart News on Sunday that Perez Arriaga, the main suspect in the killing, was never properly turned over to federal immigration authorities despite his two previous arrests for drunk driving.

“We remain deeply concerned that California’s sanctuary laws continue to undermine public safety and cause preventable crimes by restricting law enforcement cooperation and allowing public safety threats back into the community to re-offend,” an ICE spokesperson told Breitbart News in a statement.

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Thank God we don't just have another president concerned just for his and his own family's safety, but cares enough, to work through New Year's Eve to Fight for our Safety!

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This New Year will prove what all these Democrat Leaders and those compromised on the Republican side as politicians and the justice department have been trying to hide.

These corruptors Do Not care about You. They care about themselves, covering up their crimes and an agenda that not only keeps them Employed, but also pads their pockets.

Why do you suppose they are so Opposed to Term Limits?

Happy New Year! God willing we will become a safer nation in this New Year!

Let's continue Waking Up the rest of the people so we may take back our God given Liberty and right to prosper!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


Police officer killed day after Christmas by an illegal alien.

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