HPV Cure Threatens Merck & Elite Admit Curing Disease is 'Unsustainable Business Model'

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Did you know there is now a 100% successful HPV cure?

Although it has now been several months since a Mexican researcher found a true cure for the HPV virus, so many Americans still have not heard about, and most likely never will; because the mainstream media doesn't typically report relevant news the people would like to know, but is rather a propaganda construct for the establishment - including the war machine, Big Pharma and the corrupt medical industry.

In February it was widely reported in international news and independent western media that Mexican Doctor, Eva Ramón Gallegos, a researcher from National Polytecnic Institute has developed a cure for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). "Using photodynamic therapy," Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News explains, "Dr. Eva Ramón Gallegos has been able to completely eradicate HPV in 29 patients."

The treatment had 100% success rate in curing HPV in all patients treated without premalignant lesions. "Besides eradicating HPV, the main cause behind cervical cancer, photodynamic therapy is also used to eliminate premalignant lesions of cervical cancer in its first stages," Dr. Gallegos explained. Accordingly, success rate of the treatment was 64.3% in women with both HPV and lesions, and 57.2% in women who had lesions but not HPV. Even the notoriously pro-establishment Snopes confirmed this amazing scientific breakthrough was no fake news.

And with such high success rates, this new therapy poses a huge threat to the profits of the Big Pharma giant Merck, which manufactures the dangerous and potentially deadly HPV vaccine Gardasil. Which is why, as Shilhavy points out, the FDA is unlikely to approve the treatment in the US.

While this is good news for those suffering from HPV, the chances that this therapy will become available in the U.S. are slim to none. More than likely, this will become another therapy that is effective in treatment, but banned by the FDA.

The FDA, funded in great part by licensing fees from pharmaceutical companies, does not have a good track record in allowing any kind of natural cures that threaten pharmaceutical products, particularly natural cancer cures.

After all, not only have Merck's Gardasil profits skyrocketed over the past several years, but the drug also just got approved for use in China (as well as for use in adults), which will certainly serve to boost Merck's profits exponentially further, so long as the increasingly common contraction of HPV continues without a legal cure in the west. For as long the likelihood of contracting the virus is on the increase (or even so long as that is the general perception), and there is at the same time no available cure, more and more women will surely opt to vaccinate against it (despite how incredibly dangerous it is), in order to decrease the chances of getting cervical cancer. And Merck will be golden, while even more young lives are destroyed by Merck's greed.

You see, not only Big Pharma but the entire western medical industry relies on perpetual and widespread sickness and disease throughout the population in order to stay in business and rake in the billions. This is why the suppression of any real cures and affordable treatment for any widespread and common diseases is the norm. This is especially true for cancer, and why the entire medical industry has waged a war on both alternative treatments of cancer and the doctors who prescribe them, despite the fact that these natural alternatives - some as simple as switching to a 100% fruitarian diet/juicing, or nothing more than a radical change in thought and belief combined with a healthy organic vegetarian diet - are far more successful at completely eradicating cancer, often even stage 4 cancer. (While the conventional methods of 'fighting cancer' which on the other hand admittedly have a piss poor success rate, even then usually only put the cancer into remission rather then completely eradicating it.)

This is a disgusting business model that feeds off the perpetual sickness of society in order to both survive and to thrive. Quite simply, it is the doctors and companies who falsely advertise themselves as having your healing as their top priority while at the same time doing everything in their power to keep you sick, so that you keep coming back for more treatment and even more pharmaceutical drugs. It is why establishment western medicine treats the symptoms of disease, while ignoring the underlying causes; and then in many cases even encourages the very behaviors which are the root causes of the illnesses themselves. It is a system in which money can only be made so long as society stays sick, and this establishment medical system based on greed literally sacrifices thousands of lives a year in order to keep itself in business.

"Is curing patients a sustainable business model?"

This ideology of greed has so permeated society that these murderous psychopaths actually have no problems publicly admitting this: that curing patients is an 'unsustainable business model', and that they view the increasing number of sick people in America as nothing but a 'pool of treatable patients' to fish for profits from! Coming from a Goldman Sachs report issued on April 10 of 2018, the analysts asked: "Is curing patients a sustainable business model?" The answer given in the report appears to be, in as many words, a resounding 'NO!'

“The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,” analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients Tuesday. “While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.” - CNBC

Citing a company which had developed a Hepatitis C treatment with a cure rate of 90%, analyst Richter continued explaining:

“GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patients.” the analyst wrote. “In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.”

Why is curing Hepatitis C a problem? It all has to do with the profits, because as CNBC writes: "The company’s U.S. sales for these hepatitis C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, but have been falling ever since. Goldman estimates the U.S. sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in the report."

In other words, it is counterintuitive for profit-based medical companies to develop or make available treatments with such successful cure rates, because it exhausts "the available pool of treatable patients," and in doing so it can decrease profits by two thirds in just three years, and would eventually bring those numbers to zero as the population becomes completely healthy and free of disease altogether. What these low-life Goldman Sachs shills are saying is that they can't have a healthy population wherein disease has been eradicated, because it would put them all out of business.

But, as Melissa of Truthstream Media points out in her rant in the video on this topic below; how long can the medical industry, with all of the new developments and technology, continue to 'advance' without finding cures for the common diseases plaguing humanity and sell this charade to the public? And how long will we continue to walk for the cure, and run for the cure, and swim for the cure, and wear snazzy pink t-shirts and attend fund-raisers for the cure, and support awareness events and research development on behalf of the cure; knowing all the while that the very people who host all of these events are the same ones in whose best interests it is to make sure that there will never be a cure?

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These pharmaceutical companies like Merck are parasites which leach off humanity's illness and disease. Our sickness should not be their profit!

Enough is enough!

We would have to be blind not to see that Big Pharma runs the entire western medical industry, that most doctors are their whores, and that the Big Food industry plays the integral role of making and keeping the people sick by pushing all their poisons in their food and all their lies about what constitutes a 'healthy' diet. And of course the government is always right there to protect the whole damn racket, while the corporate media's job is indoctrination and fear-mongering (besides toxins, fear along with stress are among the leading causes of disease), as well as distraction and damage control whenever the racket comes under fire by the truth.

For more on all this, see Truthstream Media's great video on the subject:

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