Two Possible Scenarios Regarding The Fate of Humanity On The Eve of President Biden

in informationwar •  4 years ago  (edited)

A quick forecast regarding the next few years.

Here's a quick update regarding two possible outcomes based on how things appear to be as of right now. Let me be clear, I don't believe in fate, always in motion the future is said Yoda. In other words, I'm not saying any of these two things will happen. However, the second set of outcomes is more probable than the first. Long story short, what I'm about to say is only a quick summary of everything.

These two possible outcomes are based on the high probability that Biden is installed on Wednesday, the 20th of January of 2021. Sadly, as of right now, it looks like America died. It looks like globalists have defeated the last Republic on the planet or the only one that is large enough to get in their way.

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Two Possible Scenarios Regarding The Fate of Humanity On The Eve of President Biden - Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-14 - Thursday | Published in January of 2021
Can't Censor Truth - Banned Forbidden News

Biden Order Give Up USA Rights Kamala Fires.jpeg

Emerging Wolf Beyond The World of Lies

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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First off, worst case scenario in some ways, when Biden gets in, the plan is arrest Anti-State Journalists which includes people like me. Now, of course, they'll go after the people with the most influence first and work their way down the list. So, depending on my rank, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, I'll be taken out eventually. I will NEVER commit suicide. So, if you no longer hear from me someday, then I WAS murdered. I'm not going to be the last person and they'll absolutely execute Trump and Alex Jones before they get around to me. But make no mistake, if you're spreading propaganda on the Internet that goes against Communist China, you're going down. People in China disappear all the time. China is taking over America. Already in China, Chinese have to use tracking apps just to get back into their own homes. You have no idea how bad it is if you haven't lived it. That's why you must ask Communist Refugees how they manage to survive. Again, I can talk for days about the writers who were arrested in Vietnam which reminds me of one of the reasons I left that Asian nation. In life, you must choose your battles wisely, which hill you're willing to die on similar to how Kenobi chose to die on the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope. Sometimes, you make sacrifices for the sake of others. That's personal commitment. Now, again, long story short, thousands to millions of people will likely be imprisoned in 2021 in America. Many are likely to be executed for breaking a wide variety of crimes and not just crimes but also thought crimes, pre-crime, potential crimes, alleged incitement to violence, the possibility of passing Covid to other people, etc. Again, I can talk all day about the terrible things which are likely to come to the United States and the entire world in January of 2021. As bad as that sounds, their plan is to gradually accelerate all of that monthly, worse and worse, we're boiling frogs in a prison planet, you have been warned for years now, you have no excuses, we tried to tell you many times and you decided to do nothing, the guilt is on you, regret will haunt you for the rest of your life. Well, good news, that won't be very long.

Secondly, however, the more probable outcome between these two is that they'll try their best to fool you. To some degree, some of you guys will be tricked into believing Biden saved you. So, not too many people may be arrested in February of 2021. Gradually, however, things will start getting worse and worse. But again, they'll likely back away for a short period of time. They'll likely not murder Trump too quickly. They'll try to make sure everyone thinks Trump sucks or something, AKA assassinate his character first. Long story short, they'll wait until enough of the general population have forgotten and then go back to boiling the frogs. Now, they prefer just murdering the conservatives right away as seen in the first scenario. But this second scenario is more probable in some ways if they were being smart about it. Some of them will still be trying to rush things as usual. I'm getting all of this out there before things get too bad. In case they do end up executing me, I can at least know I put it all out there. I tried my best and that is all anybody can do. This is for the record.

Now, they generally fluctuate between the two scenarios.

They'll likely focus more on the more slower approach until they feel they have enough military, National Guard troops, police, BLM, Antifa, other groups, and especially United Nation troops who can help do what they're doing in Washington DC right now with over 15,000 troops in every city in America. When they have that much control, then they can take all of our guns and they can do anything they want to us at any time. They'll have all the guns and we'll be living in that movie called Logan's Run. So, at that point, as I've already discussed in that first scenario, it won't even matter how many people they kill. You'll see them offer you millions of dollars to rape your children and your spouses right in front of you. The next time around, they'll offer you a box of fries to do it again. A third time around, they'll say, "You let me do this and you get to live." Over time, we become numb to it all, ask anybody from a communist country.

I encourage you to share this. I encourage you to spread Anti-Communist Propaganda as they call it. In other words, I encourage you to be a peaceful non-violent rebel for the cause of freedom for as long as you can hold breath.

China, technocracy, globalism, and other groups, have been taking over America and the world.

Once they take down America, then they can accelerate in taking down the entire world.

And as of right now, it appears they have taken down the United States of America.

Now, like Yoda said, again, always at motion the future is.

So, my goal in life is to simply educate people the best I can until the day I die or until the day I'm killed.

What you do with the information is up to you.

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God bless you , great post. The scary thing is the Chicoms won't just murder us all. They would prefer to enslave us so they can work us to death and/or kill us and sell our organs. The Art of War suggests that the best thing to do is take your enemy intact. So that is what they will do.