Launched my Covid Page. New Television Wednesday the first day of September of 2021. Islam is BOY RAPE Thursday. Alex Jones Page Friday. Genetically Modified Vaccines (GMV) Are Like GMO Food But Worse Saturday.
Defining Stockholm Syndrome Sunday the 5th. Google Pyramid Monday. College Football Chanting Fuck Biden Tuesday. Disney tied into Epstein Sex Rings Wednesday. Matrix 4 trailer highlights that rabbit Thursday. Biden Staff Covid Vaccine Exemption Friday. Alex Jones Friday Night Tights Yesterday Saturday.
Poke is killing people Sunday the 12th. No YouTube Live due to a strike last Monday. Fixing Headphone Monday. Check out Peggy Hill of The Healthy American Tuesday. COVID LAND Wednesday. Nicki Minaj Thursday. Free Nicki Minaj Friday. Olympic Game Park Saturday.
Instagram Hide Natural Immunity Hashtag Sunday the 19th. REM-DEATH-A-MIRROR, your death is near Monday. Covid Dead at Home Never Tuesday. MEN NO SPERM BY 2045 Wednesday. Harvesting Grapes Thursday. 1964 Conspiracy Theory Friday. Trump George Rally. Zombies Are Mutant Chimeras Saturday.
Free Australia Sunday the 26th. Rape Children We Do Monday. Toilet Paper Car Video Covid Relgion Tuesday. Black Goo Free Britney Spears Wednesday. Rather Be Unemployed Than Vaxxed Thursday.
September | 2021
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What you give up today, your grandchildren will never even know existed someday.
Oatmeal Monthly - 2021-09 - September of 2021 | Published in September of 2021
Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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New Television
Michigan Going After Children, Michigan Bad
Red Cross said the vaccinated are not allowed to donate plasma to Covid Patients. The death rate corresponds with how many people take Covid Vaccines in different countries. Covid Vaccines are making people blind and a number of things. Studies admit to it.
Michigan county threatens to throw parents in prison or to steal children to give them to pedophiles or worse if the kids allegedly have Covid which has no meaning. Covid can be cured with vitamins. We don't need vaccines. We need holistic health, natural remedies. You must consult naturopath doctors and not normal doctors who are paid money to lie to you. Covid Vaccines are killing people and worse. You must fast and cleanse the vaccines out of your body and you must reset your immune system which the vaccines reprograms to eat up your body to attack our own proteins, your own cells to destroy yourself from the inside-out.
Justin Timberlake exposed the right nipple and breast of Janet Jackson. They did it on purpose but said it was an accident. But it was not. Just like 9/11.
San Antonio man was arrested for trying to save his daughter from death. They were forceful in Texas as they try very hard to steal, murder, and rape children. The government is doing this in the United States of America.
Pride comes before a fall says the Bible. That is foundation. When you refuse to listen. If you refuse to be humble, open minded, to the fact Covid Vaccines are killing people, then you will fall and you will die.
Alex Jones held over Carlos from the 2nd hour. He is a great caller. Carlos mentioned a speech Bill Gates gave to the CIA back on the 23rd of April of 2005 where he talked about installing not Windows but Covid Vaccines or whatever he called it at that time into the brain. Think MK Ultra Mind Control. Bill said he had the ability to kill the spiritual emotions and desire for God and religious experiences and such to turn humans into zombies. Will Smith starred in I Am Legend which is about a world full of zombies which were caused by Covid Vaccines.
Islam is BOY RAPE
This student condemns the communist school board, see this video on Banned . Video
Islam is BOY RAPE. That is what they do. If men have sex with men, Muslims throw those guys off roofs and murder them. But Muslims rape children more often than Catholic priests do.
My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold and I didn't kill myself. Globalists are trying to arrest and murder me and other patriots. One day, they may go to my house or find me somewhere and disappear me. You will be next. Their goal is in depopulating all the humans on the planet while also experimenting on people like as if they were guinea pigs at the same time. They're going door to door removing people.
Alex Jones Page
Check out Nerdrotic, Geeks + Gamers, the Fandom Menace
If you don't have a phone, they will send you to prison for years to come. I don't have a phone. Come lock me up guys. This was announced. They're already going door to door disappearing people around the world. It will come to you soon.
Genetically Modified Vaccines (GMV) Are Like GMO Food But Worse
Lockdown until 2070 she said.
