Pope Francis and The Catholic Church...why do they hate American national sovereignty so much??

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

While I have tremendous respect for the good lay people--many of whom are just as Christian (and some more so) IMHO, than any Protestants--of the Catholic Church, and even for most of the truly celibate clergy (who don't abuse kids) there is no excusing the fact that the Catholic Church is a BIG partner in the global push for eliminating national borders and for inserting unassimilables into peaceful, homogeneous neighborhoods.

(Race war violence in Lewiston. Courtesy of rightoftheright.com.)

Here in Maine, for example, it is Catholic Charities that has been behind the push for bringing radicalized Somali Muslims (along with many peaceful ones) into Maine. The Lewiston-Auburn area (our second "biggest" metro area--and I use quotes because that's still only about 70,000 people) is now a hotbed for racial and religious tension ...which was not formerly the case...with upwards of 10,000 Somalis dumped into this area since the 90s.

There is even talk of sending a bunch of Somalis to extreme northern Maine to become potato farmers in an area where the average winter temps are well below 10 degrees, and where most local farmers have failed and given up due to Canadian subsidies and other machinations of the anti-farming elements. Trust me, there is NOTHING CHARITABLE about dumping immigrants who are used to 100-degree temperatures year round into a place where it snows more than 15' in some winters. That is setting them up to turn desperate and setting them up for guaranteed failure.

The Catholic Church, at the upper levels, appears to be a hotbed of radical globalist sentiment. This article certainly bears that out:


Here is an excerpt:

"'Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants,' reports Vatican News.

The article notes that the migrants are primarily from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala but that they don’t plan to stay in Mexico, and are 'instead hoping for a better future in the United States…however, the US border remains closed to them.'

The money will go to aid the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six migrant caravans. As part of his crusade against populism, Pope Francis has repeatedly urged European countries to take in migrants from predominantly Muslim countries."

(Pope portrayed as a Communist. Image courtesy of traditioinaction.org.)

I still think that this guy is an interloper and usurper who deposed the true pope on behalf of the Communists, globalists, and the radical homosexual elements inside The Vatican, and I know several Catholics who (mostly quietly) agree. The time may be soon approaching for a righteous counter coup.

The Catholic Church had no problem turning a blind eye to extreme nationalism during WW II. It's so sad to see they are now foisting a different type of political extremism on the world. Nationalism, of the type practiced in our "melting pot" here in the U.S.A. for over two hundred years, is a good and wholesome thing, as are sensible immigration laws and limits.

If the Catholic Church can't get to the point where they understand that, they will simply continue to render themselves increasingly irrelevant; and, they will prove the point of many "conspiracy theorists" that say they are a big part of the push for a one-world, antichrist-spirit-dominated church and government.

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There must be big profit in humans all hating each other, seems like there are so many agendas all fuelling hatred and distrust of each other.

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You would be very correct. It we enjoy each other there is no revenue. But if we have hatred there is endless revenue for;

  • police
  • justice system
  • non profits
  • news organizations
  • medical industry
  • philanthropy
  • ect ect

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Seems to me like there are currently two factions competing for who will run the world government they all agree needs to be installed.

On one side there seems to be the Vatican Jesuits along with Grand Orient Freemasonry. This faction is communist, wants all humans to intermarry so that only one race remains. It is rabbidly atheist and often uses the angry masses to destroy whoever is in their way, like for example the revolution that brought about the USSR.
I would argue that most of the EU as well as latin america is under the control of this faction.

On the other side you have the Grand Mother Lodge of Freemasonry, which is royalist, racialist and would like the world to be rid of what they call the useless eaters (i.e. blacks, hispanics, and semites).
This faction created Zionism, marrying it with their own doctrine of British Israelism. They were also the ones behind the Nazi movement.

Looking at it this way, it seems to me that the current bitterness between the Vatican and Trump stems from the fact that Trump belongs to the Grand Mother Lodge side of Freemasonry (at the very least philosophicly), demonstrated in his make Israel great again policy and his close friendship with ''Bibi'', while the current Pope (first Jesuit to become a Pope) is clearly more in line with the communist Grand Orient of Freemasonry.

I like neither of the factions, as neither stands for freedom and individualism.

I could be totally talking out of my ass but this is my theory based on the research that I have performed so far.

For more on the two factions, a solid book is :
Scarlett and The Beast, by Jon Daniels (available as PDF for free with a Google search), though this book minimizes the influence of Zionism and the Vatican and magnifies the influence of the lodges in my humble opinion.

I always say that, in the final analysis, it's the Devil's conspiracy, and he will use ALL factions and ALL the like-minded, death-cultist types to further his goals.

They're all part of it, and being "guided" by VERY unholy hands, IMHO.

Communism and fascism are merely two sides of the same totalitarian coin, IMHO...

Thanks for the reply.

Totally agree, that's the common denominator in the end.

I heard Macron wants to add a minurette, can't spell that. Also, the next Pope seems to be more conservative according to sources.

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I heard that too.

The "next Pope?" Nostradamus and Malichi both say this one's the last.

Well they may be correct. I heard that also a while ago. Perhaps the later news about the next is just disinformation.

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Anything is possible with regard to this, of course.

It's more likely his holiness was sending a very very clear message of who he truly supports.

ps. did you do the math to see how much this is per person....

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No...but, it's still too much. The church ought not to be supporting and promoting lawlessness.

500,000 dollars for 75,000 people, how much is that per person?

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Too much...for encouraging and supporting illegal activity.

Cathlic church losing power. Their preech love and sow division and choas then peeple will turn back to God and the cathlic can be world powr again. No need for god when their is social ordr nd peace.

Howdy sir mepatriot! I don't get it. It makes no logical sense to want to push these types of immigrants.

It does, if your goal is to destroy all national sovereignties and to build an antichrist-style world government.

But then I'd have to believe that the globalists are really controlling everything! lol.

You mean you'd have to believe your Bible?

lol! yes well I was just teasing about that in light of the End Times it's getting pretty obvious what the end game is for the globalists.