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i just got it yesterday steve
i guess it takes time for everyone to get it and small fish like me are not that important lmao

It's an automated email sent to everyone.

I did not get the email but then again I have been here for over three years and there probably no reason for me to receive the email. Thank God for Steemmonsters otherwise the price of Steem would probably only be 5 Cents or Less...........@mepatriot

I haven't gotten this but saw it yesterday because someone who posted about leaving steemit got it right after he posted.

looks like that dirty fucker bloom is on to me now and i put anti american and anti jewish post that he is nailing and its not really anti jewish or anti american its their establsihment that im anti about
anyways just wanted to let you know if he is nailing me there less downvotes for you buddy
once a piece of shit always a piece of shit
bloom has replaced jerkoff beanie for me now
i got a new buddy lmao but this one is a coward compared to jerkoff