HEADLINES: Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 - Julian Assange Considering Testifying, 5 of 5 Trump Endorsements Won Yesterday, Paul Manafort Fraud Trial Continues, Congressman (R) Chris Collins Arrested, Bitcoin ETF, Gold Mene, Censorship, and More

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

The Market Is “Banning the Box”
City Journal
Now That Facebook, YouTube And Apple Have Come For Alex Jones, Guess Who They Are Coming For Next?
Freedom Outpost
Virginia Imam: “Islam is only solution to solve America’s problems,” US “will be a Muslim nation”
Freedom Outpost
Man on a Tractor Asks Cops to See a Warrant They Claim To Have - They Choke Him to Death
Freedom Outpost
Berkeley police slammed for Antifa-related mugshot tweets after violent rally
The Hagmann Report
How to easily start juicing and take back your health
Natural News
REVEALED: Tech giants censor whomever they want, based on totally bogus, made-up rules that they can’t even explain
Natural News
The new brain-dead strategy of the political Left: Everything should be free… except for you
Natural News
Mueller’s ‘Star Witness’ Rick Gates Falls Apart During Cross-Examination by Manafort Lawyers – Perjures Himself
The Gateway Pundit
TRUMP WINS BIGLY! Tweets out “5 for 5” After Tuesday Primaries
The Gateway Pundit
BREAKING: US Senate Intelligence Committee Calls on Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange to Testify –Wikileaks Considering Offer
The Gateway Pundit
DHS Arrests Immigrant Attempting to Enter US with Young Girl He Was Raping
The Gateway Pundit
Cops: Dem Shoots Man After Facebook Political Argument
Ingraham Defends Infowars: ‘Coordinated’ Purge of Sources ‘We Trust and Like’
"What They Did Was Unacceptable": Saudis To Dump Canadian Assets "No Matter The Cost"
New York City Votes On Significant Uber Restrictions, Minimum Wage For Drivers
Fundstrat's Tom Lee: Bitcoin Misery Index Signal Crypto "Isn't Broken"
Rand Paul Delivers Letter From Trump To Putin
Celebrities Trash Ohio Voters After Democrat Loss: ‘This Is an Embarrassment’
Actress Alyssa Milano Blames Russians for Ohio Loss
Joe Donnelly Caves, Backs Trump on Wall Funding
Alex Jones’ Message to Jack Dorsey Concerning The Purge
Index on Censorship Slams Big Tech Banning of Infowars
‘Truth is treason in empire of lies’: Ron Paul on Big Tech censorship
Job Openings Reach 17-Year High
Democrats Blame Green Party Voters For Ohio Loss
CNBC's Harwood: 'GOP Has a Corruption Problem' in Midterms
Newsbusters (Joseph Goebbels - "Accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of" - Propaganda 101)
Creepy Peter Fonda: Adults Should Force Millennials to Vote Democrat
Newsbusters ("Good ideas don't require force.")

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Trump Rejects Mueller’s Conditions for Interview
Political Wire
READ: Manafort Freaks Out When He Learns Size Of His 2014 Tax Bill
Talking Points Memo
GOP Rep. Collins Arrested, Charged With Insider Trading By New York Prosecutors
Talking Points Memo
Slow Burn Season 2
Weighing Love After Loss
Remembering Anatoly Chubais, the chief free-marketeer executioner of Russia
The Greanville Post
Foreign Power in American Democracy? Guess Which One?
The Greanville Post
Facebook gets its marching orders and carries them out
The Greanville Post
US Senate Calls on Julian Assange to Testify
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
Here Are 410 Movies Made Under the Direct Influence and Supervision of the Pentagon
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
The Trllion-Dollar Fantasy at the Heart of the Global Economy
Majority of Argentine Senators to Vote Against Abortion Bill As Millions of Women Set To March

Legacy Media

Republicans should panic about the House, and other takeaways from Tuesday's elections
War Of Credibility Over Rick Gates Rages On In Paul Manafort Fraud Trial
Twitter CEO says Infowars' Alex Jones not banned because 'he hasn't violated our rules'
NBC News (Correct, they haven't joined in on the modern day book burning yet.)
TV maker laying off most workers, blaming Trump tariffs
Chicago Tribune
Yosemite Closed Indefinitely As California Fires Grow To Largest In History: Map And Update
Trump-endorsed Kris Kobach in neck-and-neck GOP governor primary in Kansas
NBC News
Joe Biden Launches ‘As You Are’ Campaign In Support Of LGBTQ Youth
Congressman Chris Collins Arrested On Insider Trading Charges

Steem #News

Steemit:Lack of Standards: Obama's Abuse of the FISA Court
Steemit:The Boeing YAL-1 ~ Ultra Directed Energy Weapon
Steemit:What say you David Hogg? 74 people shot, 12 fatally, in Chicago over the weekend.
Steemit:In A Corporatist System Of Government, Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship
Steemit:Busy v2 Final Updates, Pivot Strategy And Plan For Busy v3 MVP And Token, Team Update & Partnership
Steemit:The SEC delays decision on Bitcoin ETF, markets tank
Steemit:Ten Mene Gold Items Back in Stock Steemit Needs to Know About
Steemit:DTube - FASCISM Actually = Authoritarian NATIONALISM! What You NEED To Know!

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

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The header image is clickable and will take you to the source of any comic art.

Other Aggregators
Venezuela and Español

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PLEASE NOTE: Everytime an attempt was made to publish this yesterday I was receiving an error. Tested on three different browsers, and both steemit and busy. Sorry about the delay. It was beyond my control.

weird... I like the news update, well put together, thank you.

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. This is in America and Canada too!!!