What is the Eugenesico system? | Que es el sistema eugenesico?

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Hello friends This is the continuation of a study on the New World order, started in this post

Did you know that the world economy is controlled by an elite group?

Sabias que la economía del mundo es controlada por un grupo elite?


This elite group behind the scenes control the different industries in charge of world production (pharmaceutical, food, film, television, technology) are the same in charge of factories of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the Soft drinks, drinks already known as harmful to the immune and biological system of humanity.

This system controlled by these elites have brought more and more environmental damage, they are largely causing the global warming, at the expense of gaining power and control over humanity, so they have gone out of hand the birth control of Huma Community.

Este grupo elite detrás del escenario controlan las diferentes industrias encargadas de la producción mundial (farmacéutica, alimentaria, cinematográfica, televisiva, tecnológica) son los mismo a cargo de fabricas de armas de destrucción masiva, como también de las bebidas gaseosas, bebidas ya conocidas como dañinas para el sistema inmunológico y biológico de la humanidad.
Este sistema controlado por estas elites han traído cada vez mas daños medioambientales, son causantes en gran manera del calentamiento global, a expensas de obtener poder y control sobre la humanidad, por lo cual se les ha ido de las manos el control de la natalidad de la humanidad.


What is this elite group Daniel?

Cual es este grupo Elite Daniel?.

These are immensely wealthy people, the ultra-rich as you hear say has so much money that they can pay debts from entire nations, they can pay everything you imagine and what not too. They use their wealth to control matters in the nations, they own the largest banks in the world and the most known, rich and important companies on this planet.

Through secret organizations, they are dedicated to taking control of educational systems, where they sow values that suit them, dominate charitable organizations, and even worse are active members and leaders of secret societies in the world.

They are responsible for funding campaigns and placing the political leader of their whim, the International Monetary Fund also belongs to them, the World Bank and the United Nations Organization. It should be noted that your money is not found in small purses or common banks, they use the offshore banking, a kind of bank that is tax-free as well as many attributes that make it free in their transactions.

Esta son personas inmensamente ricas, los ultra ricos como escuche decir tiene tanto dinero que pueden pagar deudas de naciones enteras, pueden pagar todo cuanto te imaginas y lo que no también. Usan su riqueza para controlar asuntos en las naciones, son dueños de los mas grandes bancos del mundo y de las empresas mas conocidas, ricas e importantes sobre este planeta.
Por medio de organizaciones secretas, están dedicados a tomar control de sistemas educativos, en donde siembran valores que a ellos les conviene, dominan organizaciones benéficas, y aun peor son miembros activos y lideres de sociedades secretas en el mundo.
Son los encargados de financiar campañas y colocar al líder político de su antojo, El Fondo monetario internacional también les pertenece, el banco mundial y la organización de naciones unidas. Cabe destacar que su dinero no se encuentra en pequeños monederos o bancos comunes, ellos usan la banca offshore, un especie de banco que se encuentra libre de impuestos así como muchos atributos que la hacen libre en sus transacciones.

The following is a small article that shows the wealth that is accumulating this elite:
Taken from this website

LONDON, July 22 (Reuters) - Rich individuals and their families have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280 billion in lost income tax revenues, according to research published on Sunday.
The study estimating the extent of global private financial wealth held in offshore accounts - excluding non-financial assets such as real estate, gold, yachts and racehorses - puts the sum at between $21 and $32 trillion.
The research was carried out for pressure group Tax Justice Network, which campaigns against tax havens, by James Henry, former chief economist at consultants McKinsey & Co. He used data from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations and central banks.
The report also highlights the impact on the balance sheets of 139 developing countries of money held in tax havens by private elites, putting wealth beyond the reach of local tax authorities.
The research estimates that since the 1970s, the richest citizens of these 139 countries had amassed $7.3 to $9.3 trillion of “unrecorded offshore wealth” by 2010.
Private wealth held offshore represents “a huge black hole in the world economy,” Henry said in a statement. (Reporting by Chris Vellacott) Taken from this website

Some of the organizations through which they exercise control are:

Skull and bones
The Bildelberg Group
Bohemia grove
Foundation Rokefeler
Foundation Ford


Una imagen para mis hermanos de habla hispana.

