Here's how Bloomberg Juices the Futures Market which triggers stocks for what ought to be a down day...steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

Bloomberg Market Rigging 101

Here is how Bloomberg juices the market when it is set to be a down day:

STEP 1 - Issue some fake news from unnamed sources

Just have a look at yesterday's pre-market news article entitled U.S., China Move Closer to Trade Deal Despite Harsh Rhetoric from so called "reporters" (I mean propagandists) Jenny Leonard and Shuping Niu. Here is an extract:

The U.S. and China are moving closer to agreeing on the amount of tariffs that would be rolled back in a phase-one trade deal despite tensions over Hong Kong and Xinjiang, people familiar with the talks said.

Who exactly are these "people" familiar with the matter?

It continues:

The people, who asked not to be identified, said that U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments Tuesday downplaying the urgency of a deal shouldn’t be understood to mean the talks were stalling, as he was speaking off the cuff. Recent U.S. legislation seeking to sanction Chinese officials over human-rights issues in Hong Kong and Xinjiang are unlikely to impact the talks, one person familiar with Beijing’s thinking said.

Really? A "Beijing thinking person"? Wonder who that can be. What an amazing and reliable source, Bloomberg. What a freakin farce of a news outlet folks!

STEP 2 - Sit back and watch the futures get triggered higher on the fake news (and illegally profit from it)

I know it is nothing new for these fake news/propaganda outlets to spew just about anything citing unnamed sources. But at what point does it become so ridiculously obvious that there are intentionally doing this to juice the pre-makerts.

They do this knowing fully well that it will trigger the pre-trading algos by large investment banks and funds with the S&P (and other) Mini-Futures, as can be seen hereunder with the respective (almost immediate) uptick on this news (see the two green vertical arrows):


And that is usually all that is needed to turn around the trading sentiment for the day and juice the markets for higher and higher fake highs.

The propagandists stated above who spew this kind of market manipulation garbage definitely have the green light from their boss and recent US Democractic presidential nominee Michael Bloomberg - who is a billionnaire opportunist who continues to make a fortune on juice markets. If you want to know more about this American traitor, I invite you to have a look at my recent post entitled Everything you need to know about Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg in one Tweet.

It is not only Bloomberg who takes part in this criminality, Reuters also does it as can be attested . These and other outlets pretty much have been doing this for the past decade whenever the pre-market futures indices are indicating a down start to the trading day.

Rinse & Repeat.

No market manipulation to see here folks. Keep moving along please.

All brought to you by your new Democratic presidential nominee, Michael Bloomberg.

God Bless America.

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I note another source I follow here @marketreport points out that the fragility of the economy has created an essentially existential situation for the central banking system, the USG, EU, and corporations large and small interwoven into it. Had the fake news not been issued, or had it failed, a potential cascading crash of equities could have swifly ensued, triggering '08x10. Given global riots already, as well as various other seething wounds politically, rather than a fine trading day for the usual suspects, we could have been looking at Mad Max scenarios in weeks.

This is the state of the markets today.

Someone else I followed here, but who doesn't post anymore is @gunsgoatsandgold, or something to that effect, and that nick makes sense to me. When we are looking at such massive inflation of commodities like real estate, gold, and etc. we should expect that artificial wealth gap to be used to implement a two tiered society of equity holders and useless eaters.

When I think of such social manipulation, events like the Holodomor and The Great Leap Forward come to mind, rather than the Great Depression.

Hope I'm wrong.
