There are breads made in Sikhism (roti), and there are probably so many Christian dishes too.
That is cultural. :) It isn't produced by belief. You don't get Roti, and Christian dishes by believing they will appear.
You measure, and you make things. You are busy trying to defend religion and I don't think you are grasping what I was talking about.
A person can be both religious, and practice science. Religion and Science just are not the same things. They can reside inside the same person.
The problem is that these days that claim to be science are not. They are based on belief. Asking questions about them is treated as "heresy", and a rush to demand censoring questions is pushed. That is not science. It is something that religions tend to do though. Not all of them have that defense mechanism designed into them, but most of the big ones do.
Those certainly all have defense mechanisms. Islam is the most extreme. They use it these days to justify stoning people, beheading them, etc.
Making bread uses measurements. It doesn't magically appear due to belief.
Religions incorporate history, culture and many other things into their texts and teachings. Yet that is not the part seeking to explain reality and basing it purely upon faith and/or belief.