Biden is a pawn, a puppet. Covid Vaccine will change your DNA forever. I will give you money when I lose the bet and the bet is this, I bet you half of my annual income each year Trump wins and won 2020. Call up your senators, demand for election audits. Choline helps the brain. You can find choline in beef liver, eggs, shrimp, scallops. 60 courts decided not to even look at it. I didn't say they ruled them false. They simply threw them out. Matters were not heard. People are being taken to mental hospitals for exposing Covid. Watch out for the scientific dictatorship. Pentagon unhooked from the Internet due to global hacks. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger promised to publish the ballots and then refused to. I will debate with you. I will talk but then you cannot talk. Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Covid Vaccine Means Nothing
They say even if you get your Covid Vaccine, you still have to lockdown, wear masks, social distance, no work, no school, no life. The vaccine will kill you. Have a nice day. Tom Cruise was yelling at staff while filming a new Mission Impossible because they were standing too close to each other. You can hear the audio on the Internet, he threatens to fire them for doing a very normal thing. Don't worry, the actors can stand close to each other without masks but the crew behind the scenes have to wear masks, social distance, etc, even as the actors on screen do not because Corona Virus watches TV too. Covid signed a contract promising not to attack Tom Cruise. Show me the money says Tom Cruise. You can ask them to publish the votes which were scanned and saved on computers. At a minimum, we deserve honest and transparent elections. If we can see them, then we can see who won fair and square. Planes are literally turning around mid-flight now as soon as they see a nose. Covid Vaccine developers refuse to take their own vaccines saying, "Oh, we don't want to cut in line." Delta Air Lines banned 700 customers for breathing wrong.
Heading to a gate for a break
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2020-12-16 - Wednesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-16 - Wednesday
Published in December of 2020
1952 - Marilyn Monroe
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey
What is NTD?
New Tang Dynasty Television is a multilingual American television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City. The station was founded in 2001 as a Chinese-language broadcaster, but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on mainland China in its news broadcasts.
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
For more information, visit Banned Video
You can ask them to publish the votes which were scanned and saved on computers. At a minimum, we deserve honest and transparent elections. If we can see them, then we can see who won fair and square.
Elections News
For more info, please visit Stop The Steal
Biden is a pawn, a puppet.
I will give you money when I lose the bet and the bet is this, I bet you half of my annual income each year Trump wins and won 2020.
Voting machines, 68% error in Dominion.
Electoral college votes were sealed and will be counted by Congress on the 6th of January of 2021. Remember that the votes were collected and sealed. They were not counted yet. They were not officially certified yet.
Call up your senators, demand for election audits.
60 courts decided not to even look at it. I didn't say they ruled them false. They simply threw them out. Matters were not heard.
Trump Tweet
Perhaps the biggest difference between 2016 and 2020 is @FoxNews, despite the fact that I went from 63,000,000 Votes to 75,000,000 Votes, a record 12,000,000 Vote increase. Obama went down 3,000,000 Votes, and won. Rigged Election!!!
Calling on all Arizonans, call your county recorders and supervisors (not Maricopa) and ask if they will ask to have their ballot images scanned to verify no fraudulent ballots were counted just to restore confidence in or elections.
You can ask them to publish the votes which were scanned and saved on computers. At a minimum, we deserve honest and transparent elections. If we can see them, then we can see who won fair and square.
You can ask them to publish the votes which were scanned and saved on computers. At a minimum, we deserve honest and transparent elections. If we can see them, then we can see who won fair and square.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger promised to publish the ballots and then refused to.
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
Covid Vaccine will change your DNA forever.
Planes are literally turning around mid-flight now as soon as they see a nose.
Covid Vaccine developers refuse to take their own vaccines saying, "Oh, we don't want to cut in line."
Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Talk to Dr. Wolfgang and hundreds of scientists who joined him a lawsuit to the EU.
Soren Kirchner, did you know they tested blood samples from December of 2019 recently for Covid and they tested positive for Covid.
Patrick M Davies, If you are sick, you will die from a common cold. More people die from car accidents. We should ban cars because there is higher probability of dying in a car.