GMO is cursed food. The jab is GMV. I didn't say DMV. This aint no time to drive away and hide under a rock. It's do or die. I'm not saying become Dexter Morgan Batman and kill people. I'm saying we should peacefully stand up for rights, freedoms. GMO is Genetically Modified Organisms. Covid Vaccines are NOT vaccines and are killing people. Our problem is not with COVID which can be defeated using vitamins and other things.
The jab or the shot or the Covid Vaccines are GMV. What is GMV. Think GMV but with viruses and vaccines. I made it up. It just came to me while I was taking a shower today. GMV means Genetically Modified Vaccines. And that is what they are. They are Frankenstein Shots as ALEX JONES would say. In Australia, a news anchor said on TV, on the news, that lockdown would continue until 2070. Even the subtitles or closed caption said 2070. She said it clearly. After that, she said just kidding, it will continue until 70% are vaccinated. But she said it on purpose as an open threat to the general public. She was ordered to say it to subliminally and/or consciously pressure humans to submit to the New World Order (NWO).
Defining Stockholm Syndrome
This is allegedly Alex Jones back in his sophomore year at the Rockwall High School, the 1990-1991 school year. It is said he ended up graduating from Anderson High School.
Stockholm Syndrome means when the victim begins to defend their kidnappers. The whole world right now is defending their captors who are the global tyrants who demand people act like slaves to wear masks and to do as they are told or else. People are attacking Matrix Neo who is holding out the Red-Pill which can wake them up.
There is a theory claiming around 200 generals got together after globalists murdered JFK in 1963. The theory claims the generals got together to develop plans to counter globalism and everything else. Some claim the plan or plans was and is and will be carried out over the course of 70 years or so. As of 2021, this current year, 1963 was 58 years ago meaning we are still perhaps in the middle of a series of plans some believe. And I believe there are good generals out there and others throughout world history who had and have plans and did some good things. But how many people and will it be enough? Well, I personally don't know. Will they save us? Well, personally, I'm not going to just sit here and wait. It's important that each person gets involved in trying to help as opposed to only relying on popcorn in a spectator mentality. So, excessive emphasis on alleged saviors of the world can lead to apathy, pacifism, nihilism, etc. It's dangerous to always tell people that Trump or God or others will save us. It's important to desire to be part of that Calvary, that peaceful revolution. I want to be part of that story or die trying because for me and my house, give me liberty or give me death. They shall take our lives but they will never take our freedom.
Fake News says Alex Jones is controlled by the CIA because they are, classic reflection, deflection. They have to counter truth with inversion. The best way to tell a lie is to invert reality.
Globalists installed Mao Zedong and the People's Republic of China (PRC) on Saturday, the first day of October of 1949 or that is the day when Mao announced the creation of the PRC. The governing political party in PRC is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). These past 71 years into 2021 this current year, PRC has grown to become a global rival to other globalist factions and groups, they compete for world domination. PRC was originally a puppet of the New World Order but has since risen to threaten the monopolies and cartels of the other world tyrants and international governing systems of power. PRC has been engaged in a form of Asian colonialism and don't forget all of the Anchor Babies. Watch out as Chinese buy up American land in an effort to outbid or outcompete Bill Gates who is also buying up a bunch of land.
Google Pyramid
There are natural remedies and vitamins which can save your life.
10 countries are banning people under 16 years old from getting Covid Vaccines.
Google Pyramid is launching in October of 2021, it will listening into homes for suspicious behavior to pass onto police.
If Covid Vaccines were drugs, governments would have to arrest themselves for drug dealing because governments are the ones pimping it out as Covid Vaccines kill people.
Klaus Schwab: Great Reset will "Lead to a fusion of our Physical, Digital, and Biological Identity." That article was written in 2020. Monster Schwab has been talking about it for years.
Alex Jones took it and it turned him into a Jack-Ass. See photo for more information. This is not satire. It's mighty morphin time. Teenage Mutant Ninja Jones. Globalists are lizards. Alex was a Gay Frog. Now, he is a horse donkey. You are what you eat. I am Oatmeal. You can eat and become a GMV.
College Football Chanting Fuck Biden
"FUCK BIDEN" chanted thousands of people at 5 college football games last weekend, again and again.
Alphabet owns around 13% of Covid Vaccine related things plus they censor people on Google and other places who talk against Covid Vaccines which they are invested in, that is illegal to do as that is a conflict of interest.
