The Death of Democracy: The Framer's Intent

in informationwar •  7 years ago 


[I'm having a lot of back problems and may have to go into the hospital for awhile... so if I disappear, it's only me back- not something more serious]

I want to focus on two Constitutional issues that are profoundly affecting us now and I've assembled a pretty good collection of sayings from our Framers to illustrate many of the points I want to make... The 1st Amendment's free exercise and establishment clauses pertaining to religion- and the 2nd which is under a vicious attack from the progressive left and the "Tide pod crowd." As far as the passage from the 1st, lets compare and contrast to where we are now...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." As is true of the 2nd, there is no ambiguity of language. It's important to remember that the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights, limits the power of government, not the power of the citizenry. In the words of Patrick Henry...

In respect to religion, the 1st Amendment guarantees that the government shall not interfere with the exercise of religion. The prohibition against allowing religious symbols on public property during holidays is completely unconstitutional and does not "favor one religion over another" as the ACLU claims as long as all religions are afforded the same right. Moreover, public property is the very place where this should be upheld because only on private property can the owner favor his/her religion above others. With the proliferation of alternative religions, we must remember, however, that America was founded as a Christian nation first- one that tolerates the others...

In truth, there should never even be a case brought to the Supreme Court involving religion... According to the 1st Amendment- government- except in overreach- has no business involving itself unless it's in favor of religion. Lamentably, government overreach has so pervaded our lives that it would take a revolution to extricate ourselves. These words from Thomas Jefferson seem almost prophetic...

He also foresaw the dangers posed by the central bankers who took 100 years to get their hooks into our country:

And now tyranny is what we have... our republic is all but gone. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, we would be living in an oligarchical dictatorship. This quote from Samuel Adams describes perfectly the corrupt system we've been living under for the past several decades...
Or in the words of Franklin-

The time has come for experienced patriots to exercise our rights. The time has come to stand up and not kowtow to those who would have us disarmed. Remember, all criminals prefer unarmed victims...


I'm @richq11 and I approve this message... and this one!




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Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
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Patriot @richq11 you are over the target. The "free press" sic is holding on by a thread. To me the seditious bias of the Press is our biggest threat to the Republic.

More and more people everyday are seeing through the facade. Nobody believes them anymore and they're getting desperate... watch- England is proposing a law to "regulate information," the same will happen here!

I worked for the Freemen Institute back in the 80's for about 4 years. Was a great experience. I became very frustrated when I discovered the vast majority of people didn't give a crap about freedom. However, I came to understand that ambivalence to subjects such as you have posted today is human nature. Most folks are just busy being humans: sports, sex, beer, kids, work, and of course fishing! Those who pull the strings of government and our illustrious leaders know this. They know the American public is ignorant and chooses to remain so. Essentially what I'm saying is the Republic is lost. Of course that is just my opinion, but the lure of socialism and "equality" is just too much for the ignorant citizen to resist. Does this mean we extinguish the torch of freedom? Nope, not at all. Men like you have a calling, so to speak, to lift the torch and have it burn brightly. One day the tide will turn (Empires always fall) and then, once again, freedom will be reestablished. On the other hand, I may be FOS. May I give you one more opinion: find a good chiropractor. Of course you may have already done that. I just have a personal aversion to hospitals and the like. Anyway, I do appreciate your posts. Does my heart good.

Last things first- I can't do the chiropractor deal. I fell 25-30 feet off a bridge in 85 and landed on boulders on my back. The orthopedic surgeon said it's too dangerous to operate and sooner or later (he said 5-10 years) my vertebra would shift and pin my spinal column and I would be paralyzed from the waist down. The natural wear and tear would cause the shift. I live on coffee and pain pills- what pisses me off about the war on opioids is what about me? Go after the junkies and people that misuse them, but why punish me?

Now, to the important part... You're right! It's "bread and circuses" or as somebody said back in the 90's as long as Bubba can make the payments on his bass boat, he isn't going to pay attention or give a shit what goes on in Washington. But I see people starting to wake up and pay attention. The housing bubble collapse in 2007-08 may have worked to our advantage... enough people lost their homes, or knew someone that did that they smell a rat. The whole crooked system is fixing to collapse and the cockroaches are scared and desperate. This year is going to be the turning point. I don't know how it's going to shake out... I, along with many more like me, are just going to keep telling the truth and hope for the best. Thank God for Steemit- it gives me a voice and the means to support myself so I can keep doing it!

Wow I crushed t3 t4 50 percent in a diving accident in 1987. I have never fully recovered and I can not take the drugs they make me sick.
I hope we call all find a way to heal ourselves without the medical practice on us.

Have you tried Kratom? It's a natural painkiller. I've been taking it along with my meds and it seems to help... it definitely helps me get to sleep.

I have heard of it but never taken it.

I am getting by with an occasional Ibuprofen. I used to take about 10 to 15 a day until I stopped working. Now I only take a few when I hurt badly.

Unfortunately, I live on Methadone, Oxycodone and coffee. Without medication, I can't move.

