Why the establishment is freaking out - Lee Stranahan on the new age weapon against new world order

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

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Citizenship journalism is the solution for the obsolescence of mainstream media.
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After listening to Lee, I realized that too - citizen journalism is displacing MSM. I've concluded that decentralization of everything is essential to restoring the value of civilization. The pyramidal socioeconomic model just doesn't work. Wealth and power must be distributed to enable all to function and prevent economic parasitism. Lincoln, mocking the slave owners said, "You work, I eat!" For civilization to benefit the masses, each must receive the yield of his own labor. Without a flattened hierarchy and decentralized power, the rich will continue to get richer and the poor will not thrive. I wouldn't call myself an anarchist, but I am an anti-federalist and think our nomadic ancestors were hoodwinked into giving over their freedom and productivity. Civilization has always been a scam. LOL! What political label gets applied to that perspective?

It's unfortunates that votes on old posts aren't remunerated. Thanks for letting me know that. Steemworld.org is a great dashboard. I didn't understand the Wallet until I used Steemworld.org. I had it open when your comment came in, clicked and came right over to reply. That alone makes managing posts more efficient. Thanks for the tips.