They didn't lock you down to save you in Australia but instead to teach you how to be slaves. What they're doing in Australia in enslaving humans there, they are starting to do in other countries as well, that includes America.
Disney tied into Epstein Sex Rings
Disney tied into Epstein Sex Rings
I identify as a horse. Give me my damn medicine right away. What? Show my papers? No. I'm undocumented, stop being racist.
At restaurants, stores, etc, people are are putting up signs that read, "We do not discriminate against any customer based on sex, gender, race, creed, age, vaccinated or unvaccinated. All customers who wish to patronize are welcomed in our establishment. Hashtag staytogether."
They say over 2 billion people on the planet were injected with Covid Vaccines and now experts are wondering if any of that is safe. Nope. Many of these people will die soon if they don't find a bunch of natural remedies and everything to flush out the vaccines out of their bodies. But it will be very hard for many leading to all kinds of cancer and other health issues these next few years and especially before 2025 for many. They're already blaming jab-related deaths on Covid and specifically on Delta and other variants which were actually caused mostly by the Covid Vaccines. Millions of people are dying right now due to those vaccines. It takes several years for some of them to die. They pass it on to those who did not take the vaccines. Some people died from the shot within months after getting vaccinated.
Go to the Alamo in Texas without a mask. Make police there enforce the illegal non-existent laws. They're not laws. But cops lie to you and say mandates can be enforced. But they can't be. Cops are breaking the law, the constitution in America.
Matrix 4 trailer highlights that rabbit.
Matrix 4 is coming soon.
The logic of a vaccine is not to stop disease from spreading or from infecting your own body but instead is designed to prepare your body towards natural immunity. But Covid Vaccines are not vaccines and are killing people.
Alex Jones said Roger Stone said Trump said he will run for President in 2024. My thoughts on this is twofolded. First, Trump is still the best choice we have until we can get somebody else. But Trump should. But secondly, globalists are trying to suspend elections and a number of things. The election was stolen in 2020 and they will try to steal it again in 2022 and 2024 assuming there are elections. Trump still should tell people how Covid Vaccines are killing people. Trump should mention geoengineering and a number of issues. Trump should be direct and talk specifically about the biggest crimes and the biggest criminals globally.
Biden Staff Covid Vaccine Exemption.
Biden Staff Covid Vaccine Exemption.
A contrast between bad and evil would likely blind you. Bad can be an absence of doing good, it can be dark, black, void of choice. Evil can a shiny light of opposition to what is good. Evil is a conscious choice. The purest form of evil is the most transparent in its long-term goals. Evil people will broadcast their end-game plans.
You cannot isolate freewill from life, safety is not a separate entity, the meaning to life is about the opportunity to choose freedoms or not. The best way to seek after safety and security is through the vehicle of personal rights and liberties on an individual level. It is impossible to say something is about safety and not about freedom. Biden is wrong about that. Safety is a byproduct of freedom and not the other way around.
Alex Jones Friday Night Tights Yesterday
Alex Jones was on Friday Night Tights yesterday.
RADIATION is a major reason why cells prematurely dissolve, RADIATION can come from what we eat, what we drink, what we breathe in, WIFI, geoengineering, etc.
I just took it and it turned me into Super Horse. Graphene oxide is a fusion of two things, graphene which is like small rocks and oxide which are like small dissolving solution or bombs, the emphasis is on destroying red blood cells or specifically the Hemoglobin. In other words, think of them like air balloons. So, graphene oxide goes in to pop those balloons and then your blood begins to clot as well thanks to the Covid Vaccines.
The Pfizer patent application approval, which was on the 31st of August of 2021, was and is the first of a list of 18,500 patents that have to do with the ability to remotely track people through the Internet of things using pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 GHz or higher from the cell phone towers, satellites, etc, directly to the graphene oxide within those who got Covid Vaccines.
Chaos is one of the leading Fallen Angels said Steve Quayle on Alex Jones today.
Steve Quayle said demons are disembodied spirits from human-animal hybrids.
Poke is killing people.
Infowars Alex Jones was on Friday Night Tights the day before the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
2025 is the NEW 2030. Lin Wood believes in Determinism. I disagree. I believe in a hybrid of predestination based on freewill. God sees the future or predicts the future. God chooses to help those who will choose through freewill. I emphasize in the value of freewill. Now, what I am saying might align with what Lin Wood said meaning perhaps I do not disagree with him. But I want to emphasize on freewill and not too much on determinism or on the things relating to what God does and will do because that might and does sometimes relaxes people towards pacifism, nihilism, apathy, ignorance, arrogance.
