HEADLINES: Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 - Remembering George Bush Good/Bad, Michael Flynn, Jihadis Have 9th Largest Army, The Dividing Influence of Multiculturalism, Intolerance, Censorship, Hypocrisy, Projection, France not "France", War Porn, and More

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Nasty NBC Uses Bush Funeral to Bash Dan Quayle: ‘Hardly the Best’
WashPost Snarks at Trump Motorcade, Buries That Obama Used It Too
Seriously? Christian Cartoon ‘VeggieTales’ Deemed Racist, ‘Dangerous’ for Kids
Mueller Recommends No Jail Time for Flynn Because of His ‘Substantial Assistance’
CNS News
Pompeo: Trump ‘Reforming Liberal International Order’ So It May ‘Serve Our Citizens — Not Control Them’
Critical Intel! Globalist Forces Are Attempting to Crash the World Economy to Stop the Rise of Nationalism – Live Broadcast
John Stossel On Censorship: Google & Facebook Cross ‘The Creepy Line’ Daily
Sen. Grassley Wants Answers About FBI Raid on Clinton Foundation Whistleblower
German Government Accused of Funding Brochure That Encourages Kids to Spy on Their “Right-Wing” Parents
Trump Task Force Lets Postal Service Hike Prices For Amazon
Singapore PM Files Defamation Suit Against Blogger For Sharing an Article on Facebook
**LIVE UPDATES** Nation Mourns George H.W. Bush with State Funeral
Trump Mocks Macron: Glad "Yellow Vest" Protesters Agree With Me
"2018 Is Starting To Look Historic": This Is The Worst Market Since Nixon's Presidency
Never Forget: George Bush's Wars Set The Stage For 25 Years Of Endless War
Facebook Struck Secret Deals To Sell Preferential User Data; Undermined Rivals Per Leaked Emails
"We'll Do It Too": Putin Threatens Arms Race If US Nixes Nuclear Treaty
Empty Words Are Failing. A Timeline For What Comes Next
Turkey Issues Arrest Warrant For Senior Saudi Official Accused Of Supervising Khashoggi Killing
France Is Becoming More Violent
EMERGENCY REPORT: Inside The Globalists’ Plan To Take Down America
Get Ready For Mueller to DROP A BOMB Soon – The Mueller Team Would Not Have Stopped Unless They Thought They Had Trump
The Gateway Pundit
The Mueller Deep State Criminal Acts Against General Michael Flynn
The Gateway Pundit
Anti-Americanism: Why Europe Hates Us
The Gateway Pundit
China Ministry of Commerce Releases Statement on Trump-Xi Meeting: “It Was Very Successful. We Have Confidence in the Implementation”
The Gateway Pundit
JUST IN: Peter Strzok’s Former Boss Bill Priestap OUT at FBI
The Gateway Pundit
Feminists at Princeton Claim Song From Little Mermaid is ‘Dismissive of Consent,’ Successfully Pressure A Cappella Group to Stop Performing It
The Gateway Pundit
SHOCK REPORT: Global Jihadist Army Ranks as the 9th Largest Army in the World
The Gateway Pundit
There isn’t just one good reason to avoid the flu shot – there are 10
Natural News
If biosolids are really as safe as the EPA claims, then why are guys in Hazmat suits having to pick up all the used tampons and condoms?
Natural News
Monsanto’s secret: Claims about glyphosate safety were junk science myths promoted for financial gain
Natural News
Atrazine, a widely used herbicide in the U.S., has led to a shocking increase in birth defects
Natural News
The Real History of the Liberal Media and George H. W. Bush
The Hagmann Report
Hawaii: US Army Muslim Gets 25 years for Giving Classified Military Documents & Drone To Islamic State
Freedom Outpost
Obama-Appointed Judge Freed MS-13 Illegal Alien "Perverso," Who Then Murdered 17-Year-Old Girl
Freedom Outpost
Innocent Man Politely Asks Cops for Directions—Who Then Smash His Face In and Kidnap Him (Video)
Freedom Outpost
Denmark Plans To Isolate Unwanted Migrants: ‘They Are Unwanted…And They Will Feel That’
Freedom Outpost
Propaganda: Australia’s Current Affair Runs Islamic Dawah - Claims Australians Converting To Islam In Record Numbers
Freedom Outpost
To a Nation of Snowflakes, Christmas Has Become Another Trigger Word
Freedom Outpost
Holiday Season in New York
City Journal
Keeping the Mentally Ill Out of Jail
City Journal
Fast Train to Failure
City Journal
How multiculturalism divides us
The fascist tendency sweeping the world
German irresponsibility threatens Europe
How social media shot down wartime propaganda
Fishermen Sue Big Oil For Its Role In Climate Change
Watts Up With That
The Houston Chronicle: “Houston can’t afford to accept Trump’s view of climate change”… AEUHHH????
Watts Up With That
French retreat on fuel tax increase worries delegates to climate change conference
American Thinker
COP 24: The church of climate fear

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Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Legacy Media

Democratic Popular Vote Lead Keeps Growing
Political Wire
Long Island Election Workers, Party Leaders Charged With Forging Signatures
FCC Chair Says ‘Russian Email Addresses’ Submitted Public Net Neutrality Comments
TalkingPointsMemo (EDITOR: I suspect email addresses from a lot of countries did. Normal activity on the internet. Yet it is typical to cherry pick Russia. It is also ironic the push for Globalism yet they only yell against it when they can find instances from their chosen target, or mostly to attack Trump directly or indirectly.)
Trump Is More Loyal to Dictators Than to the U.S.
France’s Latest Protests Are a Rejection of All Things Macron
“War Whores” Revisited. Flashback to Media Coverage of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
Sheryl Sandberg Needs to Log Off
Is the United States Beyond Redemption?
At George H.W. Bush's funeral, Trump, Clintons don't shake hands
Fox News
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Warns Trump Of 1 Very Ominous Line In The New Mueller Memo
Huffington Post
Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Pass Bills to Restrict New Democratic Governor
The Wall Street Journal
The touching gesture by George H.W. Bush that his Secret Service ‘family’ will never forget
The Washington Post
South Carolina woman fatally shoots escaped inmate who broke into her home
NBC News
Rudy Giuliani’s bizarre Twitter conspiracy theory, explained
‘I am no John Gotti,’ Pagan biker says as he’s sentenced to life plus 30 years for plotting radio host April Kauffman’s murder
Mexico's new president is selling his version of Air Force One and flying commercial instead

Steem #News

Steemit:'Unvaccinated child? No doctor for you!' - Medical Authoritarianism Grows
Steemit:Ecuador Offered-Up Assange to Manafort in 2017 in Exchange for Favors from the U.S.
Steemit:International Tribunal Exposes Child Sex Trafficking
Steemit:Comparison of Snopes Fact-Checking Claims Against White Helmets Own Uploaded Videos - Showing They Work With Terrorists
Steemit:The Irony of Yellow Vests
Steemit:Roger Ver: "The future is brighter than ever"
Steemit:DTube - MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! - Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger)
Steemit:Apples Tim Cook’s Sends Alarming Warning

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