Shortage of Public Transport fills the Streets of Venezuela with Pirates Buses

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

Pirates buses Los Teques Plaza Venezuela charge Bs.S 10

Although the price set on the route is Bs S 2.5 with surcharge to Bs S 3 on weekends, passengers were surprised with the rate this Saturday and point out that on Sundays the transport does not circulate.

Due to the scarce availability of transport units and the consequent waiting times at the stop, the fluctuations in the ticket prices of the Los Teques Plaza Venezuela route are added.

"In the official units they charge Bs S 2.5 with surcharge to Bs S 3 on weekends, but the reality is that if they enable a couple of units for Saturdays and one ends up approaching the pirate units that stop just before the official stop and if you want to get to your house you have to pay what they ask and and this Saturday they charged 10 bolivares, that is, a million of those before, "said Josefa Morantes, inhabitant of the capital of Mirandín.



On Friday at the bank they were giving 100 sovereign bolivars per cashier and barely Bs 50 per external box office, which goes by passage in less than half a week. We are living a madness. The short routes, like the one of my house to the central helmet of the Teques, now I do them on foot to economize expenses and to tell the truth there are days that I do not even have a bolivar in cash.

Likewise, passengers complain that only pirate units work on Sundays. "Every day they charge what they want and one is at their mercy or you do not go out to work," said Marina Colmenares, a resident of the Carrizal municipality.



"The crisis continues with the cash and the transport because nobody puts the magnifying glass on the pirates, more and more drivers leave the lines to work on their own: they make more money and do not pay any directors account," he said. interviewed.



Link of the Page used as Source El Universal

Analysis and Summary of the Publication

One of the most serious problems that Venezuela has is the shortage of public transport, which is reaching the extreme where pirate buses are charging the passage at a high cost, so you have an idea the salary of a Venezuelan is 1,800 Bs. S per month, then a Venezuelan charges 45 Bs.S a week and a single ticket is costing 10 Bs.S in short, It is not possible for a person to pay the transport since he would spend a lot of money in a single passage.

This country is reaching a level of corruption among Venezuelans who are attacking each other, and all this is due to the bad economy that Venezuela has and that in recent weeks is getting worse every day.



In my country we must take long queues to take a bus that moves us within the urban centers due to the low supply of transport units that have the public and private systems of the country, moving in Venezuela has become an odyssey. The deterioration of transport is an almost perfect summary of the multiple effects of the crisis that the country is going through, because the lack of cash, the state of public services and the impossibility of repairing vehicles converge.

The problem is so serious that on many occasions many of the people who use public transport have had to walk to their places of work.

Transportation is one of the many crises that Venezuela suffers, but it is the one that best shows the situation in the country.

The lack of cash, the lack of spare parts for vehicles, the deterioration of public services and the vivacity of some to do business with the need converge. The fruit truck for some months has filled the spaces that the traditional bus has been leaving.



As a citizen, I am disappointed with the government we have at this moment, since it is possible that a country that has all the riches of the world is in the worst economic situation, where we can not solve problems as simple as repairing vehicles.

That they are governmental or that they bring spare parts for these private transport units of other countries.
We are also in a situation where our lives are at risk, when we leave we fear that we will be kidnapped or robbed, the crime in Venezuela has reached a degree of madness, where the police do not want to work or simply do not help us, as they have been corrupted by the thugs who pay him so he will not be imprisoned.

This situation is unfortunate, but it is what all Venezuelans live every day. Venezuela is at stake and it is a matter of time for all citizens to wake up and make this country take a different direction. Otherwise, we will become the second Cuba.

Just trying to go to college or work is something that can no longer be done, it is almost impossible to go to work with the high cost of the bus ticket.

I have to travel from the city of Caracas to the state hurry 3 times a week for my work and unfortunately with the high price of the ticket I will have to give up my job.

I am so upset that because of this government thousands of Venezuelans are losing their jobs.
Venezuela is in the red line and every day it sinks more in an economic crisis that presents every day a loss of 54% of small investors who no longer see the business future in Venezuela.

As a Venezuelan, I find myself in the great need of having to work in 3 different jobs to help my family, we are in a crisis that already ends with the small future we have left.

Thank you very much for reading my POST I hope you liked it and come back at the next opportunity.

This Publication is a translation of the Spanish into the English language of the website El Universal, The objective of making these translations is to bring the entire Steemit Community the best content found in the Spanish language.


Page Used as Reference, Support and Source: El Universal

Do not forget to visit the page: El Universal For more information regarding the World of News

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