[What did I get myself into???]
The best place to start, I guess, is with Acceso Fund LLC as it seems to be the "parent company" of the diaspora- although it's difficult to discern if these are companies posing as charitable foundations or vice versa. Corey Digs began with Asseco Training of Cartagena, Colombia which was said "not to exist" but it seems likely that it was merely a misspelling of Acceso Training which in fact is an entity in the Acceso group. This is another part of the Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative only Carlos Slim, arguably the world's richest man, is involved- at least his charity is involved. Like the rest of this miasma, it's difficult to glean where foundation ends and company begins... if there's a beginning and end at all. The diaspora is predictably set up much like the rest of the Clinton Foundation with companies within companies- for example, Acceso Boyaca is "controlled" by another company Fondo Acceso who has a parent company, Acceso Fund LLC. So, like the CF and its many subsidiaries the Acceso diaspora's pedigree is equally convoluted- the only difference being that these are companies and any resemblance to philanthropies is purely euphemistic regardless of the public claims... a remarkable feat for an entity whose only chartered mandate is to build a library in Arkansas.
Accesso Fund LLC
To try and simplify this confusing mess, let me put it like this... when I described Tavistock Institute, I used what I call the Kudzu Effect. Kudzu is a vine that grows wild in the Amazon and Gov. George Wallace imported some to plant on the highway easements to prevent erosion. Now it's practically overtaken the south-east US. Applying this to the CF along with the Acceso diaspora, it begins in one spot and radiates outward from there... with the CF it's the parent charity, the Clinton Foundation, and spreads out like Kudzu encompassing all of the subsidiaries. The same seems to be true of the Acceso diaspora- beginning with the Accesso Fund LLC and radiating outward. If I make one more Kudzu comparison- when one limb is cut off, two more seem to take its place.
The CF through it's myriad of subsidiaries will allocate funds to other branches in anticipation of rewards that ultimately come back to the CF from elsewhere. For example Fondo Acceso with funds from Acceso Fund will help fund the Acceso Training Initiative in Cartagena to help train several different careers where " youth from the poorest neighborhoods are provided training for jobs in productive sectors including tourism, port logistics and health care." Port logistics and healthcare are perhaps the most important. If you remember the clearcutting of the rainforest and sending the wood to China- certainly port logistics is important here... they need operators that don't ask questions- an army of willing accomplices to this and other nefarious schemes.
The Giustra companies many money selling off Colombia's hardwoods and through the Radcliffe Foundation (which has virtually no oversight in Canada) launders money through HSBC to the Clinton Foundation through its subsidiaries. And lest we forget Colombia was the starting point in the Mena drug running operation when Bill was governor. There is still an enormous amount of drugs coming out of Columbia and complicit port logistics operators would be a key to success. Some drugs coming straight to America and others being diverted through places where the CF is powerful such as Haiti. Then there is human trafficking and organ harvesting which not only require port logistics but healthcare workers as well.
There is also the Carlos Slim connection- especially Slim's connection to the Vatican and their "Homosexual Pipeline" where gay seminarians are trafficked to the US. Slim has personally donated between at least $250,000 to $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation Through businesses he owns, however, he has donated over $7 million Slim also donated a significant portion of a $20 million fund the Clinton Foundation's Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (which also involves Clinton associate, Frank Giustra), runs jointly with Slim's SLIM Foundation.
It is also important to note that Slim is connected to pedophile priest, Marcial Maciel, who was heavily connected to Andrea Sodano, who was on the board of Follieri's Follieri Group, and his uncle Cardinal Angelo Sodano, who Follieri said was his connection to the Vatican.
Two years ago, a handful of Latin American billionaires and some of the world's top financiers gathered at New York's Plaza Hotel. They were honoring Mexican plutocrat Carlos Slim and raising money for schools for poor children run by the Legion of Christ, a fast-growing conservative Roman Catholic order.
Among those giving speeches at the black-tie gala were the Rev. Marcial Maciel, the 85-year-old Mexican founder of the Legion, and Citigroup Inc. Chairman Sanford Weill. Within hours, the diverse group of 500 well-wishers raised $725,000.
The Legion was in its element. Founded in 1941, the order concentrates on ministering to the wealthy and powerful in the belief that by evangelizing society's leaders, the beneficial impact on society is multiplied. Like the Jesuits who centuries ago whispered in the ear of Europe's princes, the Legion's priests today are the confessors and chaplains to some of the most powerful businessmen in Latin America.
"The soul of a trash collector is as important as the soul of Carlos Slim, but if Slim is converted, think o f the influence and power for good he would wield," says Luanne Zurlo, a former Goldman Sachs securities analyst who organized the benefit. Mr. Slim, Latin America's richest man with a fortune estimated at $24 billion, says he's not a highly devout Catholic but is helping the Legion create 50 low-cost universities in Latin America.