Should we help refugees and ignore thousands of Americans stuck in Afghanistan? Poke is killing millions to billions of people these next few years in the 2020s to the extent of the absence of....... What do you think?
I don't eat what Quaker makes, my second name is not a baby kangaroo, my last name is not the first name of the actor in The Terminator films.
Fixing Headphone
Joseph Stalin knew how to steal the 2020 election decades before 2020.
According to an Israeli study recently, currently the largest study globally with tens of thousands of participants in the study which found that vaccinated people 27 times more likely to catch Covid.
All around the world, they poke old ladies with things that will kill them and then all the nurses and crowd laugh and giggle when the old ladies cry and try to run away. They hold the ladies down as they stick inside their body. What is worse is you who sits around and lets them MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER. That makes you a MURDERER.
Check out Peggy Hill of The Healthy American.
Check out Peggy Hill of The Healthy American.
Tell everyone in California to TRACK YOUR VOTE ONLINE.
Think of Big Government as a series of bandages. Your job is to attempt to rip off some of those bandages as your body begins to heal. The problem is bandages can become tape in the attempt to wrap you up like a mummy to cripple you down to an early grave. Bandages are helpful but bandages don't heal the body. But bandages can help your body recover. Too many bandages can block your skin from healing sunlight. Bandages can block your access to your eyes, mouth, nose, ears, etc.It's tougher to take shower or bath if you have bandages covering your skin. That means your skin can begin to deteriorate. You can't wash your hands if your hands are wrapped up with red-tape.
THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in California are going in to vote in 2021, they look at them and say, "SORRY BUT YOU ALREADY VOTED." But they did not vote. It is being stolen from a black man, Larry Elder. TALK ABOUT RACIST. Please tell me the governor of California is not a WHITE SUPREMACIST. He is a WHITE MAN. You don't like black people? You VOTED FOR OBAMA BUT YOU HATE LARRY ELDER WHO IS BLACK TOO? Why are you calling LARRY A WHITE DUDE. But his skin is black. Does that not matter to you?
Over a million U.S. troops injected with the KILLER COVID VACCINES in 2021, they're developing heart conditions, blood clots, some of them are dying, some of them will die very soon, some are getting cancer, etc. They're murdering the military.
Milley threatened Trump with war with China if he stayed, the nuclear codes were stolen on Friday, the 8th of January of 2021.
Here is what I would say to people: If your boss says you have to you know, write it all down and fill out a complaint with your state's civil rights agency. For more information, look up Peggy Hill of The Healthy American.
We don't pro or anti abortion, you only need to bring murderers to court and try them in a trial after the murder takes place.
Cancer comes from VITAMIN-DEFICIENCY. Our food IS DEFICIENT IN VITAMINS MEANING YOU WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL GET CANCER IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE CANCER RIGHT NOW, assuming you're not taking vitamins, I may be banned off Facebook for saying this, bye bye.
Nicki Minaj
I want to see Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj have a FREEDOM tour together. Let's make this happen.
I want to see Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj have a FREEDOM tour together. Let's make this happen.
Pee-Fie-Zer said it's 35% effective to stop a thing that is 0.03% effective at making people mildly sick for a few days if you're already healthy. Most people are too unhealthy. Prevention is better than correction meaning it's better to stop a problem before it happens, that is called being on the offensive as opposed to being just on the defensive.
Instead of red-neck jokes, we need a whole series of HYPNOTIZED jokes, you might be a zombie if, fill in the blank.
13 year-old Jacob Clynick is now dead, Facebook will not let me tell you what happened.
Comedy hour time. The joke of the day. M0dern-ahhh said if u got the p0ke, then you are twice as likely to get joke-vid.
The poke reduces your immun3 5ystem to 1/5th of what it was.
Instead of having a curious mind, it is better to have a proactive, interactive, engaging RENEGADE mind.
Around 78 million people may have dementia by 2030, WHO predicts. But we should talk about why dementia, cancer, autism, etc, are rising. There are cures. I can tell you all about it.
The television flicker rate puts people into a trance, this was set back in the 1960s meaning sixty years of putting people into a dream-like state. I remember noticing getting sucked in when I was around 8 years old.
The Doom video game was designed to train the military to shoot people up close because soldiers often hesitated during the Vietnam War.
