Freedom is an illusion VII: The Remedy

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

While its been nearly two weeks since the last installment, today is as good as any to lay down one of the last chapters. After this there is only two left.


In the first installment we learned that the IRS and Federal Reserve are branches of the IMF and world bank. We continued to witness how certificates are monetized debt. We learned of the conspiracies of Jekyll Island. We learned we the people vest our power into elected officials capacity.

McFadden v The Fed

In 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, waged his war against the Federal Reserve. At the time, McFadden had setup a hearing to try the individuals for:

  1. Conspiracy
  2. Unlawful transfer of money
  3. Treason

All of this coming to a head at a critical time, in the midst of the great depression. Families being tossed out of their homes, stocks begin to turn south, more land is purchased in one day then it would be in ten years. Millions are ill and hungry.

"Meanwhile and on account of it, we ourselves are in the midst of the greatest depression we have ever
known. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, our Country has been ravaged and laid waste by the evil practices of the Fed and the interests which control them. At no time in our history, has the general
welfare of the people been at a lower level or the minds of the people so full of despair.
Recently in one of our States, 60,000 dwelling houses and farms were brought under the hammer in a
single day. 71,000 houses and farms in Oakland County, Michigan, were sold and their erstwhile owners
dispossessed. The people who have thus been driven out are the wastage of the Fed. They are the victims
of the Fed. Their children are the new slaves of the auction blocks in the revival of the institution of
human slavery."

This is very serious. This is no conspiracy theory. This is apart of our history. The Congressmen at that time knew well enough that, foreign families came to our country to setup this bank. While using Aldrich as a political tool in congress.

“...Since the evil day when this was done, the initial monopoly has been extended by vicious amendments to the Fed and by the unlawful and treasonable practices of the Fed.”

Instead of treason ...

Instead of treason, nine years later individuals begin drafting The Universal Commercial Code. This was because yes an act of treason (was and is) committed. The only way individuals in power could cover their behind(s) was to pass an universal code.

This code maintains the right for every person* to engage in commerce. Every state except for Louisiana, has adopted most if not all of the statutes outlined.

person is defined as: An individual, agency, association, branch, corporation, estate, group, partnership, or other entity or organization having legal rights and responsibilities separate from those of other entities and/or of its owners or members.

Silent Contracts

We all now know that the screwy solution to the Federal Reserve System is contained in Uniform Commercial Code, by following the commercial code one can conduct business using the line of credit extended to the certificate.

(Im not going to be demonstrating the process)

Since, the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt attached to ones certificate* of live birth, an natural person can also monetize debt using the same instrument.

certificate is derived from the root word certify :
to guarantee; endorse reliably

Why is it important for people to certify birth and death? Is it really just a formal matters of a paper trail? No, its to establish and disestablish the line of currency extended to original certificate.

Much of these processes are shrouded in admiralty laws. Eg;; When a vessel docks the captain hands over the bill of lading and in turn handed a certificate.

So too, individuals can discharge debt by accepting charges of services, using the same certificate that the Federal Reserve uses to monetize debt.

Until the Federal Reserve System is destroyed, I think individuals should do this. Use the system against the system. Imagine what would happen to our communities if even 10 people did this.

The power to lien and produce "notes" could be in fact the most effective weapon in the fight against government corruption. Stop feeding the system.

I am not liable for YOU.

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(Im not going to be demonstrating the process)

I have never seen this successfully demonstrated nor argued in a court of law. This is one of the hazy areas surrounding the freeman movement that has resulted in many being imprisoned. In fact, the IRS (the enforcement arm of the Fed) even lists arguments such as this to avoid taxation as frivolous (meaning they will take more stuff from you now as they throw your ass in jail).

I understand why you would refrain from demonstrating as they have a penchant for jailing those teaching others their rights, but do you have any sources you would recommend that would demonstrate this as well as someone using it successfully?

Many successfully do it that are not imprisoned.

Those that are jailed are those who paid for materials (papers, effects, etc etc) and try to do this. Or they yes start, trying to avoid taxes. Which soils the tool for all of us.

This is a pretty straight forward guy whom just speaks about it (not process in detail).

Lastly, @practicalthought most of this is performed outside of court.

You may have to present your claim in court. But most of this is formalizing various affidavits, and getting a status from the IRS.

Remember, according to Social Security public law, participation in social security is voluntary. I'm not encouraging anyone to dodge taxes. Just use financial instruments put forward by Federal Reserve.

Monetize your own debt, pay taxes on your income.

You will find that the main reason why people can lawfully do this is because they rightfully believe its repugniant to their belief system. Ben Bernanke can go fuck off. I know who said what and why they say it.

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