CIA’s Complete Web of Tyranny (Part 3 of ex-CIA Agent Exposes entire Shadow Gov't & Deep State Apparatus)steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

Due to the exceptional work from ex-CIA Agent Kevin Shipp in preparing and delivering an all-encompassing work on the matrix of the Shadow Government – Deep State – CIA web apparatus of looting, destruction, and terror, I continue with my series to help document this historic exposé.

In Part 1, I summarized about half (up to the 28:30 mark) of his first presentation on the subject. In it, we looked at the differences and interconnections between what is referred to as the Shadow Government and the Deep State; and we learned that they are two different, yet equally nefarious, secretive organizations which have basically decimated the US Constitution. We also brought other players such as the CFR, CIA, Federal Reserve, the IMF & World bank as well as the International Banking Cartel to light in order to expose their criminal doings. Finally, Shipp had skillfully explained how these players have managed to subvert the Constitution with all their secret budgets, covert operations, and complicity with the corporate news media.

In Part 2, we went into details regarding the Shadow Government’s secrecy, the trillions wasted by the Military Industrial Complex’s on their destructive wars and coups, and how the Secret Intelligence Industrial Complex has morphed into a gigantic and uncontrollable quagmire with a surveillance spynet of epic proportions decimating Americans rights and privacy. We also tallied a rough sum of the related costs (in $trillions) of these operations that have been incurred on the back of tax payers. Finally, we saw how the CIA is the “central node” of it all.


Part 3 – CIA’s Complete Web of Tyranny


Shipp continues his revealing discourse on the Deep State and Shadow Government with Part 2 of his presentation where he begins by exposing how the so called Russian “Dossier” in the investigation led by Robert Mueller is a farce. He then delves into the Shadow Government’s current operation of trying to overtake a sitting President – Donald J.Trump. He then reveals the diabolic nature of this secretive organization in his section ‘The Face of Evil’. Following that, Shipp goes into how the CIA obstructs justice by destroying evidence and employing other tactics. The next part – the ‘Eyes and Ears of the Shadow Government’ unveils their global and domestic surveillance apparatuses, including what he refers to as ‘traffic shaping’ which is quite interesting to say the least. Next, he talks about the Federal Reserve (or the engine of the Deep State as he calls it) along with its linkages to the CFR and the International Banking Cabal with their objective of complete control over the US economy and plan to establish a One World Government. Finally, he elaborates on the manipulation of the national news media and how the Shadow Government rewards their faithful servants.

Shadow Government Operation: “The Dossier”

The operation – whereby the shadowy players actually paid Russian Security Officers for information (which is collusion in and of itself by the way) – was to “Dig up dirt on Donald Trump.”, as Shipp asserts. Then, the CIA (lead by John Brennan) labeled it as ‘intelligence’ and leaked it to select news media to make it look like Trump colluded with the Russians. It goes without saying that the CIA is really good at this type of thing and has a long established track record of such deceptive acts, as Shipp points out referring to Operation Mockingbird. This operation served as a basis to get FBI surveillance (from the NSA with FISA approval) in place to monitor (spy on) president-elect Trump’s campaign team (with the approval of President Obama).


The information in this “Dossier” was then used as the basis for the current investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller for whom, Shipp reminds his audience, was part of those who covered up the 9/11 incident. Shipp then notes that the FBI paid a former British spy for more dirt on Trump until his identity finally become known (Christopher Steele).

The “Dossier” was originally obtained by none other than Senator John McCain who later gave it to the CIA and FBI to get the investigation [on Trump] initiated.



A summary of the “Dossier” as summarized by Kevin Shipp.

This concludes the section on the Shadow Government’s operation against a sitting president.