Free Nicki Minaj
Free Nicki Minaj
Here is a secret, when healthy people get sick, you will not even know they are sick.
When healthy people get sick. They continue working. They go to bed earlier. They feel more tired for a few days. They slow down.
Both the pessimist and the optimist can be motivated not to get involved in life. But it is the desire to be part of the story which spurs a person towards action.
Olympic Game Park
Question of the week: Are you jabbed and why or why not?
Question of the week: Are you jabbed and why or why not?
I write reviews for restaurants online, I give them one star and tell them to stop wearing masks, just say no.
Healthy people don't get headaches. Too many people think headaches are normal. But it is not NORMAL to get migraines.
Instagram Hide Natural Immunity Hashtag
People who want to be admins of some of my groups, pages, etc, should let me know and I will see what I can do.
Why did Instagram TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY hide hashtag natural immunity, one word?
Ahahahhahaaa!!! Doctors MURDERED this father. Are you happy about that? The DOCTORS WILL KILL YOU TOO. Ahahhahahahaha!!!!
Question of the week: Are you jabbed and why or why not?
If you want a FREE phone, just walk into America through the southern border and they will give you one.
Biden may die in second now. Biden is on so many drugs. You may wake up and hear the news that he passed away. They'll try to spin it and take advantage of his passing.
The etymology of Fauci means sickle which was associated with the Grim Reaper in southern Italy back in the 1600s during a black death plague. Fauci also means the jaws of a carnivore.
People who want to be admins of some of my groups, pages, etc, should let me know and I will see what I can do.
REM-DEATH-A-MIRROR, your death is near.
REM-DEATH-A-MIRROR, your death is near.
REM-DEATH-A-MIRROR, your death is near.
Are you ready for the end of Biden?
Pea-Five-Sir said poke SAFE for children ages 5 years old to 11 years old. To clarify, Dr. Leana Wen wrote that the poke appears to be ok. So, people on commenting on the difference between how something either is good or only appears to be good. One commented on the possibility we may no longer appear if any of this is not true.
The poke is actually a failing gene therapy drug experts confess. Pastors who fail to tell people this are murderers.
V-A-E-R-S deaths went up over 10,000% in 2021, like ten thousand or much higher as most of it is not reported, an all-time high in the past 12 years going back to 2010 where it was under 100 for each year.
In the 1920s, they said an ice-age would kill us all. That was a century ago. Every ten years, they come out with a new lie. They bank on the fact that people don't know history. For example, here is STAR TREK SPOCK in the 1980s saying we would all be dead by Y2K, the year 2000. Again and again, they tell us to give up freedoms in the name of an alleged greater good. AOC was not the first to say we are all going to die.
TRUTH becomes the ENEMY to the extent it is WEAPONIZED through comedy or otherwise to PACIFY, CONFUSE, BLIND, TORMENT, or, more importantly, DISTRACT.
Covid Dead at Home Never.
Covid Dead at Home Never.
Biden announced today, the U.S. has OFFICIALLY surrendered SOVEREIGNTY to the UNITED NATIONS.
Chinese DICTATOR said the entire world will be dominated by INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM.
They cannot have POWER if we choose not to have the PASSPORTS.
Who is dad? I don't know, he was wearing a mask.
Biggest story of the 21st century, DARPA Pentagon have just blown the whistle on the secret plan to release k0v1d.
Emmys 2021 had no masks cuz it was televised they said. Logic would say, if I am always live-streaming with my phone 24/7, since the Internet is the new television, real logic would then say that I am a movie star, deal with it, deal with my face, oh my God, you can see my beautiful smile and teeth, oh my God, my face is naked, my teeth are showing, my teeth are topless, but it's alright as my face is a televised production on the 24/7 Oatmeal Channel, a whole lot of Oatmeal Joey Arnold all the time always streaming on the brand new Internet Television, the biggest television production ever, your own Truman Show Experience without the Jim Carrey.
Tens of thousands of Internet Celebrities were paid thousands of dollars to promote the poke which will kill you slowly over a course of several years.
Too many churches are encouraging humans to murder themselves, suicide, by the LETHAL 1NN JEKT TION.
They're making you allergic to the common cold. Imagine if you were allergic to peanuts or shrimp. But instead, it is the common cold. Each fall season, you will be hit even harder.
Harvesting Grapes
Globalists are killing you. Biden is a distraction.
People who want to be in my patriots chat group on Facebook should let me know.
