Science / Scientists / Climate Change and Other Mental Landmines: Inspired by Joe Rogan and Candace Owens Full Interview

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

I watched a very long interview by Joe Rogan with Candace Owens. I like both of them. It went pretty good, but towards the end it got taken in a direction that had me strongly wishing I was the one talking to Joe Rogan.

Towards the end of the discussion the topic of Climate Change came up, I don't remember why, but I do think it was Rogan that introduced it.

Candace simply said something along the lines of "I don't believe in that" and indicated she was no expert.

Joe jumped on this and asked why she forms a BELIEF. This is a word I see people latch onto often these days. Belief is often equated with dogma and taking a religious unwavering view. I use the word belief at times myself, and other times I say THINK, and at other times say in my opinion or IMO. To me, because I do not ascribe to any organized religion these are all synonyms.

I also have NO unchanging beliefs. I love the fact that I am totally fine with being wrong. I don't think you can actually learn if you are unwilling to be wrong. So what I believe, think, and have opinions about is constantly in flux as I get new information.

Candace kind of hinted at this as well and I was rather proud of her. Yet, it took her some effort as she clearly stated she was no expert and said "I don't believe it, but it isn't a hill I would die on" or something along those lines. Essentially, she was saying "I don't currently believe it, but I am not going to fight for that belief."

This was a big one for Joe and when talking to her about this he pushed a lot of my buttons. It was clear he had bought a lot of koolaid and propaganda when it comes to the term science, and scientists.

I am largely in opposition to how the terms science and scientist are used in the media, and popular culture these days.

I wanted to ask Joe Rogan something like "What is a scientist?"

I strongly suspect it would come down to someone who has an accredited degree in some field of scientific study or something along those lines.

That is wrong. That person may or may not be a scientist.

A scientist is simply someone who observes and uses the scientific method. They also try to be up to date on the current models that currently BEST describe observable data related to a topic.

There are modern books that have added consensus to the scientific method. Yet, in reality the scientific method doesn't have anything to do with consensus. Consensus is two types of fallacies. It is both an appeal to authority (they have a piece of paper certifying their expertise), and appeal to popularity(truth or falsity dictated by quantity of endorsers).

Facts don't change because X amount of people choose to say they are true, and Y amount of people choose to say they are false.

Implying that the quantity of people that believe a thing PROVES it and then perhaps ridiculing the person who does not go along with it due to the quantity of people is also known as an Appeal To The Stone fallacy.

In history there have been many cases where what the vast amount of people believed turned out to be false. Einstein even had to fight against this when trying to push for Relativity. Though even relativity has flaws.

I don't even have to argue for or against climate change. I am arguing against how the terms science and scientist are hijacked for apparently political, or ideological purposes. When used these ways they are more akin to dogma or religion than science.

I have recently started asking people things along the lines of "Were there no scientists before university degrees? Did knowledge and people that could think not exist prior to the concept of universities?"

The answer is a resounding NO. Universities are an artificial construct. It is hopeful that the probability of someone with a degree in a field may be very knowledgeable on the subject is high. The university systems are in decline, as well as the scientific publications being written around false information. This is largely due to government, politics, funding requirements, and the corruption it leads to.

As time passes someone having a degree often becomes less of a measure of knowledge and more of a measure of likely debt, and time spent. Earning the guaranteed payments is more of interest to many universities than actually certifying the abilities of the people getting the degree. I noticed this two decades ago and it has only gotten worse since then.

I have encountered people in the fields I am skilled at that have masters, and even doctorates in and I seriously wondered if they got them out of a cracker jacks box. Many times they were truly clueless. It made me wonder if they just memorized and regurgitated to get their degree yet they lacked the passion to work in that field outside of class assignments.

I've also encountered people with no degree that were some of the most skilled in fields of anyone I've ever seen.

Yet if that area was in some field identified as a "science" would they be considered a "scientist" without that piece of paper from a university?

Many people have been suckered into thinking without that paper you are not a scientist.

It is also important to recall that at universities you are taught by someone else the way they want you to be taught. This can lead to indoctrination, and omission of other information and perspectives.

