The Jussie Smollet affair - A precursor to what's in store for 2019-2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)



I was a bit slow to catch on to the whole JUSSIE SMOLLET AFFAIR but have since caught up on it; and it has given me some insight into what I think the establishment or "elites" (I always hate to use that term) have in store for the remainder of this year and for 2020.

If you are unfamiliar with who Jussie Smollet is then I invite you to catch up on it with the 3 videos I am linking to further below in this post. Although it is quite annoying and burdensome to waste anytime on such a low life, there is a bigger issue at play here than meets the eye.

Why even bother or give a damn about a loser actor who is seeking attention? Because I can see some much BIGGER OPERATION in the works. And I think it is quite evident to anyone looking. Please allow me elaborate a bit...

hate-speech: the new POLITICAL PSY-OP

A recent post by @ladyrebecca entitled PC or not PC? got me thinking a bit more deeply. In her post she wrote:

Like many of the causes liberals rally behind, #metoo was just a trend… no longer fashionable in 2019.

I think she was exactly right to observe that the #meetoo movement was soooo 2018. And I replied to her:

The #meetoo PSYOP failed. And failed BIG TIME. If it had been the least bit genuine at all, you'd see the "primary aggressor" of this Psy-Op Harvey Weinstein behind bars; but in the 2-tier American justice system, well...that just ain't gonna happen.

The #meetoo movement never really took off - it was a FAILED OPERATION by these same elites I am referring to.

So now instead of pushing the "gender-wars" cog in their 'divisive-agenda', they are opting for a more inclusive one, namely: the #hate-speech one, as it is more all-encompassing and targets a much wider audience. It is a bit genius in a devious sort of way as it has a double-edged sword:

  1. It perpetuates their divisive agenda in a much broader way;

  2. It establishes a foundation for their wet dream of extreme suppression of free speech (classic Problem-Reaction-Solution form of mind-control)

With the former listed above, the elite use their puppets at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Apple, et al. to foment hatred among the masses. A lot of bots and AI algorithms are also used to this effect (especially by the social engineers at Facebook).

For both the former and latter, it can be best summated from our good friend @perceptualflaws who wrote an outstanding piece (best thing I've ever come across on Steemit, or online for that matter) entitled The Psychology Of Control: Social Media & The Frontlines Of The Reality War. Here are but a few excerpts regarding hate-speech:

(from the section The War On Free Speech): The control system capitalises upon our oft manipulated divisions and uses it to cultivate a war on free speech. One aspect promotes what is termed offensive or hate speech, whilst the other capitalises upon the twitter meltdowns to insidiously curtail free speech. Again, the higher education system has already created a safe space culture, and so now we have individuals looking to authority to police words and perspectives considered offensive to an ever decreasing band of accepted opinion. They have created a culture of identitarian politics and then crafted the illusion that each identity/political pursuasion is under attack, in imminent danger. When people feel as though their identity/belief is under attack it creates a more tribalistic political landscape, a landscape that is both fed by and feeds the thought ghetto. Indeed, once you start the momentum it then becomes self-perpuating.

Definitions of hate speech were always intended to become increasingly blurred and broadened, one day they will be used to silence those that voice an opinion that is opposing a premeditated and predetermined societal narrative.

They are training people to become offended and then capitalising upon their reaction to create real world laws.

Can you see the chain/linkage between the two?

It is clear as day. It encompasses all three PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION:

  1. PROBLEM: Too much hatred and division amongst people!
  2. REACTION: He/She/It/They...hurt me and I am a helpless victim!
  3. SOLUTION: We (the powers-that-shouldn't-be - and mostly CONgress) need to draft and enact laws to against hate speech.

But believe-you-me that in those laws there will be clear - or should I say most vague and opaque - terminology that will be used as a means to curtail and suppress speech altogether.

In other words, it will be used as a 1984'esque Ministry of Truth to dictate what can and can not be said, talked about, discussed, pondered; as anything beyond an "acceptable" governmental narrative will be out of the question and punishable by fine, harrassment, excessive use of police force, imprisonment, etc.

This has already been developed and enacted in the EU with what is called the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. And here are a couple of backgrounder articles from ZeroHedge on the subject:

Basically, the law is so opaque and vague that pretty much anything can be considered hate speech - including simple memes. Europeans in have already seen SWAT teams burst into their homes to arrest them for such "crimes".

