They are at it EVERY SECOND. The swamp creatures have not even been seriously threatened, let alone dis-empowered. Their latest program is to get legislation passed which would purport to take from the President the authority to enact tariffs on imports. This is un-Constitutional, and should not be permitted to even hit the legislative calendar. But, it is also more clear proof that America has long since moved away from the real "rule of law" and instead to the "law of legal precedent." Legal precedent is the HAMMER in the globalist/treasonous tool box, and it is wielded constantly by those who hate America and hide in the deepest and foulest depths of the swamp.
Here is a link:
Here is an excerpt:
"Coalition for a Prosperous America CEO Michael Stumo told Breitbart News the legislation is merely an effort to ensure that job-killing free trade is not disrupted. 'The legislation is a thinly veiled attempt by globalists and the multinational import lobby to prevent the president from protecting our national security and economic security interests,' Stumo said...
(Image courtesy of
Supporting the plan to strip Trump of his tariff powers is an alliance of globalist donors, 'Never Trump' pundits, business organizations, and corporate executives. For instance, the Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and the National ForeignTrade Council are spearheading efforts to push the legislation through Congress with the help of the billionaire Koch brothers‘ network of economic libertarian donors, as well as Never Trump neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol’s 'Farmers for Free Trade' organization. Meanwhile, popular economic nationalist organizations like the Alliance for American Manufacturing are urging Congress to block the free trade effort."
Koch Brothers again...hmmm...The Koch Brothers are so deep in bed with The Heritage Foundation that there is no reason any sane conservative should ever support Heritage with their donations. Globalist donors...hmm... Why are super wealthy FREE TRAITORS always globalist? Hmmm...
Maybe we can take the Bible at its word when it says that in the end times that the world will basically march to the beat of his evil drum at every turn.
That does NOT give us the right not to actively resist evil, though.