The Face of Evil

”What does the face of evil look like in the creation of the CIA?”, Shipp begins the section by posing to his audience. Mind control on unwitting human subjects (with MKUltra), sex abuse, drugging Americans and Canadians without their knowledge, secret ‘enhanced interrogation’ (i.e., torture), murder, black site detention and rendition, torture, verbal and sexual abuse, collaborating with Hitler’s Third Reich, smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Germany (after WWII), overthrowing democratically elected governments, a huge assassination program, spying on US citizens, conspiring against a US President (Allen Dulles on John F. Kennedy in particular)


The Things James Bond (spies) DON’T DO


Would Ian Fleming’s Special Agent 007 commit such acts?

Shipp begins this section by telling about some harrowing things the spies of the CIA do (apart from those listed above) such as drone assassinations for which there were no less than 8 drone assassinations (of multiple people at a time) at weddings. Yes you read that correctly at wedding - an occasion in peoples’ lives that are meant to be of the most joyful ones. This appends to the Face of Evil and the absolutely disgusting and nefarious mindset that is prevalent in these psychopaths. Here are a few links to such occurrences:


The risk of reporting US drone strikes, Yemen researcher says he received a death threat after investigating deadly wedding-convoy attack, by Hyder Iftikhar Abbasi, 2014-05-21. Article Source:


Fatal error in ‘wedding party’ drone strike prompts UN condemnation, 2013-12-27. Article Source:

CIA, you are no James Bond.”, Shipp contends without question, adding that they [the CIA] run drugs for money. They have infiltrated the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) long ago and have been involved in drug running for years, Shipp says concluding the section.


CIA Obstruction of Justice

Violations of the US Constitution constitute a felony, Shipp states to begin the section. He then mentions Operation Paperclip where the CIA created false files on Nazi criminals to make it look like they had no connection to the Third Reich and then presented them to President Truman. These Nazi scientists then proceeded to do experiments within the United States.


Project Paperclip Team at Fort Bliss, Source: The Black Vault: Operation Paperclip. And be sure to check out their entire set of CIA files – 267 pages – regarding Operation Paperclip (PDF file) (these make for very interesting reading to say the least!)

Then, Shipp shifts to how the CIA later destroyed files relating to their MKUltra Program (mentioned in Part 2 of this series) before they went to testify.

Next, after the assassination of JFK, he CIA controlled the flow of related documents and tampered with the witnesses during the Warren Commission (that was set up to investigate the killing).

The CIA also lied to Congress regarding the Iran Contra affair and destroyed related files.

Shipp continues with other treasonous acts committed by the CIA such as how they spied on the Senate.


Shipp proceeds on with more abuse of secrecy by the CIA by first stating their manipulation and deceptive use of unwitting universities (including some in Canada I would add) and corporations for conducting illegal research (MKUltra mind control). Then on, they conducted illegal coups and covert operations without Congressional approval. They concealed certain activities before the 9/11 attacks and “blacked out” 28 important pages of the 9/11 Commission Report upon its release; these are still blacked-out today, according to Shipp.

The courageous former agent concludes the section by stating that former general Michael Hayden (former Director of the CIA and NSA, pictured below) said [to the Congress and the American people]: “We obey the law. Trust us.


Insanity breeds insanity.

Eyes & Ears of the Shadow Government

The NSA (National Security Agency) not only spies domestically on Americans, but also has a massive system of global surveillance. Here are some excellent articles I recommend on the subject:


NSA headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland, Source: Wikipedia


NSA Utah Data Center, Source: Wikipedia - Utah Data Center.

According to Shipp, the NSA pretty much stores every digital aspect of Americans’ lives – cell phone use, computer data, telephone use, text messages, smart TVs, and basically anything digital – all stored in their Utah Data Center (pictured above). The capacity required for them to store all of this data is measured, Shipp states, in yottabytes mentioning: “That’s enough bits and bytes to fill the states of Delaware and Rhode Island.”, likely referring to this referenced in Wikipedia through a Gizmodo article entitled The One Hundred Trillion Dollars Hard Drive for which the follow infographics on the subject puts things into [monumental] perspective:


Shipp then states that it (the NSA) has the authority to collect and unmask data for any American for which they use the FISA court (a secret court) which allows the surveillance of US citizens without the knowledge of Congress.


