Judge Roy Moore...Who Should be a U.S. Senator RIGHT NOW....still triggering liberals at every turn.

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

If you thought Alabama's former Supreme Court Chief Justice was just going to let the liberal media and their "legalese-"toting, character-assassinating cohorts force him out of the public square, we have this awesome news from his AMAZING legal foundation, The Foundation for Moral Law:

(Image courtesy of paulsnewsline.blogspot.com.)

"September 27, 2019


MONTGOMERY, AL: The Foundation for Moral Law, an Alabama nonprofit organization dedicated to the defense of religious liberty, defended the prayer of a Tennessee high school coach at a football game as a legitimate expression of free speech and free exercise of religion.

In a letter to the Rutherford County (TN) Schools, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) complained that Rockvale High School football coach Rick Rice's prayer violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The matter was apparently resolved by having students lead in prayer before subsequent games.

But even though the School District has said religious activities must be student-initiated and student-led, language apparently borrowed from the federal Equal Access Act, the Foundation for Moral Law says the Equal Access Act is only a minimum threshold schools must meet in respect the rights of religious students. The First Amendment gives students and teachers more rights that those mentioned in the Equal Access Act. In a letter to the Rutherford County Schools and to Coach Rice, the Foundation offered its assistance in the unlikely event litigation takes place, and also attached a detailed memorandum the Foundation had previously sent to Alabama schools on religious activity at school athletic events.

Foundation President Kayla Moore commended Coach Rice for praying for his players' success and safety, saying 'The courts have repeatedly said that neither students nor teachers shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door'."

Foundation Senior Counsel John Eidsmoe added, 'There's Nothing in the Constitution requires that schools be religion-free zones or that religion is a censored topic that has no place in the public arena'. Furthermore, the protection for religious expression in Tennessee's Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes even beyond that of the United States Constitution."

Football is UNIQUELY AMERICAN, TOXICALLY MASCULINE, and yes, a bit dangerous. I suspect that this is why the liberals and their presstitutes in the media are constantly looking to tear down, and any and all traditions (like pre-game prayer) associated with it.

THANK YOU, Judge, for standing in the gap for all of us. May you, this team and coach, and all who are supporting the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS of our citizens have good success, both in re-establishing our God-given rights, but also in convicting those who still have a conscious to support what is truly right, righteous and good in our society.

Here is the link to their website:


Please do support them!

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