China’s Xi Jinping 'most dangerous' to free societies, says George Soros/2019 Chinese Color Revolution in the works?

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

George Soros at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year has proclaimed China’s Xi Jinping as the most dangerous person to free societies.
In contrast George Soros in 2018 had a record year for truly being the most dangerous man for "Free and Open Societies".

At the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos George Soros came out against Social Media site's especially Facebook and Google and claimed them to be a "menace" and "monopolistic" and predicting it's "only a matter of time before the global dominance of the US IT monopolies is broken,".

If you watch the actions of Soros and his large Army of Politicians, Think Tanks, and Social Justice groups he funds, Soros spent 2018 spearheading unprecedented Censorship Purge's in Social Media. While George Soros in 2018 started the year threatening Social Media Giants with being broken up as monopolies, That threat was quickly forgot about as Social Media bended to the will of Progressive Extremist's funded by Soros.

Now that Xi Jinping has been Deemed by the most Dangerous man to free and open societies as dangerous himself you can bet untold manipulation's and hypocrisy of an unprecedented level will be aimed at China in 2019. Soros will threaten China's Xi on one hand, and as long as Xi bends his will to the Tyranny of George Soros, the media will quickly forget about what Soros said about China's Xi Jinping at the World's Economic Forum at Davos. You can look at Soros's actions for 2018 as a roadmap for Billionaire Tyranny.

One way Soros will look to control China will be through Financial Terrorism designed to destabilize the Chinese Economy.
In Soros's own words,"The unspoken social contract in China is built on steadily rising living standards. If the decline in the Chinese economy and stock market is severe enough, this social contract may be undermined and even the business community may turn against Xi Jinping. Such a downturn could also sound the death knell of the Belt and Road Initiative, because Xi may run out of resources to continue financing so many loss-making investments

Based on the History of George Soros, which is very public, and not a secret, China or Xi Jinping in my opinion was just threatened with a Soros Color Revolution. Soros has been at the forefront of a Globalist Order, and invested heavily in China along with his cabal over the last 30 years. Now that China is a world power the elite are calling in their favors and Xi Jinping is crossing the elite by building China as a Nation, independent of Globalist's Control. If Xi Jinping doesn't bend the knee to this Progressive World Order, the elite will invest heavily in a fake grassroots destabilization effort under the old adage,"Democracy".

Look this summer in China to new possible Social Uprising's where the Chinese People according to the mainstream media would be protesting the Government in some fashion under the Umbrella of "Democracy". That will signal that Xi Jinping told the Globalist's to get bent. If it's a quiet year in China you will know that the government of China was compromised by the Soros Army behind the scenes.



This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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Soros should fund money into STEEM so we can enjoy more $$$$$

We might be lucky it bottomed out, there is a lot of potential to make money on the dip, if you have the money to burn that is 😀

Color revolutions brought chaos and destruction in small countries. I don't want to even imagine what such movement would do in a country as huge as China.

Posted using Partiko Android

I spent last year researching Soros quite by accident, and I can tie every bit of the Social Media Censorship to Soros in 2018 and his Davos speech sets the stage for the year, he now has control over Social Media, by force, it's a first for his Progressive Mafia, I would predict if Xi doesn't bend his will toward Soros's demands you will see China undergo an attempted color style revolution to weaken Xi's grip. I wish the people that research full time would actually spend more time following this Tyrant, I find it odd that he is spoken about very little for the amount of trouble he causes.

Will Soros and his minions ever die or be brought to justice for their crimes?

Posted using Partiko Android

Probably not, His network is going to be working over-time with another Presidential Election coming up next year, and trying to regain control over all the countries lost to Patriot's.

"only a matter of time before the global dominance of the US IT monopolies is broken,".

Oh, silly old coot...Lighten up and accept the fact that you'll never live long enough to succeed with your nefarious plans.

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