New Secret NSA Domestic Spying

Shipp now, interestingly, goes into something called “Traffic Shaping” which is program to get around the USA Freedom Act (which was meant to impose some new limits on the bulk collection of telecommunication metadata on US citizens by American intelligence agencies, including the NSA). For this, they divert internet traffic they collect on US citizens as well as stored data overseas as a means of circumventing/bypassing the reforms.

Another dystopian thing the surveillance agencies are doing is engaged in is voiceprint technology which can have a bulk inventory of peoples’ voice signatures.

Shipp adds that it is not only the agencies who are surveilling us, but also large corporations who have multi-million dollar contracts with the US Government and are bound by secrecy oaths.

One such example that comes to mind is Amazon with their $600 million dollar contract with the CIA. I have written about this in Part 2 of this series also providing links to two articles on this specific contract for Amazon. But now, I would also invite you all to watch an amazing video exposé by Mike Adams (one of my HEROES OF TRUTH) entitled WARNING Amazon com SPIES on you!which can be viewed here:

Facebook is also a big corporate contributor to the intelligence agencies as has recently been revealed through various wrongdoings by the social media giant. NSA whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden recently came out slamming Facebook and an excellent article on the subject from entitled NSA whistleblower and former CIA employee Edward Snowden delves into the extremely revealing nefariousness of not only Facebook, but also Google. Here are a few images from this article:


Another important advocate of internet freedom and privacy – Kim Dotcom – weighed in on the issue blasting all three social media giants (Google, Facebook, and Twitter) as being the enablers and providers of your private information to the CIA & NSA:


The article is a must read and also digs back into the dirty past about how the NSA has backdoor access to all major Silicon Valley social media firms with their PRISM program that was unmasked in 2013 with the Snowden revelations:



All global electronic traffic is what the NSA has access to.”, concludes Shipp. Here is the final slide for this section:


To be honest, I really don’t understand why there isn’t more of an outrage by American citizens regarding this dystopic and relentless pursuit of completely annihilation of their privacy, civil liberties, and personal freedom.

Federal Reserve – The Engine of the Deep State

We will recall from Part 1 of this series that the US Federal Reserve (according to Shipp):

Shipp begins this section by, rightfully so, praising the work of former US Senator Ron Paul (and his son) who over many years in office fought to bring the Federal Reserve and its criminal wrongdoings to light. Ron Paul also figures amongst one of my HEROES OF TRUTH.

Shipp calls the Fed as the engine of the Deep State which runs “our economic government”. He then recalls some historic facts about the Fed. The goal of the Fed (and its own masters) is a global economic economy and one world government.

Shipp then notes, most correctly, that although the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is appointed by the President, this position is merely one of “figurehead” and that the US Government has no influence on the Fed whatsoever since it is a private corporation/entity.

If you click on the link in the previous sentence, you may notice another deception – that their website is in the ”.gov” domain which is yet another one of its frauds.

I must add that I totally agree with Shipp on this point, as the US Federal Reserve, one of many central banks around the world, has its own set of overlords including the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Here is a summary graph of this “global” banking pyramid structure from my previous series entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed (4 Part Series) on the subject:


Shipp then points out that there are no reserves in Federal Reserve, these international bankers have no loyalty to the United States, yet control their economy. They also deliberate in secret and have secret budgets and secret members. They cannot be audited (all of their accounting is secret). Congress has no access, control, or oversight over the Fed. They print money at will and manipulate interest rates at will also which has repercussions around the world.

Congress – Constitutional Authority

The Constitution, Shipp notes, says that Congress represents the people, creates legislation, controls budgets, have oversight of federal agencies, and are suppose to help their constituents (campaign promises anyone?) but once in Washington they change.

I must add something of my own, however, regarding a very distinct and imperative power that only Congress has which I mention in Part 3 of my 6-part series entitled Restoring the Lost Republic that according to the Constitution (of 1787) in Article 1 – Section 8 – clause 5 it states:

[The Congress shall have Power] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Therefore, as per the Constitution only Congress has the power to create the money supply, nobody else does. So why is a private corporation - the Federal Reserve doing it? This is illegal according to the Supreme Law of the Land.