And think the UK is immune to this? Think again. Here are a few images from the police forces (as per the article stated above):



This is coming to the United States (Canada, Australia, and many more countries...), no doubt in my mind at all, at least that is the goal.

In the US, the ultimate goal is to annul the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. In fact, they have already passed some laws for which they can already seize citizens' weapons. They want your guns and they're coming for them! A population without guns is totally helpless and will not offer much of a resistance to any form of tyranny. The Founding Fathers knew this all too well.

The Jussie Smollet Affair

As promised, here is a summary of the hoax that was perpetrated (most likely as a Political Psy-Op) to launch the new movement-du-jour for 2019. Basically, the following three alt-media outlets have nailed it to a "T":

1) Luke from WeAreChange:

2) Mark Dice:

3) "V" the guerilla economist from Rogue News:

...Of the three videos, I think this is the one who nails it the most, as I agree with him that this was indeed a FAILED POLITICAL PSY-OP, as it has all the be the judge of course (leave your comments or thoughts below).

Socialism (Socialist Revolution)

Perhaps this matter deserves a whole new post. But for now, suffice it to say that the same powers-that-shouldn't-be are hard at work to push the Socialist (Marxist-Communist) agenda to the max, as it will be beneficial to them for two main reasons:

1 - It will put everyone on the "same" level (like we saw with communism during the Cultural Revolution in China). What better way than to debase a people? Charles Hugh Smith wrote a stunning article explaining this in great detail (see The West's Descent into 'Cultural Revolution') earlier this year. Read it!

Once everybody is debased and in the same boat so to speak, it becomes much easier to cattle and control them.

Of course, to this effect, you will without a doubt see a strong Democratic-Socialist political candidate emerge and run against Trump probably some time this year. I almost doubt it will be Bernie Sanders as he is quite old. But don't be surprised to see an Obama-type charismatic figure to come out of the blue to announce his/her (or it's?) candidacy and related agenda which will likely entail free-stuff-for-everyone-and-we-have-no-idea-who-will-pay-for-it hoopla.

2 - They need to transition from a capitalist system to a socialist one, as the current monetary system demands it. That is to say, the current system is inauthentic in that it is no longer a true capitalist system but rather a managed market economy (much like that of the former Soviet Union). There are no real markets anymore; everything is managed and rigged by the current international banking cabal.

The debt-based system is on its dying legs and the only way to sustain it is to dramatically increase spending. Thus an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez style $93 Trillion "Green New Deal" and things like Universal Basic Income or Trump's new "Space Wars" race (arguably) are the only remaining ways to spend like crazy to keep the system afloat, as they (mostly the Fed) need to generate more debt just to keep the current ponzi system from collapsing.

Once the system falls under its own weight is when we will see the transition to a new monetary system with a digital currency (I like to call it a slavecoin) which will lock-in all the sheep as they will then be able to track & tax every single monetary transaction, punish them for both holding and withdrawing cash from their accounts, and "unplug" any dissident trouble-maker and memory-hole them.

Welcome to 1984 2.0!


To summarize this post, for 2019 and 2020 keep your radar alert to the following two movements/ops - #hate-speech & #socialism, as I think there will be many many more events to come this year and next that will help solidify and anchor these movements.

Also follow upcoming bills and proposed laws to see if they will include such anti-HateSpeech and pro-Socialist legislation, as they usually tend to secretly slip these kinds of things in more "general" bills so that the masses don't notice.

Thanks all for your time! Comments welcome.

In Truth and Liberty,


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I am glad to see that I am not the only one seeing this coming. But I also see the gender issue being maintained in the Smollet psyop, because Smollet is gay. Neither do I think this is a failed psyop, because the initial furor isn't reversed just because it's proven to have been fraudulent.

The outrage and hatred driven into the proles when the lie broke did it's job, and forced those susceptible to it into even more hardened mental silos of outrage. They may be a bit taken aback and disappointed now, but they are not realigning against the perpetrators of the psyop: the marxist left. The psyop worked by triggering them on these issues, and more strongly aligning them with leftists, and merely that they were lied to getting them there isn't reversing that effect.

Neither do I think the metoo movement failed. As Weinstein began to be dunked in the acid pool of public denigration, and other actors began to be outed for the same creepy shit, children being victimized in Hollywood began to be the story. The metoo psyop wasn't an attempt to convict Weinstein and the others.

It was a brilliant ploy to keep them from being flayed alive as child sex traffickers, and all of Hollywood with them. It diverted the sexual assault focus away from children who were passed around by their parents for money in Hollywood to the actresses currently in, or wanting to be back in, the limelight.