I am of the opinion at this point that unless you need access to an expensive lab, or expensive tools that you yourself cannot get access to then most degrees can be self taught. There are exceptions, but in reality if a person has passion about a subject the amount of information readily available to them is beyond anything people have had access to before. The key is the passion, and able to be self-motivated to learn things.

I come back to the idea that the scientific method has no appeal to authority embedded in it. It does not indicate anywhere that only people that have a certification can use that tool.

To perform science all you need to do is properly follow the steps of the scientific method.

If you can't do that then you are not a scientist even if a piece of paper says you are.

If you can do that then you technically are a scientist even if you have no piece of paper indicating it is that case.

My big problem with a lot of the CONSENSUS based propaganda when they push that 97% or X% of people state that Y is the case the scientific method is not even being properly followed.

There are four very important things in the scientific method:

Observing - Looking, Listening, Measuring, and collecting Data on something.
Questioning - Asking questions inspired by the observations.
Speculating - Coming up with ideas you THINK might answer the question based upon observations. (aka Hypothesis)
Testing - Performing a precise documented experiment (so others can repeat it) to test the hypothesis/speculation.

One thing that never stops in science. Asking questions, and challenging.

We should continue to ask questions about everything. That doesn't mean we should doubt. We can doubt, but we don't have to doubt to be inspired to ask some questions.

We keep the models that BEST explain our observations at the current time.

As we encounter things we cannot explain we do not toss out a model that explains the most things until we've come up with a model that explains what it COULD and also can explain some of the problem areas.

There is no X is wrong about Y, so Z must be true.

If Z can explain everything X does and also explain Y then it likely will be a better model and should be embraced. Yet if Z explains less things than X but can explain Y then it likely is a step backward to adopt it and introduce new areas that can now not be explained.

An important thing about testing is that it must be consistent. If you are using a mathematical formula upon some data and it is working and then you encounter data that doesn't fit the hypothesis when that formula is applied then you don't suddenly change the formula to massage that data so it fits. This is not science. This is what lead to a lot of the outrage about climate gate years ago.

I have problems with the Ideological Climate Change:

  1. Consensus is not proof.

  2. Global Warming was a specific target. When that started to have problems they adopted Climate Change. That turned it into a shell game that can NEVER be wrong because everything they are discussing fits inside the bucket of CLIMATE. It was rigging the game. It is much like saying some Weed X is going to overgrow our land. Then it doesn't seem to be happening so they start saying PLANTS are going to overgrow our land. That is the relationship between the difference between global warming and climate change. Global Warming is a specific target that can be tested, and is a child of Climate Change. The fact they needed to move the goal posts and change it to where the goal posts are now the entire playing field is a huge red flag if you actually understand science and the scientific method.

  3. Carbon Tax - is no solution. It is a power grab, and a new way to tax people for breathing, and give ways for the worst offenders to pay money to keep being offenders. It is about power and control and is not an actual solution.

  4. Climate Change happens, has always happened, and will happen. What they seem to be really pushing for is Climate Control. They talk about anthropogenic global warming (man made) and now they've switched to climate change. Isn't what they are doing actually pushing for man made climate change? They want to resist climate change, by having man control climate change.

  5. They will ridicule, censor, and attack people that challenge their narrative. This is not science. This is religion. Many of their models and predictions have failed miserably, and they just keep continuing. For me they have become a lot like people who try to explain Nostradamus Prophecies and state some date of doom from a prophecy. That doesn't happen, and soon a new book or video is out interpreting the same prophecy and giving another date. This is happening in the Climate Change Cult.

  6. If people are unwilling to be wrong (important part of science) then if they are wrong and they are taking actions based upon false information then it is possible we could introduce variations of the problems they claim to be fighting.

Now before you get all up in the virtue signalling, offended zone. I was a fan of earth day, recycling, and fighting pollution of all kinds. I actually endorse humankind reducing waste, and pollution of ALL kinds. Including electro magnetic pollution. I am of the opinion they have focused so much on CARBON that the overall push to improve our handling of pollution, and stopping other environmental concerns has been kicked to the side.