Theoretically, Shipp observes, Congress should have the legal authority to control the CIA through its budget privileges. But the CIA paralyzes their ability to do so by classifying and withholding documents. “It is a rogue, out of control, unconstitutional, massive agency.”, the seasoned and passionate veteran adds. He then explains how Congress’ ‘Oversight Committees’ are rendered useless, followed by how the MIC/Intelligence lobbyists control congressmen, and how they then make millions in a revolving door gateway to the MIC (there are numerous documented cases regardging these with the notable example of former FBI Director James Comey).

Congress is composed of ‘Statesmen’”, Shipp continues on a discouraged tone with his personal exception of Rand Paul (son of former Senator Ron Paul). They have no intention of changing anything in Washington; they’re careerists; they want to get re-elected; they want to make [paid] speeches; they want to stay in office as long as they can, and they are not going to make any changes.

I was curious to learn more about on two aspects mentioned: “they’re careerists” and “they want to stay in office as long as they can” and thus set out to find a good resource to support Shipp’s thesis. I was glad to find the following 2-Part series on this exact subject from The Sounding Line:

A couple of snippets from the series:

This begs the following question whose answer may explain the increasingly insular, partisan, and unproductive nature of Congress. Are members of Congress trending to serving longer terms? (from Part 1)


While the average tenure has declined slightly since 2008, there is no indication that the long trend towards Congress members serving more and more terms is going anywhere. The current batch of Congress men and women are nearly the most ‘incumbent’ of all time. (from Part 1)

And regarding the “aging” Congress, the research study indicates:

Both charts show the unmistakable trend toward an older and older Congress. Remarkably, the average age in the House of Representatives has surged from around 52 in 1995 to its all-time high of nearly 60 today and the average age in the Senate is even higher at nearly 65.


So indeed, Shipp was correct in this regard. Here is the concluding slide about Congress:


Manipulation of National News Media – Matrix of Influence

CIA Operation Mockingbird is the starting point of this segment of Shipp’s presentation (which was briefly outlined in the first part of my series). A Qui pro quo tacit agreement is made between the news media and the CIA and that is how it is run today, Shipp asserts. In the past, they actually paid journalists to run their stories, but since laws have been passed against that, they [the CIA] need other means to get the media players to do their bidding. Shipp states that whenever outlets such as The Washington Post and The New York Times come out with stories based on anonymous sources, that these are more than likely coming from leakages of the CIA.

In this tacit mutual agreement, the outlets are pretty much barred from ever writing anything negative about the CIA.

I would also like to add that Shipp fails to mention that the manipulation of the news media isn’t solely restricted to within the United States, but is also prevalent around the globe and particularly in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. One needn’t search much further than the recent claims to this effect made by the long time German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitzung. I invite you to watch the following video interview with him on YouTube entitled European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure as it speaks volumes about the tremendous power and influence the CIA holds over US puppet states.

This interview is absolutely amazing and so revealing showing how the CIA bribes and coerces European journalists; therefore, I definitely recommend you watch all of it.

Continuing on the ‘Matrix of Influence’ Shipp notes something we are all familiar with; that is that only 6 major corporations owns and controls the vast majority of news (and entertainment) media and therefore control the editorial content of what is propagated from their platforms. Shipp adds that journalists at these outlets can’t really go against what their editors approve. And since these editors are chained to the CIA, these news outlets are merely pushers of propaganda.

Globalist funding from types likes of George Soros also contribute to the chaos.


Shipp then recommends a book he’s read entitled The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.


A quote from the book: "This network of cooperation: pressures CIA exerts on media equals political warfare against the American public."


Shipp concludes that the national media is compliant with CIA censorship and propaganda and ends with examples of these CIA Deep State operatives such as John Brennan (discussed in Part 2 of this series) who has been a Shadow Government operative for almost 30 years.

Shadow Government – Cross Party Influence

Democrats & Republicans are basically one and the same, according to Shipp.