They tried getting the Pentagon on board with funding k0v1d back in 2018.
They've working since 1974 to create ffakc11nes which will make all humans unable to make babies, reproduce, get pregnant, that is sterility, depopulation.
New credit card to limit how much you can spend based on carbon, the global warming climate change lie.
Covidland is a series you should watch, first 3 episodes is more an introduction for the general population of the world. The next 2 episodes begin to deep dive into the weeds of what has been happening the last few years.
G00v1dland is a 5-part series, part one is named L0ckd0wn, part two is on the mask, part three is The Sh000t, part four is on pr0paganda, chapter five is on the great reset.
1964 Conspiracy Theory
She is a cartoon
Lauren Southern said she had ADHD which means hyper-focused. Oh, me too.
A year after JFK died, in 1964, the CIA developed the term "CONSPIRACY THEORY" in order to discredit and shutdown people who are simply asking NICKI-MINAJ-QUESTIONS.
Bill Gates' mom was on IBM's board and his dad was the head of Planned Parenthood. IBM worked with a man with a mustache back in the 1940s to help find and gather a certain group of people. Facebook and other corporations do similar things in gathering personal information from users, that is why the matter of privacy is a matter of life and death.
America was seen as too free at the end of World War 2, that is in 1945, she had most of the inventions, the highest IQ on average. The United States was 4% of the total population of all the humans on the planet but with half the wealth. Some of these statistics were used since then to guilt Americans down a slippery slope decade after decade since then, a psychological degradation off a cliff. We were taught we were bad and that we must submit in order to pay for our crimes. That is part of the reason we started adding fluoride into the drinking water, in order lower IQ. They believed they had to do the polar opposite of the survival of the fittest. It became the survival of a dumbed-down equality as a cover story for a Prison Planet.
In that one county in Arizona in 2020, 9,041 mail-in voters show returning more ballots (EV33) than they were sent (EV32).
Zombies Are Mutant Chimeras
I am a gay frog.
Dark Crystal growing inside your body.
Zombies are human animal chimeras, mutants, clones. Humans and animals have rights but hybrids don't.
They want to turn all of us into Lawnmower-Man Borg Matrix Cyborgs, the poke is turning the human body more metal as a foundation towards that goal of transhumanism for the leaders.
We are the guinea-pigs (Wall-E). But they want all of the advanced technology, Star Trek space-travel, the life-extension (immortality eventually), all for themselves.
Truth shall set you free. That is why they ban truth on social media. They don't want you free. They want you enslaved in this prison planet. You are the legs of their table. Stand up and their game is over.
In 2020 in one county in regards to early voting, fake news lied and said Biden won by a margin of 10,447 votes but 21,887 variances were found which disqualifies those votes minimizing that margin down to -11,440 votes. That is a negative number.
"I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson.
Trump Georgia Rally today.
Free Australia
Kids are taught in school to be sexually confused.
Tyrants are trying to break you, make you sad, depressed, angry, and then they can better control you that way. Take a step back to see the bigger picture. They put you in a process to domesticate and train you over a period of time. These freaks are worse than Frankenstein on drugs.
Meaning of life and the path to life involves finding that river which the origin of life takes us on, as there is only one river, the meaning of life involves or is aligning with that river, period. Meaning to life is life and love; and in that is freewill and the process towards aligning with that river.
You can't align with that river. But you have to. So, you have to ask for help. Period. Those who don't seek after aligning with that river miss out and dry out.
Fake news said Biden beat Trump in Arizona in 2020 by less than 10,500 votes. Over 54,000 fraudulent votes for Biden were found in one county alone. Get out a calculator and subtract 54K from 10.5K, you get negative 43,500 votes meaning Trump won by at least that much according to the results of just one county from the state of Arizona. Let's not even talk about the other counties.
Our job is decertification in as many states as possible as soon as possible. We all must try.
25 million Australians will win against the few tyrants and pawns there.
Mommy, why am I allergic to peanuts? Because the poke you took, from the 1970s, was grown on peanuts. Same thing now except with the common cold and your own body, just give it 3 days for most people who got it, by 2024 you will be very sorry, you will regret not sharing this post I promise you $5 on this bet.
Free Australia. Millions of Australians are marching for freedom. Join us now or miss out. Leading the charge is Riccardo Bosi of Australia One Party . Org.
