Oroville Update: 891" and still rising...and now...False Flag rumors growing...

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

This is all just internet rumor and conjecture at this stage, but it is important to take it into consideration given all the past lies and obvious current ones from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).

Yesterday, I wrote that doom was off, but I should have qualified that by saying "as a result of natural causes." There always remains the possibility that the Alinskyite/Communists/Globalists might use the collapse of the Oroville Dam (blamed on the weather) to usher in the chaos and economic collapse they desire in order to finish off the "Grand Old Union" and to usher in their NWO.

(Image courtesy of kqed.org.)

Here is an interesting photo:


I know the photo is inconclusive, but IF he's right, and that is mud mixing in with the water, it indicates there is some erosion occurring somewhere behind the gates, and that would be very bad news. I have been monitoring the spillway livecam and there has been a lot of drilling just to the side of the spillway on the downhill side the past 2-3 days. No one seems to know what they are drilling FOR, but the rumor is that they are looking for leakage. (Some also speculate they are planting explosives, but I doubt that. I don't think they'd do THAT on live cam.)

Then there is this photo:


Those two man lifts are in front of two of the gates on the main spillway. They did have their arms extended up into the upper part of those respective gates, and they've been there for days. Now those arms are down. No one (again) seems to know what they are there for, or why they are parked there now with arms down.

Here is a video that was made by a guy who seems earnest, but I do not know him, and am only passing it along as part of the narrative, and to possibly assist in averting a false flag event, in the event that one is actually being planned:

There are people claiming they are seeing a lot of FEMA activity around and above the dam as well...i.e. and claiming they are being pre-positioned. Again, unconfirmed.

There's lot of smoke surrounding the happenings at the Dam, and where there's lots of smoke...

TOO MUCH information is always better than not enough in situations like this.

Please resteem.

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Dam the dam lol.

They should tear it down and start over with a concrete dam if they get through this season.

Concrete is actually less safe than a earth dam. The problem with Oroville is poor maintenance and poor design of the secondary spillway.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hoover is less safe than Oroville?

Yes, think of what failed at Oroville. It was not the dam; it was the concrete spillway. Also, in California, we have had three dam failures of arch-gravity dam similar to Hover. Earth dams are less susceptible to damage from earthquakes which is a big deal that in California. We have serval dams in SoCal that are concrete that haven’t been maintained and are considered high risk of failure.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would open it up to the free market to compete in ways to fix these types of problems. Get the government out of it.

On the bidding side, maybe. But, dam safety is one place where I actually believe in some type of centralized oversight.

It is like New Orleans. If it might flood, don't build there.

I agree.