There are also the six monolithic corporations that control what we see, listen and read:

Taken from this website

Time Warner

Home Box Office (HBO)
Time Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
CW Network (partial ownership)
New Line Cinema
Time Warner Cable
Cartoon Network
America Online
Castle Rock
Sports Illustrated
Marie Claire
People Magazine

Walt Disney

ABC Television Network
Disney Publishing
Disney Channel
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Buena Vista Theatrical Productions
Buena Vista Records
Disney Records
Hollywood Records
Miramax Films
Touchstone Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
Buena Vista Games
Hyperion Books


Paramount Pictures
Paramount Home Entertainment
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Comedy Central
Country Music Television (CMT)
MTV Canada
Nick Magazine
Nick at Nite
Nick Jr.
Spike TV
The Movie Channel
TV Land

News Corporation

Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Fox Television Stations
The New York Post
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox Business Network
Fox Kids Europe
Fox News Channel
Fox Sports Net
Fox Television Network
My Network TV
News Limited News
Phoenix InfoNews Channel
Phoenix Movies Channel
Sky PerfecTV
Speed Channel
STAR TV Taiwan
STAR World
Times Higher Education Supplement Magazine
Times Literary Supplement Magazine
Times of London
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
20th Century Fox International
20th Century Fox Studios
20th Century Fox Television
The Wall Street Journal
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Interactive Media
HarperCollins Publishers
The National Geographic Channel
National Rugby League
News Interactive
News Outdoor
Radio Veronica
Sky Italia
Sky Radio Denmark
Sky Radio Germany
Sky Radio Netherlands

CBS Corporation

CBS News
CBS Sports
CBS Television Network
CBS Radio Inc. (130 stations)
CBS Consumer Products
CBS Outdoor
CW Network (50% ownership)
Infinity Broadcasting
Simon & Schuster (Pocket Books, Scribner)
Westwood One Radio Network

NBC Universal

NBC News
NBC Sports
NBC Television Network
SciFi Magazine
Syfy (Sci Fi Channel)
USA Network
Weather Channel
Focus Features
NBC Universal Television Distribution
NBC Universal Television Studio
Paxson Communications (partial ownership)
Universal Parks & Resorts
Universal Pictures
Universal Studio Home Video

Taken from this website

Impressive truth? Well but I think I've deviated a bit, we go with the point of the system Eugenesico.



Then this system consists in the decrease of the world population, a control of the population by the elite, like? By means of drugs, that little by little they go killing, by means of poison in the waters, food harmful to the health, with highly carcinogenic ingredients, the famous vaccines, how often I ask why of them? Products of daily use that are causing respiratory diseases and of all nature in the human being.

Entonces este sistema consiste en la disminución de la población mundial, un control de la población por parte de la elite, como? por medio de fármacos, que poco a poco van matándolos, por medio de veneno en las aguas, alimentos dañinos para la salud, con ingredientes altamente cancerígenos, las famosas vacunas, cuantas veces me pregunte el porque de ellas? productos de uso diario que van causando enfermedades respiratorias y de toda índole en el ser humano.

This elite is seeing the overpopulation of society, a population mostly unnecessary for them, a population that exceeds 7 billion which goes against personal interests, power and control. For this they want to guarantee a genetically modified race according to their standards to to achieve healthier and more intelligent people, this sounds a little to the dream of Hitler, closer to the natural selection of Charles Darwin. The creator of this eugenicist theory driven by the new order was a cousin of Darwin's own surname Galton, a theory that seeks to favor the higher races and disappear the inferior races.

Esta elite esta viendo la sobrepoblación de la sociedad, una población en su mayoría innecesaria para ellos, una población que sobrepasa los 7000 millones la cual va en contra de intereses personales, de poder y control. Para esto quieren garantizar una raza genéticamente modificada de acuerdo a sus estándares a según para lograr gente mas sana e inteligente, esto suena un poco al sueño de Hitler, acercándonos mas a la selección natural de Charles Darwin. El creador de esta teoría eugenista impulsada por el nuevo orden fue un primo del propio Darwin de apellido Galton, teoría que busca favorecer a las razas superiores y desaparecer las razas inferiores.

It's all for now we continue in upcoming publications, thanks for reading:

Es todo por ahora continuamos en próximas publicaciones, gracias por leer:

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Wow justamente hablaba sobre esto este maniana

Excelente es un tema bastante amplio, seria bueno crear un foro de discucion al respecto, gracias por tu comentario