Thug police imprisoned Australian Monica Smit for promoting freedom at a peaceful gathering. She was eventually released on bail. Join her and join us as we save Australia and the world from monsters who want you and your family dead.
Rape Children We Do
We Are The Prey . Com.
We rape our children when we tell them they cannot be children.
Too many people are waiting for Jesus, Trump, their mom, or whatever, to save them. One of the biggest problems in the world is that type of mentality. Instead, choose to be part of the Calvary. Join me and my army.
Conservatives have been busy working to take care of their families, they have been the silent majority all around the world, that is why and how control freaks are able to take over.
BLM and others are pawns, better yet puppets. We should be more focused with puppet masters behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, expose that, the wizards who are pulling strings, shed spotlights on the bigger picture, help people connect dots, unite with others, we are waking up some people and that is all we can do, but it is totally worth it, as we wake people up, that is like a snowball effect, the snow ball gets bigger and bigger over time and you cannot stop it from rolling, but it takes time, keep it rolling.
You can write letters to the Australian embassy telling them how disappointed you are with how the Australian government is ordering police to beat women and children all over Australia.
The CEO of pee-five-zer said if you want to return to normal life or to the new normal, you must take a bunch of the see-vee-19 pokes each year, and if you thought peanut allergies were bad, just wait when you find out all the things you will be allergic to in several years from now, you will be so excited by 2024, you will be crawling out of your skin for some more.
Puh-five-zerg CEO went on to say you will not be able to live without b00sters each year and that the emergency, the lockdowns, in many countries, will never ever end. Not 15 days to flatten to curve. It's 15 million years to flatten you.
CNN is slamming Nicki Minaj and Rihanna who are promoting the terrible and most racist and Pro-Mustache Man ideas ever in the whole world, CNN says people who are encouraging individuals to "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH" are destroying the world, those four words are killing all of us, and many countries have said you MUST NOT GO OUTSIDE TO TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBORS because that will cause people to think independently and to analyze critically which the walking dead, I mean ummm the general public duh, is not supposed to do or have.
Toilet Paper Car Video Covid Relgion
Vaccines Aint Working
Covid-19 is a language, a religion, says world leaders. Covid-19 is the Messiah teaching us that humans are a disease, that we must all die.
If you are wearing a mask, you are under "MIND-CONTROL" and you will say, "NO, I AM NOT." I promise.
A top tennis pro said he cannot even train now. Do you know why?
C000v1d is the NEW WORLD RELIGION. You are a religious person. Your god is C0vvv1d.
Over 90% of Australians who got c0kv1d got it from the v00kc1nes according to official government papers in Australia.
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Free Britney Spears
Why are you putting BLACK-GOO into your body?
BREAKING NEWS: Americans who don't get k0kv1d v00kc1nes will be taken to shielding units. RED ALERT! EMERGENCY NEWS!
Rihanna is friends with Nicki Minaj, that is why when Nicki said what she said, Rihanna decided to do what she did.
If you want to join my Patriot Hub chat on Facebook, let me know.
Over 40% of taxes are paid for by the top 1% of the richest people.
Facebook is LIFE LOG, which was started by government. Facebook is a government program.
! WARNING ! People are becoming LIVING TUMORS. This was predicted in the Bible. I am your prophet. You have been WARNED!
Patriots around the world are standing up to the enemy to tell them they will be held accountable during the coming Nuremberg Trials.
When people ask you if you got the p00ke, you can tell them that question is illegal and you can also say, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Turn it around on them. Record it on video.
Rather Be Unemployed Than Vaxxed
Rather Be Unemployed Than Vaxxed
Alexander The Great died in 323 BC at the age of 33. Oddly enough, Jesus died at the age of 33 as well.
Take the time to think strategy. Stop what you are doing each month to make big decisions regarding your daily path. Force yourself to stop to review previous months. That is key to making progress in life.
Over 100,000 health care workers would rather be unemployed, homeless, etc, than to
New Television. Covid Page Launched.
Genetically Modified Vaccines (GMV) Are Like GMO Food But Worse.
College Football Chanting Fuck Biden
Disney tied into Epstein Sex Rings
Matrix 4 trailer highlights that rabbit.
Biden Staff Covid Vaccine Exemption.
Alex Jones Friday Night Tights Yesterday
Check out Peggy Hill of The Healthy American.
Instagram Hide Natural Immunity Hashtag
REM-DEATH-A-MIRROR, your death is near.
Toilet Paper Car Video Covid Relgion