This is much, much bigger than it appears and when it comes to human trafficking, the Clintons have the inside track through elements of the US government... but first back to the effects of the Acceso diaspora on Colombia. In an article for Fusion Magazine:
We interviewed a dozen young women in the foundation’s job-training programs; female business owners who sought help from its programs; workers who toiled for a major foundation donor’s firms; indigenous fishermen who were promised jobs and aid; and union leaders, social-justice activists, shanty-town residents, and progressive lawmakers. Some current and past enrollees said they enjoyed the job training, but had little to show for it. Some alumni told Fusion they lost money. Others said they were used as props. Still others simply thought that the foundation had wasted a lot of their time. “They are doing nothing for workers,” one Colombian union official told us, with disgust. “I don’t even know what they are doing in this country other than exploiting poverty and extracting money.”
If there's anything the CF is adept at, it's exploiting poverty and extracting money.
Colombia should be the Clinton Foundation’s best case study. Ground zero for the drug wars of the 1980s and 90s, racked by uneven development and low-intensity conflict for half a century, Colombia has received significant foundation money and attention. Bill and Hillary Clinton have visited the country often and enjoy close relationships with members of Colombia’s ruling party. Colombia has also been home to the vast oil and natural gas holdings of one of the Clinton Foundation’s largest individual donors, Canadian financier Frank Giustra. In short, conditions were right for Colombia to be the shining example of what the Clinton Foundation’s philanthropy can accomplish in the world, and what makes Hillary so proud of its efforts.
The 1980's and 90's were also the heyday of the cocaine trade, and I once again remind the reader that Colombia is still the world's largest producer of the drug and if there's a dollar to be made...
At this point it occurs to me that to analyze the Acceso companies individually is probably pointless, they are all tentacles of the same octopus... shell companies set up to protect the Clinton Foundation, Giustra and Carlos Slim, who, I suppose it's worth mentioning, owns controlling interest in the New York Times. All attempts to research the Acceso entities lead back to the same place... the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise and Carlos Slim's foundation. Given the historical background of Clinton and Mena, Giustra and the Elpida Home, tagged as a human sex trafficking front, the HSBC money laundering link and Carlos Slim's history of drugs, it is most likely that the Acceso diaspora is a series of shell companies designed to hide the profits from drug running, human trafficking and organ harvesting... add to that the Clintons ties to CIA cutouts such as DynCorp, known for human trafficking at least since the Bosnian Conflict (when Bill was President), the Clinton Crime Family seems a more than apt title.
Carlos Slim & Drugs
Mexican reporter, writer and filmmaker Diego Enrique Osorno recently published a book of one of the world's “allegedly” richest people, Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, who in 2011 was linked to drug trafficking by a DEA agent. In his book, Osorno writes that former Mexican presidents were “very fearful” of speaking about Slim. In March, Forbes said he was second only to Bill Gates in terms of riches, with a fortune hovering near US$80 billion.
Telecommunications tends to be a profitable business, but not that profitable. It seems that Mr. Slim's fortune had a little help along the way. According to a DEA agent (from Wikileaks)
WikiLeaks recently revealed emails dated 2011, that confirm that Slim is involved in drug trafficking.
The first email is by Anya Alfano of global intelligence agency Strategic Forecasting, Inc., who was tasked with addressing Dell’s concerns about Slim. She wrote to Stratfor's head of intelligence Fred Burton:
“Do we have any information about where Carlos Slim fits into the [drug)cartel dynamics that we’ve seen in Mexico? ... Should clients have any concerns about dealing with him professionally?”
Burton asks DEA Special Agent William F.Dionne the question:“Billy, is the MX billionaire Carlos Slim linked to the narcos?”
Dionne replies, “Regarding your question, the MX telecommunication billionaire is.”
It also appears that Slim was a beneficiary during the Clinton's plundering of Haiti, along with the Haitian President Michel Martelly"
The corruption that surrounds U.S.-backed Haitian President Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly is deeply entwined with the billion dollar deals revolving around Bill and Hillary Clinton and a Mexican billionaire. Martelly now rules by decree, while the Clintons prepare to reoccupy the White House. President Obama’s legacy is that he and Hillary “finished the Bushes’ project to destroy democracy and installed outright dictatorship back into Haiti.”
In August of 2010, eight months after the catastrophic earthquake, the CF, in conjunction with Frank Giustra and Carlos Slim started the Haiti Development Fund LLC with $20 million. " The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim."
The for-profit Fund was managed by Jean Marc Villain,[aptly named] who was going through a bankruptcy in 2010 when he was working for the Clinton Foundation. The non-profit paid him an annual salary of $100,000 to oversee the Fund, according to pay records attached to the Podesta emails. Outside of one small project that didn't impact Haiti in any substantial way, the shell company seems to have disappeared from the books. It was likely established to solidify the positions of Giustra and Slim.
