Wake Up: Michael Heath Blog #20

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Michael Heath is a friend and Christian brother who USED TO BE the head of Maine's most important Christian organization--The Christian Civic League of Maine. That is until it was undermined by sodomite sympathizers within the churches in Maine who forced his removal about 10 year ago now. Since then, Maine, like the rest of the nation, has been on a downward spiral of continued coddling of evil, and the results of that are everywhere, from the push to normalize pedophilia, bestiality, polygamous marriages, etc., to other backpedaling betrayals of Christian principles in matters of the family, the protection of innocent life, mandatory vaccination, etc.

Mike and his wife Paulie remain avid and active Christian Warriors, and their ministry "Helping Hands" deserves the support of all people who care about life, family, and social issues. Here is an example of Mike's good work, and how the state's second largest newspaper, The Bolshevik Dorogoy Novosti--sometimes known by it's English equivalent "The Bangor Daily News" and the Southern Poverty Law Center described him recently:


Mike has asked me to re-post articles from his blog here on Steemit.com, and I told him I would be glad to do so, as they are witty, well-written, and most importantly poignantly charged with Christian principles and issues surrounding the need for the return of the militant church.


Wake Up

It's time for the British public to STAND UP. Good wishes and prayers are NOT enough anymore. It's now or never. Take it back. My Grandfather, Hodges, from the south of England would be OUTRAGED by the nonsense now current. WAKE UP. — Steven Ross

Tomorrow Tommy Robinson will be sentenced. Convicted of three counts of “Contempt of Court” he faces prison for a second time. His crime? He asked convicted Muslim pedophiles how they felt about their conviction as they entered a British courtroom to be sentenced for their crime.

It is difficult to write about this, knowing what I know. And what I’ve discovered is from a distance. I can’t imagine dealing with this closer to the situation.

In reality Tommy is “guilty” of defending the innocent — British girls who are groomed by Muslims for rape. The institutions of England are on the side of the rapists.

I served as a lobbyist at the institutional level of American politics long enough to know how this works. The high places of the West have been in thrall with satan’s “ethics” for a very long time. They’ve developed a network of relationships fueled by specialized power and money soaked vocabularies that sustain their system of the world. Tommy refuses to back down. I also refuse to back down.

It cost me my career as a lobbyist. My unwillingness to compromise on all things “gay” was expensive from a career perspective. I have no regrets. And, like Tommy, I’m willing to die for my convictions.

Tommy was sent to prison for three months last year on the same trumped up charges. We will find out tomorrow how much more prison time he will be forced to serve for doing the right thing. He fears for his life. He has reason to fear. Muslims want him dead for what he has done over the past decade. There are many Muslims serving time in British prisons.

Robinson has appealed to Donald Trump for asylum in America. I don’t hold out much hope that Trump will respond favorably, but I’m praying.

Meanwhile on this side of the pond the sex crimes of Jeffery Epstein dominates the news.

Pondering the depth of depravity that confronts us in the news everyday I have to look to Paul the Apostle to gain understanding. He wrote on sexual debauchery in Romans 1, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. I repeat … They did not like to retain God in their knowledge.

The West has weaponized not retaining God in our knowledge. We don’t even retain Him in our knowledge in our so-called churches anymore. We stopped doing that a hundred years ago in favor of “religious freedom.”

The most aggressive advocates of “religious freedom” in America today are religious forces aligned with the anti-LGBTQ movement. We reason that the government must protect us from sodomite ideology as they wrap up their deceitful powerplay aimed at owning the institutions of the West.

I’ve got news for you. God doesn’t care about religious freedom. He cares about truth.

And He isn’t our sugar daddy. God is the Judge of the Universe. Paul’s next thought after allowing that “They did not like to retain God in their knowledge” is “God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”

The reprobate mind rules America and the West obviously. There is no other way to understand the stench of the “culture” we’re creating around the world. Pretending that we can positive think our way to sanity isn’t working. The perfume of July 4th patriotism is quickly overwhelmed by the stink of British rape gangs and billionaire pedophiles.

There is a way forward, of course. God is always creating good where satan intends evil. The way to peace and healing is the way of truth. And every one of us can choose truth today. We must turn to God in humility and repentance. We must take responsibility for our own sins and weaknesses. We must make war on evil.

It is happening all around me right now. There is so much good emerging that I can’t keep up with the demands on my time.

The fight is raging all around you. Find your place in the line and fight like blazes!



Please Pray

We are considering participating in a public witness at the World Boy Scout Jamboree.  It is happening in less than two weeks about three hours drive north of us on Interstate 77.  Sexual perverts conquered the Scouts years ago.  The Scouts are a Gate of Hell that the Church has a duty to confront.



Helping Hands Ministries * 237 Byerly Street * Mt. Airy, NC * 27030

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