It is much like a world full of many sins which we should try to deal with. Yet a new religion decides that a single sin should get emphasis and attention, and people stop paying attention to the others.

I personally do not believe man is a big factor in current global warming. I do suspect things we are doing to fight that COULD alter the climate in artificial ways.

I see the Sun and Solar activity to be the biggest seeming factor in the influence on climate. Many of the models about the greenhouse effect haven't actually doing what we thought they would.

In science this means observations are telling us there is something wrong with the hypothesis. Religion will push the hypothesis anyway. Science will take the parts of that hypothesis that work and see if it is still something that may have truth, and if it seems to have that they will try to find out what hypothesis WILL explain the observations.

Climate Change is not the only area where it has become a cult like religion rather than actual science, but it is a very prominent one.

Yet how Joe Rogan spoke to Candace Owens about this largely was telling me that Joe Rogan hasn't really thought about "What is science?", "What is a scientist?", and "How did scientists exist before universities?". He also is pushing Arguments from Authority, Arguments from Popularity, and Appeals To The Stone.

EDIT: Research the Prussian Education System. Let that sink in. It will likely change the way you look at a lot of things once you understand what the Prussian Education System is, Why it was created, and what things the early creators liked about it.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A really excellent article. I agree with nearly every point you make and I've made similar points in discussions over the years.

You may find this article interesting from Casey Daily Dispatch, a daily article I get with one of my financial newsletters:

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Excellent article.

It was so good I saved it and have reread it a dozen times. If only the public could read such a thing it would leave them stuttering. They cannot argue the articles premise or well described distillation process.

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@dwinblood you are in danger of being hailed as a alien. You need to stop making to much sense. LOL

Science was actually high jacked by a philosophy religions at leas 100 years ago. Changes in the text books where purposefully made to obfuscate science. A good example is the second law of thermal dynamics has an enclosed system definition that doesn't actually exist in reality. Today however great emphasis is placed on this definition so we can have fairy land hypothesis called the theory of (you name it).

I know longer trust the funny letters in front of peoples names. To me those funny letters are the clue, that a clueless is now center stage. I know longer trust technical almanacs or directories of data for the same reason. It is easy to pay someone to write what ever story you want. Scientist must after all put food on the table. Just like the sanitation engineer or the ditch digger.

The greatest tool for science is in between our ears. Putting that in the mind grinder's we like to label our institution of higher learning is proof that what is in between the ears isn't science able.

Agree with you, like the theory of dark matter or energy...

It is fine to hypothesize/speculate such topics. The problem is they move them to the state of "theory" which in the scientific method should never occur without experimentation and observation.

It is important to realize that "Theoretical X" where X is some scientific field usually implies people are trying to come up with ideas that can explain oddities we observe in X that we can't quite prove. So they are really just hypothesis/speculations that seem like they COULD prove something if we could measure them.

They still have value. The problem is that people treat them as truth, when really all they are is a guess that might be true, or have elements of truth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Agreed @dwinblood. But one could argue that it is all "Theoretical X". At any point in time (or understanding) a problem is only explained by the person trying to define it to an extent that there are no more questions that can be asked by the person asking questions. Hence my reference to dark energy and matter (or shall we call it fudge factors to make the math work).

What do we really know?

Agree with your conclusion on climate change.

I am young compared to most talking on this subject and I have actually started despising the words science and scientist. Not for what you know it to mean but for what I have realized it has become. It should be a search for answers not profits. We are very far off course.

Totally agree. Centralization has never worked in anything, do I wonder why there is this belief that it will do so in science? It seems that we have reached a point where theories must pass through a small circle of scientistic academics, who ultimately have the capacity to establish what is the truth and what is not.

This "scientific community", of course, is superior to us, and they have the ability to tell us what we should believe. I am not surprised that out of these "superior brains" come ideas as stupid as a nation led by scientists; "Rationalia".

a degree does not make a scientist. I have a master's degree in underwater archaeology. that alone does not make me a scientist. One of the most prominent members of our dept was an ex electrician. He did not have a degree but was considered an expert in our field. Funny

Yep. People can know things without a degree, the HOPE behind a degree is that it will indicate some higher probability of a person knowing something.