It worked perfectly, and now no more outrage is building against the systematic victimization of child talent in Hollywood, which might have continued to spill over to the other loci, such as politicians, warzones, CPS and foster care, and etc.

The Black Cube, Psygroup, and etc., are not amateurs feeling things out as they go along, and able to only balance one twirling plate on a stick while they ride the unicycle. Like good jugglers, they keep many balls in the air at once, and when one is going awry, they pocket it, which they also do when it's run it's course - until it's needed again.

Don't underestimate 'intelligence' agencies. From the hippies, to the Finders, to GEOTUS, psyops run by geniuses flush with cash, and availed of the greatest technology ever conceived of to influence people - both for and against the obvious 'soft targets' in our cultures - don't often fail, and when they do it's because we didn't even notice the issue.

The Hegelian Dialectic is to control both sides of a debate, so that no matter which side is more popular, that side can be used to effect the given aim, and it is infinitely patient, so when the victim struggles to much to enable a clean getaway, they can loose their grip a bit, and come back in a year or two. This means that even when they lose, they don't lose. They just win later.


Edit: I also note the timing of the 'lynching' legislation demanded by Cory Booker and Kamala Harris coincided perfectly with the fake assault. I think Booker and Harris were knee deep as perps in this fraud, and that's why I also think Smollet will be handled with kid gloves, and not do the time for the crime.

Given that this was a conspiracy that involved US government agents (Booker and Harris) as well as various media outlets, to radicalize US law contrary to the Constitution, it was sedition, and treason as well.

The cops ain't gonna fight that battle. They know they'd lose.

Neither do I think this is a failed psyop, because the initial furor isn't reversed just because it's proven to have been fraudulent.

The outrage and hatred driven into the proles when the lie broke did it's job, and forced those susceptible to it into even more hardened mental silos of outrage. They may be a bit taken aback and disappointed now, but they are not realigning against the perpetrators of the psyop: the marxist left. The psyop worked by triggering them on these issues, and more strongly aligning them with leftists, and merely that they were lied to getting them there isn't reversing that effect.

My friend, I did have a bit of what you said in my mind even though I didn't, sadly and regrettably, articulate it in my post. These well-conceived (even thought sometimes not so well fully executed) psy-ops have multipronged contingencies to mitigate any shortcomings. So, I basically agree with your acute and perceptive assessment.

Neither do I think the metoo movement failed. ...It was a brilliant ploy to keep them from being flayed alive as child sex traffickers, and all of Hollywood with them. It diverted the sexual assault focus away from children

Totally agree my friend. I overlooked this (even though I think it was somehow buried in the back of my mind). I had previously thought that they did this to shift the focus away from their pedophilic crimes onto more "adult" ones, as to abscond themselves from the matter. Deviously brilliant, yet so morally reprehensible!

The Hegelian Dialectic is to control both sides of a debate, so that no matter which side is more popular, that side can be used to effect the given aim, and it is infinitely patient, so when the victim struggles to much to enable a clean getaway, they can loose their grip a bit, and come back in a year or two. This means that even when they lose, they don't lose. They just win later.

Well observed.

Edit: I also note the timing of the 'lynching' legislation demanded by Cory Booker and Kamala Harris coincided perfectly with the fake assault.

Do you have a link or reference to said legislation? If so can you provide a link?

I also think Smollet will be handled with kid gloves, and not do the time for the crime.

Indeed. For sure...

BTW, I really enjoyed your most gracious and astute reply. There are probably a handful of people who could have offered such a discerning and insightful assessment. So, for this I am most grateful and obliging my friend.


Here's a link:

I just searched 'lynching harris booker'.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm only sad that we have to wrap our heads around these issues. The world could be so much better if... If only.

We have to take it back.


Thanks for the link. Although a lot of "lesser" things can be done to impede the DS for these kinds of acts, I sincerely think that the only way is to cut the head of the snake so to speak, i.e., keep informing the masses that their money isn't safe in any bank controlled by the International Banking Cabal. It is only a matter of months before they crash the current monetary system to replace it with a new digital currency (I like to call a slavecoin) after which everyone will be completely trapped (as all transactions will be taxed, monitored, etc.). Perhaps the only other way to awaken the masses is to have the 9/11 lie fully exposed. This is why YouTube is making great efforts to suppress such related videos.

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