Patrick M Davies, old people die from the common cold. Did you know that flu deaths went down to zero in 2020? Why are people not dying of the flu in 2020? How did the flu disappear this year?
Delta Air Lines banned 700 customers for breathing wrong.
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
Conform Test is where you have actors lie saying the matching lines incorrectly and the real patient ends up saying twhat they say even as it is wrong. I would not do that.
Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Oatmeal High Council
Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version
Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Steemit & Bitcoin
08:16 PM
I wonder if I should buy Bitcoin with my Steem. I'm thinking of cleaning out my Steemit bank and saying goodbye to them since I moved on to Hive Blog already.
Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
Choline helps the brain. You can find choline in beef liver, eggs, shrimp, scallops.
Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Chat with me on Facebook
Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc
Have you been to Mossyrock, WA?
Paper or plastic they use to say at stores meaning paper bag or plastic bag. What a great choice. Oh, here is a new choice, wanna see grandpa or not see grandpa, what a great choice.
Tom Cruise was yelling at staff while filming a new Mission Impossible because they were standing too close to each other. You can hear the audio on the Internet, he threatens to fire them for doing a very normal thing. Don't worry, the actors can stand close to each other without masks but the crew behind the scenes have to wear masks, social distance, etc, even as the actors on screen do not because Corona Virus watches TV too. Covid signed a contract promising not to attack Tom Cruise. Show me the money says Tom Cruise.
Soren Kirchner asked me to prove it
Soren Kirchner, I make the debate on my blog but I am trying not to get banned on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, for....... [CENSORED]......
Returning in Vietnam
Soren Kirchner, long story short, I don't know. I've been writing about it trying to make sense of it. There is so much I don't know. But what I do know is some random person found me, made me a visa extension in 2017. After that, I bought a plane ticket and returned to America.
What are Vietnamese people doing?
Chat with me on Twitter
Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
Have you been to Mossyrock, WA?
Secret Service should be scared of we the people.
Chat with me on YouTube
Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube
Government won't even let us have great pressure shower heads.
Call me Snake
Covid Vaccine will change your DNA forever.
I saw you on the War Room, I'm in Shelton, WA, only a few hours or less from Mossyrock. I was there in spirit.
Have you been to Mossyrock, WA?
The Expanse
2020-12-16 - Wednesday - 01:42 AM - 02:33 AM - The Expanse 501
Guys went into a science lab ship which scanned rocks and they shot them dead.
Man gets his daily vaccine.
Mark Dice
05:48 AM - It All Makes Sense Now
They say even if you get your Covid Vaccine, you still have to lockdown, wear masks, social distance, no work, no school, no life. The vaccine will kill you. Have a nice day.
Tom Cruise was yelling at staff while filming a new Mission Impossible because they were standing too close to each other. You can hear the audio on the Internet, he threatens to fire them for doing a very normal thing. Don't worry, the actors can stand close to each other without masks but the crew behind the scenes have to wear masks, social distance, etc, even as the actors on screen do not because Corona Virus watches TV too. Covid signed a contract promising not to attack Tom Cruise. Show me the money says Tom Cruise.
Man stands up at Costco in Washington State.
They will ban Trump on Twitter in 2021
Dr. Eric Berg
06:27 AM - Best Nutrient for Improved Thinking
Choline helps the brain. You can find choline in beef liver, eggs, shrimp, scallops.
Diamond & Silk
Senator Rand Paul mentioned how 60 courts decided not to even look at it. I didn't say they ruled them false. They simply threw them out. Matters were not heard.
Ron Gibson
People are being taken to mental hospitals for exposing Covid.
Watch out for the scientific dictatorship.
Pentagon unhooked from the Internet due to global hacks.
Calling on all Arizonans, call your county recorders and supervisors (not Maricopa) and ask if they will ask to have their ballot images scanned to verify no fraudulent ballots were counted just to restore confidence in or elections.
I will debate with you. I will talk but then you cannot talk.
Planes are literally turning around mid-flight now as soon as they see a nose.
Covid Vaccine developers refuse to take their own vaccines saying, "Oh, we don't want to cut in line."