Sorry to hear about your back. I've had a decades long pain-in-the-ass illness but I've not had to deal with pain. Especially back pain. Yeah, sometimes I get a bit pessimistic regarding the cause of freedom, but as you say Steemit is a major step in the right direction. And one never knows whose heart may be touched and motivated by posts such as yours. We keep on doing our bit.
I use weed for insomnia and have friends who use it for pain. But you've probably considered that option. May you be blessed.

I use Kratom for insomnia, I kinda gave up on weed... if I'm in a lot of pain, it makes me focus more on how bad it is. I tried cannabis oil, but that doesn't seem to work. Hell, right now, methadone and oxycodone aren't even helping!

DAmn. That sucks. I think it was the Dali Lama that said something like: only those who have gone through a major physical challenge, long term, can be enlightened. Seems to be a good criteria. I'll look up Kratom. Never heard of it. Blessings.

It's a natural pain killer tied somehow to the opioids... Which is strange because the plant is in the coffee family!

So the National Firearms Act of 1934 and 1968 gun control act didnt take the 2nd amendment away?
What part of "shall not be infringed" does everyone not understand? Here is a good article about it.

The united States of America is not a democracy, and if it is, the constitution of the Republic of the united States of America is dead.
I wrote the name properly Capitalization matters in Law.
the biggest problem we have is hardly anyone understands the constitution and the bill of rights. No one is standing up for the common law. No one is fighting against the true enemies of the uSA.

They have conquered our nation without one shot just like they said they would!

Actually we're a corporation since the Emergency Banking Act of 1933. FDR declared insolvency, dissolved the govt and turned it into a corporation. He then declared bankruptcy and signed everything over to the Fed Reserve with the taxpayers as guarantors.

Yes even you and I have been unlawfully turned into corporations. That is why they capitalize our names on everything now.
Our awareness of the criminal acts is the beginning of us teaching our fellow citizens that.
Then somehow teaching them that we don't have to submit to the "Color of Law"

Do you follow @corbettreport

The people can overcome if we stop allowing themselves to be divided by the fake left right paradigm propaganda.

I hope your back gets better. There are few things that hurt worse!

The country, as was known by those that have gone before, is sadly already lost in my estimation. What remains is only the glowing embers of a once mighty fire.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I still have hope that there will be a renaissance of the heart here where patriots will prevail. I think that's what the last election showed... not saying that Trump is the answer, only a reflection of the mood of America. The Cultural Marxists began their assault on our values back in the 30's- it's not going to happen overnight. But I believe it will happen, the old system and those behind it is ready to collapse.

I broke my back in 85 and it's been getting worse lately. I does hurt and it's hard to focus to write sometimes!

I linked to your post from another, as I needed to use the first Jefferson quote pic.

However, I should just resteem this post, as it's straight talk and truth from start to end.


Thanks... always happy for a RS!

Democracy, another cuss word that was frowned upon by the founders. It's mob rule. Three foxes and two hens vote on what's for dinner. Bon appetit!
The Dems love it.

I only used it in the title... More the death of liberty!

Hey Rich, regarding your back:
Check out stem cell injections and whether that's at all an option. In a somewhat related note, if your grandchildren are of the age where they're losing their baby teeth (or any 'kids' in the family are getting their wisdom teeth removed) look into "Dental Pulp Stem Cell" harvesting - you've got a medical professional in your family but this is a fairly new field that most aren't aware of.
Do some investigating and this may be your ticket.
Best of luck brother.

Thanks Brother, I'll check it out... the pain gets bad enough so that I'd try a handful of dogshit if I thought it might help!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Never tried it myself, but I hear it's delicious.
There's a spot in Vegas where they're starting trials shooting stem cells into people with degenerative disc tissue, the idea being that they can regenerate disc tissue.
The particulars of your back issues are unknown to me but brother, if I were in your shoes I'd be looking long and hard at whatever new biotech is available, whether domestically or abroad.
Godspeed to you Rich.

Why? I'm not trying to live forever... I think science has gotten way out of hand. I have a vertebra pushing against my spinal cord and they can't operate. Discs aren't much help at this stage. Things are what they are and I have to live for them. I'm 72 and not in that good health, I've been pretty hard on this old body over the years. You live until you die and make the best of what you have to work with.

Ah, I see.
I'm with you - you play the hell out of whatever hand you're dealt, regardless of what it is.

I do hope you get your back fixed. Blew mine out years back and it totally changed my life and everything I do. If it is fixable, get it fixed. Will be thinking of best wishes always!

They can't fix it... according to the orthopedic surgeon, I should have been paralyzed over 20 years ago. I fell 25-30 feet off a bridge and landed on boulders- I guess I'm lucky to still be alive.

Well I am certainly glad you are still with us. However, I know how life changing a bad back can be. I get so frustrated sometimes that I can't do what I've been able to do before. Always a challenge!

