A totally non scientific connection of dots...interesting none the less...

in informationwar •  7 years ago 


During this last days of posting's about the Rothschild, I have spent a lot of time looking at pictures - and more importantly - faces ( genetic similarities add weight to any argument).

While this can and does lend authenticity to bloodlines, etc, I have a problem with this form of research.

Namely that I am totally crap at it.

If you gave me sample photo's of identical twins, I would struggle to see the similarities.
(just not one of my talents, I'm afraid)
This is not a new thing - I have been aware of this inability all my life - to see family similarities in faces.
It just does 'not happen' with me.


Angela Merkel has been under the spotlight lately, with a view to possible family connection's with Hitler.

Namely she is his daughter.
I am as cynical as the rest -and may be more so than a lot of people - but with all my research of late, I am finding myself not jumping to conclusions, and instead just seeing where the evidence leads...

....enter my girlfriend....

Lucy has zero interest in international politics, or history.
While she knows the face of Hitler, Merkel was an unknown to her.

One thing Luce is fantastic at - is seeing genetic similarities in families.
This I have seen in action, countless time in real life....

SO I thought I would try an experiment............

I placed pictures I found of Hitler and Merkel together - (As well as Hitlers mum, next to Merkel) and presented them to Luce.

She was unequivocal (especially after seeing Hitlers mum ).

"That is definitely his child!", She said, after 20 seconds of scouring the photo's.

What do you think? (my opinion is pointless)



I can kinda see similarities, truth be told.
More importantly...
IF this is truly the case... and IF Hitler was indeed of Rothschild's genes....this would mean we have a Rothschild's bloodline, now leading Europe politically. (and for the last few years...)

....And her communistic politics of the 'One Europe' resonate with the Rothchild's one world government...

Are there any 'qualified' people (whatever that means), out there to substantiate this observation?

Photo source https://50shadesofpissedoff.com

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LOL. I just love the comparison. Does not matter if it is true or not, we will never get to the bottom of it. It's just delicious to put these two into context :)

....well, I did specify it was a non scientific connection of the dots. lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You knows how to distinguish races by seeing images? that is, to differentiate between a German white and a Mediterranean white, between a French and a Spanish and an Italian, between a Russian and a German? Evidently a slight resemblance between Hitler and Merkel is seen, but the things in which they resemble are Germanic features and that can be found in a fairly considerable percentage of the population. It is my opinion. There are videos about it on youtube. Even so, the first time I heard that theory I was very impressed, because I had not had other factors in mind.

hitler was austrian.

Yes, the Austrians are of the same race as the Germans.

This is reaching, isn't it?

Merkel is 63 - unless she isn't and is more like 72, and this is all a part of the suggested conspiracy - so unless you think Hitler was alive and copulating 8 years after his death, that would rule it out.

There seems to be little physical similarity to me, anyway. I don't see it at all.

And even if she is his daughter (she so isn't), then what conclusions do you want to draw? That she is a neo Nazi?

Not your best work!

...cryogenics were in a part of German research ...

neo nazi? - My look is relative to the Rothschild cabal.

(Hitler was a useful idiot.)

The Nazis researched a lot of things. To say they researched something is all but meaningless without something to back it up.

The problem with any of these conspiracy type theories is that most of them have to be bullshit. I accept that some of them will have some truth behind them, but how on earth are we supposed to know what is what?

It seems to me that "believing" in any given theory is as blind as the faith in a diety. Maybe even blinder...

The problem is that Hitler / Dizney didn't die after WWII. Neither where the nazis defeated.
Basically, when you go down this rabbit hole, you have to start questioning everything you were told about history.

Similar to believing the tale of when Osama Bin Laden died... by a seal team, that then dumped his body in the ocean... and then flew exploding helicopters into the desert.

And oh yes, ALL the astronauts on the exploding space shuttle had twins, who still go around together today.

Without any evidence, all these claims are meaningless. And honestly, I can't even work out if you are taking the piss...

Without any evidence...

You expect evidence, that would be enough to prove something that basically destroys everything you learned in history class? And you expect this evidence to be distilled down so small that it would fit in a reply?

There is no evidence. The rots-children have made sure of that.
So, we look at photos, compare ears. (ears are pretty close to fingerprints for identifying people)
We compare timings.

And all of this builds out so large you can't put it into a book. Only the internet has the storage space for unravelling what has been 2000 years of a psyop designed to destroy humanity.

So without evidence, what do you base your belief system on? Ears? Seems less than tenuous.

I have decades of looking and reading into these areas.
Most of the stuff i read is no longer on the internetz. (nor in print)

My statement was that it is impossible to put any kind of meaningful evidence in a reply.
Its hard to put it into a post.
These things are just a teaser to get people to look more deeply.


Here is a website about the still living crew of the Challenger shuttle:

This group of people have been seen together more than once.
There explanation, they are all twins.

I am definitely not qualified.
Like you, i would have trouble seeing the resemblance in twins.

Which is really annoying to the twins, when twins try to do that whole switcheroony thing and i don't even fall for it.

But, i can tell you that the entire back story of Hitler is phoney.
Its all made up.

And if you try to look into most politicians back story, you will find much the same. They, the facade, really doesn't exist much before they ran for office. There was a guy who looked up all the senators in the birth records and found zero.

The bloodlines of the 13 families is very important to them. They have made pacts with, for a lack of a better shared term, demons. It has to do with the frequency of their DNA. And so, they make sure to dilute it as little as possible. (Darwin was one of them, and so read his writings on genetics) Papa Bush's grandfather was a president too... but they changed the name.

They are always changing names.

So, Amy Winehouse is now known as Lady Gaga

Pres. Kennedy and his wife Marilyn changed their names and ran for and became president years later.

It is why they are spending so much money to try to control information. They are trying to control the internet because people, given an option, find other sources of information much better and more enjoyable.

Very few people would listen to Gaga if it wasn't spammed on the radio so much. Or if people heard other REAL people sing.

The rots-children will end up in obscurity, because when they no longer control the narrative, there really isn't anything interesting about them.

So, Amy Winehouse is now known as Lady Gaga..................???

I can assure that isn't true. 100%

I would like to know where you assurity comes from.
Amy Winehouse dies, and then Lady Gaga comes practically out of no where.
Their ears match. Their height and build match.

I really do not know. But it would be easier to believe TPTshouldn'tB have cloning already going on.

Close proximity.

I never heard of this one before - I just did a check.
lada gaga was performing live in 2006 the same time as Amy Whinehouse (not at same time)- just letting you know .

( if you have any doubts about my close proximity to Amy.)