Tik Tok videos of nurses and doctors dancing, being paid to zip it, a demonic sight to see, Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year to quote Home Alone 2 which Trump was in.
Tim Cast
07:47 PM - Timcast IRL - Rand Paul Says The Election Was STOLEN Amid Fraud Hearing, w/ Jack Murphy
Many homeschoolers in New Hampshire and some of the highest IQs in that state as well.
General Shepherd
08:36 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/16/20
Hair Ivanka Bad But AOC Good Said Arwa
Government won't even let us have great pressure shower heads.
General Shepherd
10:21 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/16/20
Delta Airlines banned 700 customers for breathing wrong.
A Teacher
2020-12-16 - Wednesday - 01:26 AM - 01:41 AM - A Teacher 101
The Expanse
2020-12-16 - Wednesday - 01:42 AM - 02:33 AM - The Expanse 501
Mark Dice
Dr. Eric Berg
Answers in Genesis
11:51 AM - Establishing A Secular State - Answers News: December 16, 2020
Diamond & Silk
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger promised to publish the ballots and then refused to.
Tim Cast
07:47 PM - Timcast IRL - Rand Paul Says The Election Was STOLEN Amid Fraud Hearing, w/ Jack Murphy
General Shepherd
General Shepherd
10:21 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/16/20
Up late working on the basketball hoop at the clam to 11:30 PM Tuesday. After that, published my Oatmeal daily and was eating cold pizza and noodle stuff with chips and maybe ate too much. Not sure. Maybe just too late. Also had a headache like I said yesterday and I took pain reliever and Magnesium around 05:30 AM or before Mark Dice. I was up watching A Teacher and then watching The Expanse which is back with season 5 and then was sleeping around 02:33 AM until like 05:30 AM or at least by 05:48 AM when I was watching Mark Dice like I said. I was up due to my headache. Back to sleep probably before 07:00 AM or after watching Tim Cast at o6:30 AM. My headache was going away and I went to sleep and was up by around 11:20 AM or at least by after 11:00 AM, got the Christmas lights box in from the garage from up stairs. Another box too. Cooking breakfast.
I was at or near a table where people where playing Poker or some kind of card game or at least some kind of game in general. I think a card game. I think I wanted to play. I don't think I was playing. There were probably dozens of tables I imagine but didn't really see but I must have went to another table nearby and may have came close to playing a game at that table but then was still looking at the first table and may have had an opportunity to play there if somebody left and there was an opening for me to play there. So, I was between two tables and I may have known some of the people at the first table and maybe not the second table and maybe talked to some of them or at least one of them or they at least told me to go to the second table or something. Not sure.
12:30 PM - 01:50 PM - After the first hour of the Alex Jones Show, went outside as not sitting in the corner. We're back kind of thing. Raining a bit. Organizing out there, wood and other things. Sweeping in that garage, putting wood scraps in a tall rectangle box. Christmas decoration container to the house and other containers to the downstairs. Wagon wet from the rain, dumped to dry out. Lost to a game of Nerf.
01:55 PM - Chicken noodle soup from yesterday. Continued cleaning in the garage in the afternoon and then the three of us young men including me put up the beta version or demo of the basketball hoop around 04:30 PM and I played a bit with James. January promises we read, KFC chicken and noodles for house church dinner around 05:00 PM and I mentioned one which reminded me of no weapon formed against thee shall prosper and knock and the door shall be opened unto you seek and you shall found was a second reference. Hanukah day five. Communion. He read and translated page 3 which was the last of the promises, Bible verses. Thanks for the cracker, he prayed too. He helped with the communion, passing the juice and cracker to us four. Paper Boy video game. Your sister would understand puns. Honey I blew up the kid. Different meanings to blow you up. Not a blow job. You blow my mind. A bomb blew them up. The wind is blowing. Different genres and not gender. But a cool video game idea where it changes genre. Describing different types of basketballs and courts I did. Having peace in God and being helped to do what we must. Inheritance and salvation. Christmas lights and fireworks are both lights and six months apart like a contrast or actually a comparison.