A PDF on the recorded history with historical examples and how to establish a Committee of safety/NLA Plan To Save America

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

 the Outpost of Freedom Presents: an explanation of the Committee of Safety (Volume  1) as recorded in the history of America also historical examples and  an explanation of how to establish a Committee of Safety to provide a  means to restore Constitutional Government to the United States of  America by Dary Hunt July, 1995 

Source Cover page 1 Committee of Safety (Volume 1) 


                                                          Source: Pixabay

This is a PDF that is the heart and soul of the American Society and an arrow into the heart of the ignorance that is the  informationwar  in America. In it one can find the Societies morals. The  use of  councils to determine actions. How to organize dictatorship out of the  decisions, along with the traditional cultural wisdom handed down  through the ages.  My favorite quote from Thomas Jefferson begins to come alive through the pages of history.         

 Photo  Source: Pixabay  

Fix  reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal  every  fact, every  opinion. Question with boldness even the existence  of a God;  because,  if there be one, he must more approve of the homage  of reason,  than   that of blindfolded fear.   Thomas Jefferson   

One should broaden their comprehension of how self governance came  about, its historical development through faith which Law comes from. A nice place to  start is:   


The real  informationwar  starts with the individual effort to self educate. Knowledge is power,  because knowledge determines the wisdom of your actions.  

                                           Source: Pixabay

There is a plan to save America at nationallibertyalliance.org  and they ask for a commitment to self education.

Only the People can Save America! It requires a grassroots "COMMITMENT" of a two-fold plan. In  order for We the People to have "Government by Consent" we must take   back control of both our Judicial and Political Process. Our Founding   Fathers did not leave us without remedy. Watch the two videos below  that  provide the Plan that will save America. National Liberty Alliance  has  already assembled and educated Thousands of People across America  who  are poised in all Fifty States and simply awaiting “CRITICAL MASS” as we continue to assemble. Time is short and our success will require the following Commitment of support and time. WILL YOU?     


 Excerpt from NLA plan to save America. 

 READ: - Information Brief Clarifying this Extraordinary Proceeding 

Fight the divide  Join the nonviolent fight for our freedom.  

                                                                        Steemian style  informationwar     

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@commonlaw 100% agree with the sentiment of your post. Took a quick glance of that PDF and it looks spectacular, thank you for sharing that. I have related post that I'd like to get your take on! https://steemit.com/anarchy/@newtreehints/my-take-on-federalist-10-by-james-madison Keep it up, great post!

I have done as you asked, and only given you hints as to the direction to go to comprehend Jefferson and Madison. Sadly this is one of those subject it is best you go down the road yourself. The journey is what changes the heart and it is extremely important that you know for cretin and for yourself.

I suggest you read this post I made not to long ago. The comments are illuminating.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Educational Resource
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