Shadow Government – Constitutional Violations

A quintessential component of the Shadow Government grasp on the Federal Government lies with the Constitutional violations it has demonstrated over the years. Shipp states many related examples in this section many of which are included in the corresponding slide below with a major one being their control over Congressional hearings; we have seen this time and time again over the past decades. The wrongdoers are often grilled at these hearings; but nobody ever gets any real form of punishment for these criminal and unconstitutional acts. It’s quite embarrassing to say the least, and merely shows the world how the rule of law is a complete farce in the US Judicial System as it pertains to keeping these traitors accountable.


Shipp warns other members of the intelligence community that when they sign up, they give up their Constitutional right to trial. Among this long list of Constitutional violations includes the secret prison/rendition/torture programs and the NDAA – Indefinite detention of American citizens which is arguably one of the most egregious in the lot; here is a video on the subject with Senator Rand Paul:

“If there’s a national state of emergency, they can round up anybody they want, with no habeas corpus, no probable cause, no trial, lock-em up, deny them access to an attorney their family or anyone else.” Shipp then states.

Based on the War on Terror (for which I delve into my post entitled The US Government Lost $1.2 Trillion In 2017 + $250 million per day since September 11, 2001 where I also prove that $29.8 trillion worth of funds have been stolen by the Pentagon and Intelligence Agencies) we are still in a continual State of Emergency after 9/11 Shipp astutely points out.

I have verified this statement by Shipp; and he is indeed correct in his facts. You can find an article entitled Yes, America is Still in an Official State of Emergency (also referenced here) to this effect. Although Congress has the power to revoke this State of Emergency, it has not done so since then.

And based on “continuity of government”; they can suspend the Constitution at any time.


Shadow Government Rewards the Faithful


George Tenet, former Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush. on December 14, 2004.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is, according to Wikipedia, recognizes those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors". Tenet received the medal after he provided falsified intelligence leading to the Iraq War; withheld critical information prior to the 9/11 Attacks, among other things. And at the time, Tenet’s Chief of Staff was none other than John Brennan who was later rewarded with the Director of the CIA position, Shipp adds.


No one ever gets indicted or arrested. You see these wonderful congressional hearings with Trey Gowdy whose an awesome orator and Jason Chaffetz when he was there pounding on these people…But did anything happen? No. Nothing. They presented a beautiful case and nothing happens. That’s the way it works.”, concludes Shipp on this sour note. I’ve watched several of these hearings and must say that he is correct that nothing, indeed, ever happens.

When a Government Lies to its People (Under Oath / Before Congress)

The final section of his lengthy presentation concludes with examples of how these players continuously lie under oath before Congress and always get away with it. A nice example of this is with James Clapper (a former Director of National Intelligence) for whom Shipp pokes fun of for his terrible lying ability; you can be the judge by examining his cringing facial expressions and very uncomfortable body language in the following video on the point:

Another example of lying with John Brennan:

He continues with more lying felonies from the likes of Robert Mueller, General Keith Alexander, and former Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder has to be one of the most corrupt members of the Department of Justice in US History. Here is an example of how he led by omission when asked about whether the DOJ monitored the phones of members of Congress:

I couldn’t find the specific videos Shipp was referring to with regard to these last three traitors; if any of you have the address to them, please let me know and I will add them to this post.


And to wrap up Part 2, Shipp offers the following quote from Dana Priest and William Arkin (authors of the book Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State):


This concludes Part 2 of Kevin Shipp’s presentation and Part 3 of my series. There is a Part 3 to Shipp’s presentation (video link here) and although it states that this video is 3 hours and 6 minutes long, that is incorrect, as it is about 1:04:21 in length. I may add a fourth part to this series in the future to cover more of what Shipp reveals. But for now I think most of you have a lot to digest.



We, collectively need to spread Mr. Shipp’s word far and wide; so I first thank you for reading this series and plead with you to re-steem it in order to spread the word far and wide. Bless you.

In Truth & Liberty,


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This is great work and deserves way more eyeballs to see it