Society forgets that. I doubt many people think about how the world worked before degrees.

I don't believe in believe.
Show me the evidence.

Reminds me of a Rush song.

Another good one :)

Believe / Think / and IMO are all synonyms for me.

I am not religious. They are just my current thoughts based upon the information I have. They are ever changing.

So when I say believe I am not speaking like a religious person and implying undoubting faith.

good man.
Unfortunately 'believe' has religious connotations for most people.
It's a hijacked word.
I try to use something else such as "I am convinced that..."
or something similar.

Congrats on this post. My opinion on the Climate Change issue (which during the seventies was a Global Freezing issue and then as of the 2000's a Global Warming problem) is that it is a riot built to hide something that is being done on purpose. I think someone (persons, companies, or the like) is tampering with the weather and blaming it on people. The Earth is a powerful organism that can self-regulate and will surely get rid of humans if we, as a species, become a nuisance. That is what leads me to believe that humans are not the problem, but just a portion of us who are messing with things that should not be messed with.
I find you have a great vision of the real problem, which is power structures and their language, and us propaganda eaters who buy their junk.

Yes, I try to fight their propensity to hijack and repurpose words. Language is perhaps one of our most valuable tools. If we do not fight this then we cede mental territory and we become cornered. This doesn't mean we are wrong. It means we don't realize we are losing ground by letting them strip away tools we can use to communicate.

Yes, I try to fight their propensity to hijack and repurpose words. Language is perhaps one of our most valuable tools. If we do not fight this then we cede mental territory and we become cornered. This doesn't mean we are wrong. It means we don't realize we are losing ground by letting them strip away tools we can use to communicate.

Great, Great, Great post!!!! Especially the portion about doubt and questions. Also liked the portion about being wrong at times. I think that too many people fail to realize that they are sometimes wrong. :)
I am resteeming this one!!!

I actually like being wrong. It took me awhile to get to where this is the case. Yet, once I realize I am wrong that generally proceeds to a flood of questions, seeking, and eventually learning. None of that would happen without me realizing I was wrong.

People have been conditioned to reflexively not want to be wrong. This can cause a lot of cognitive dissonance.

I still have that problem, but I've greatly reduced it and I really don't have nearly as many cognitive dissonance moments as I did in the past (observing them after the fact).

For me realizing that I am wrong, or possibly wrong, etc has been truly one of the most freeing experiences I've had with regard to my mind.

Especially as I don't view it as a bad thing now, but an opportunity.

Fantastic article! So many truths here...where to begin...

Yes, yes, yes! what passes for science today is pure DOGMA. The religion of the paid scientist has to be secular humanism, or you can not keep a government-paid (or funded) job. Secular humanism (the idea that man's reason is the measure of all things) is every bit as much a religion as any of the other of the world's major religions.

With specific reference to the "climate change" nonsense...This was always a pure POWER PLAY by the global elites who pay their reliable "scientists" to parrot their agenda. They declare it a fact, have their paid coalitions of internationalist "scientists" declare the "consensus" "complete," and then use their prostituted press to belittle anything...real science, real temperature readings, real scientists, etc...that does not fit their preconceived agenda.

I never laughed so hard as when the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" came out, because it was so obvious that this was the agitprop for the switch from "global warming" to "climate change." They literally introduced their update WITH A MOVIE! That really shows how pathetic they were/are in trying to cram their nonsense down the collective throats of the public.

Fantastic blog entry! A+++++

Keep up the good work.

Thanks. :)

And the big problem with global warming?

That we are heading into an iceage.
And, it has nothing to do with humans.
It is an earth cycle.

The entire thing is political and a fraud. Al Gore said so in the movie he starred in.

Yep. The climate will change. Man may impact it in some ways. Yet deciding an agenda, pushing it as fact, building a huge movement about it, and silencing anyone that asks questions, challenges, or offers alternatives is not science. That is more akin to religion, our authoritarian/dictatorship.

Exactly this. Was listening to this today and was like OMFG JOE SHUT UP. lol

please vote@rezaj