The truth reveals madness. That the plantation called Haiti is where brutal, modern-day feudal pillage and European rape are masked as foreign aid and NGO benevolence. Mexico is sending “peacekeepers” to Haiti? A Mexico known for awful treatment of its people, for drug traffic and kidnapping epidemics. A Mexico destroyed by US imperialism and unfair trade. The question for Haiti to ask is: how is Mexico connected to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation privatizing of US government assets for personal use? Here’s a possibility:
“Vancouver mining financier Frank Giustra is teaming with former U.S. president Bill Clinton and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim to create a $20 million (U.S.) fund that will finance small businesses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.” – Guistra Teams with Clinton, Slim on Haiti Fund , by Andy Hoffman, June 18, 2010
Further along in the Black Agenda Report article, the inner workings of the partnerships is revealed...
Soooo, former narco-trafficker Carlos Slim, a Clinton Foundation donor and the richest man in the world, just got a few jobs for Mexican soldiers in Haiti? The cost to him is perhaps just a mere $100 million donation to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative or $20 million to the Clinton, Guistra, Slim Fund – uhm “for Haiti?” But for that and other such “corporate investments,” Mr. Slim and others in his financial echelon are probably also getting the use of UN logo on helicopters, ships and tanks for the CIA’s old drug trade, no? Giustra is known for getting his pal, Bill Clinton to help with getting state mining deals and concessions. The story of Anthony Rodham ‘s Haiti gold mine and the roles of Eurasian Minerals, Newmont Mining, Frank Guistra, Barrick Gold, VCS and St. Genevieve mining won’t be written by the New York Times in time to stop mining on the quake fault line in Haiti’s Northern resource belt. Carlos Slim is the largest New York Times’ shareholder . (See also, F. William Engdahl’s “Hillary: The New York Times Will Never Tell Us This .) In addition to the lucrative mining deals with the Haitian government, this is likely a continuation of the old Mena drug running enterprise with human trafficking and organ harvesting added for good measure... this is the purpose of the Acesso diaspora- to hide dark money through series of shell companies.
DynCorp - Soros & The International Crisis Group
DynCorp (A CIA cutout) along with the equally corrupt USAID was brought into Haiti by UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton and Hillary's State Dept.. The relationship between DynCorp and Bill Clinton goes back to the Bosnian Conflict as anyone that has read my Pizzagate posts of a couple of years back already knows.
So what exactly does the ICG do? Well, they provide policy reports to foreign governments, in the field of “disaster relief”. But the true disaster during the Bosnian-Serbian civil war were the rampant “dancing boy” sex scandals between the United Nations, international relief workers, and DynCorp International:
“Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12”.
As we've already covered, Giustra began the Radcliffe Foundation in 1997 and the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership in 2007. Enter George Soros and the ICG an " “independent, and non-partisan”. Yet their connections to a current Board Member makes it definitely a revolving door of partisanship." That member would be Mark Malloch Brown of George Soros' Open Society.
"What else does Soros retain interest in? The Clintons. So it’s no surprise that the power couple actively helped destabilize Bosnia and Serbia in Bill’s Presidential reign."
DynCorp was also involved in Afghanistan’s tradition of “Bacchi Bazi”, or “boy love”:
“In a May 2009 meeting interior minister Hanif Atmar expresses deep concerns that if lives could be in danger if news leaked that foreign police trainers working for US commercial contractor DynCorp hired “dancing boys” to perform for them”.
DynCorp has been at the root of child sex trafficking since the 1990's. The article by John Gray begins curiously " Previously, I mentioned how George Soros was co-opting a tool utilized by Putin, and created by the CIA, in order to destabilize countries. "
I also mentioned a key player whose involvement (currently ongoing), was utilized as a means to both bolster Russia to take over Crimea (with an attempt on Kazakhstan), as well as strengthen the diplomatic ties of the Clinton Foundation internationally.
That man? Frank Guistra, [sic] who has been with the Clinton’s in Haiti, has donated $30 million for AIDS efforts through the Clinton initiative, and still remains a board member on the Clinton Foundation as of 2016.
So not only does Giustra have connections to the CF and it's myriad of shells, he's connected to Soros and the Kremlin as well according to Gray.
We seem to have wandered pretty far afield in out analysis of the Acceso diaspora, but perhaps not... all are related as are the people involved. One thing we can certainly ascertain- like the Clinton Foundation, Acesso, as a charity is a crushing failure... except for the Clintons. No matter where the money is dispersed, it always comes home- in spades. It is my opinion that the Clinton Foundation in its entirety is involved with some of the most corrupt and despicable practices going on in the world today and they're being aided by some of the most corrupt and nefarious individuals alive, including but not limited to Frank Giustra, Carlos Slim, the Podesta brothers, elements of the CIA, DynCorp, The DOJ and FBI, the Chinese government and a host of others.
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The rabbit hole is complex and deep all going back to money and control. Damn I wish you could put them all away my friend @richq11
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I wish I could just figure it all out... I'm more confused than when I started- except this is WAY bigger than any of us think!
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This just in:
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Another shell slush fund!
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