Sitting in my "typing chair" is what's aggravating it. I got my $3000 loan paid back and now am focusing on next month's rent & bills. Once I get back on track, I'm going to look into a remote keyboard and mouse so I can sit in my comfortable chair!

Yes, it is probably aggravating it. I can't sit normal at all anymore. I will be saving up for at least a 28 inch flat screen I can put up and then can change positions as I need to. Of course a running rig will be next on my list, mine crapped out months ago. Haven't needed a rig throughout winter but as we get closer to summer I will need to get some wheels. Then the flat screen LOL

Walmart sells Roku 32" flat screens for $138. I think you can use them for a monitor too. If you buy a tv get a Hisense they have the best picture quality I've ever seen and they're really inexpensive!

Thanks for that. Yea I don't have a use for TV but if they work for both that would be great. I saw some a while back on e-bay for $159

Back what I watched TV I had a Hisense and the picture was incredible. Now all I need is a monitor basically- I have Roku but I use it so seldom if it was gone I'd barely notice. I checked Walmart and the 32 inch is $148 now and a 28 in was $158 (???)

Keeping you in my thoughts about your back. My dad was plagued with back surgeries that robbed him over the decades of his vitality, the drugs and such making him almost unrecognizable at the end. I know it is hard to deal with back pain, and I applaud you that you are still focusing on not only your rights, but of your family and neighbors.

It is telling that Facebook, Youtube etc all have the freedom to censor what they see fit using the logic that it is a private owned venue, yet this logic does not work when it comes to anything pertaining to businesses when it comes to anything of common sense or family values. The hypocrisy is blinding.

The part with the bankers that really angers me is they would never succeed time and again of getting their hooks into nations if the locals did not have a majority of sheep and a few crooked men willing to sell out their neighbors. I sometimes think if more pressure was applied to the sellouts it would make others considering selling their neighbors reconsider. It reminds me of leaflets I read were distributed in Afghanistan by the Taliban that said something along the lines of "Remember, once the Americans leave, we will still be here."

I can't get surgery because of how the vertebra is against the spinal cord. I was supposed to paralyzed from the waist down over 20 years ago, so I guess I'm ahead of the game. I live on pain pills and coffee. The bankers took this country over by stealth. There's an excellent book (also video on Y-Tube) The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. As far as social media censoring goes... they're only hurting themselves. What I find amazing is that they're doing it consciously- there must be some really desperate power mongers at the top!

Sorry to hear that. My dad finally was in the same boat after 3 (I think) surgeries. He came close to the 4th one, but the surgeon backed out right before he was to go, afraid he would paralyze my dad. I am sorry about the pain pills. I don't think they were the cause of my dads downfall. It was the plethora of pills he finally had to take to combat side effects, which after years led to more. His nerve pills were the worst, at times making him seem insane.

Yes, the bankers did take over although those who had eyes saw what was taking place. As for the consciously part, I have been of the belief for some time they are pushing for there to be another civil war so they can do a major grab on the few illusions to rights we have left.

I am not an American, but the democratic principles discussed are sound, and any country that would abide by them would surely begin to flourish.

Except that America is not a Democracy. It's a Republic.

Democratic principles are still applied regardless. Hence the use of the word democracy in some of the quotes and as the actual topic of this article

If the context is "Death of Democracy" while blaming the people for the usurpation of power by Government, which Broke It's Oath the moment it acted Counter to the Articles of Confederation, and equally again when it acted counter to their SELF-IMPOSED-LIMITATIONS of the Constitution while forgetting that the only one at fault is the Government and NONE other, since a Republic means that the Government is Limited regardless of what the majority chose, and since as A Republic, the Government has not lived up to its self-imposed limitations, saying that "democratic principles are still applied regardless" doesn't make the use of the term Democracy or the overall Topic of the article about Democracy, esepcially since by Principle, a republic is NOT a Democracy and the topic is those Limitations. Saying that "The democracy" while TJ means The Republic doesn't make it that he's talking about Mob Rule. The point is that in a Republic the People are guaranteed certain things that no Majority can ever Deprive them of, yet the whole topic here is centred with "If the people allow", by the Moral Fraud that many of the founders were reeking off. Why do you think that it took them 15 years to ratify the Bill of Rights? Especially since as a Republic it cannot exist without those Guarantees of Self Imposed Limitations.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Although I'm not an American, I've always argued that if you don't have any guns, what are you going to use to defend yourself come crisis? Very probably against your own government....
Please take care, Rich <3 I hope it doesn't come to going to the hospital. Feel better soon!

I like your post because its man is big mountainous man.

You ever wonder why it took them 15 years to ratify the bill of rights?

So sorry to hear about your back. Mine is also in a horrible situation. The lower back muscles have been cramping for two weeks now.

Stupid me, I have tried to manage it myself with stretches and an inversion table. Nope. I gotta go in.

I love your organization and quotes in this post! I dont have many followers, but I am resteeming for future reference!!

Take care!

This excellent post is a tribute to the former @richq11

"former" did I die???

upvote and rseteem.