The More Things Change... Pizzagate Comes Full Circle: Part III- Breaking it Down

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

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One of the biggest hurdles to exposing evil of this size and scope is putting things into the proper categories along with all of the actors... we tend to view pedophilia as a monolithic and singular phenomenon- adults who want sex with children. The problem with this approach is that it oversimplifies and barely scratches the surface of what's really going on and it makes it difficult to identify the actors and the motivations behind them. For example there is clearly a difference between run of the mill pedophilia (if such a thing exists) and pedophilia as part of Satanic Ritual Abuse. We therefore have to break it down into three categories: 1) Ordinary Pedophilia- a sexual predilection for children. 2) Institutionalized Political Pedophilia- pedophilia used for purposes of blackmail and/or initiation into higher levels of power. Also for social engineering by destroying families and other social institutions. 3) Pseudo-religious pedophilia- employed either for Satanic rituals or to destroy existing religious institutions. Although different, all three categories are nonetheless related.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is the psychological/cultural impetus behind pedophilia... especially as they try to attach themselves to the LBGT movement. For the most part gay people are motivated by emotional impulses- love and the need to be loved. Pedophilia, however, is driven by a need for power and control, much like a rapist. Pedophiles are cowards at heart that target children for their vulnerability to mask their own feelings of powerlessness. This makes them prone to blackmail- hedonistic narcissists with no moral compass are easy targets... they are more than willing to trade their nation for money and power, a fact not lost on the NWO powerbrokers pulling the strings at the top.

I know that I keep going back to Tavistock Institute, but they are the social engineers behind the pedoverse in both politics and culture- they've been doing it for nearly a century. The religion of these people is power and Aleister Crowley is their messiah. A few days ago when building into the revelations of pedophilia, (Aug. 15) Qanon quoted these passages from the Bible...

 "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." – Corinthians 13:4-13

  "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." – Ephesians 6:10-18 

He (they?) also described the allegations against both the churches and politicians as "PURE EVIL." When we look at pedophilia in Washington/Hollywood (political/cultural), we find that it's been inculcated into the power structure not only as a sexual predilection- which it certainly is- but as a means of control as well. This all comes from the machinations of Tavistock and its own philosophical underpinnings which come courtesy of the Frankfurt School. When the Frankfurt school fled Hitler's Germany, some went to London where they were welcomed with open arms by Tavistock/Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs. Others came to the US and set up shop at Columbia University and branched out from there into academia and the security services. In England, there was already Freud, Aldous Huxley and his brother Julian, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells and others... a veritable who's who of homosexuality. The Frankfurt 11 point blueprint for social control was put into effect...

For our purposes, number 3 is the most important, although in combination all 11 sound a death knell for American culture if not stopped. The media sexualizes children making them targets for pedophiles. Moreover, they are taught as early as kindergarten about the joys of homosexuality and anal sex among other perversions... this did not happen organically, but is a part of a much broader plan.

As we've already covered, Tavistock/Royal Institute is tied to British Security Services- MI-5, MI-6 and GCHQ. Through its American counterparts, the CFR, CIA it works through a web of affiliates which include Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation (finance), The Stanford Research Institute, the Brookings Inst, the Rand Corp and many more... all crafting cultural/social programs disseminated through movies, music and television. In fact the news all is formulated by think tanks and disseminated to the news affiliates through MOS (Media Object Server)

This ensures that a consistent message is being broadcast at all times. It is also why news of pedophiles is rarely seen in the MSM who are all complicit in covering it up. All part of a plan that was instituted decades ago... the philosophy of Aleister Crowley implemented by Sigmund Freud, Theodor Adorno (who gave us the Beatles), Henry Murray (of Harvard & CIA), his student Michael Maccoby and his partner Erich Fromm who did research on trauma based mind control. Trauma (MK-Ultra, Monarch Program) is still the favored method of destroying societies- the JFK assassination is a prime example. Maccoby, if you remember, is a close friend of James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong fame. He also has ties to orphanages in Haiti and throughout Central America, as does his son Max.

We've been warned for some time to beware the humanitarian aid organizations (NGO's), that they are a part of the trafficking network. Numerous people have been arrested from organizations linked to the United Nations such as OXFAM. It seems that many of these NGO's are just fronts for child trafficking, even some of the older more established ones like the Red Cross. Remember, nothing goes to waste... these children are also valuable for their organs and blood as well as "sacrificial lambs." The larger the Satanic cabal grows, so too does the demand for children- and where there's a demand, there's always someone willing to fill it.

NEXT: The Western Pacific Kindergarten and the "Red Shoe Society."

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This behavior is so sick and I hope Justice comes full circle to address this. Thanks for the informative article @richq11

Thank you my friend... now that I have the institutional background, it's time to investigate the players!

I cannot say for sure if some of the NGOs are involved, but generally they've been quite unhelpful

Paedophiles make me sick

It's generally the NGO's that do the actual running

Homerun after Homerun, my friend. So glad you are Steemit.come's cleanup hitter!

I don't know about that... I just follow the leads where they take me. For some strange reason they keep leading me to the same place. Remember the name Maccoby in relation to Pizzagate... this is going to be a big one. He (Michael the father) is the link to Alefantis- CIA- Tavistock- mind control- Haiti...

New name to me. Will remember it. Thanks.

The old man Michael is so deep in the CIA and black ops it's amazing. You can always tell the really big players- nobody has ever heard of them! He was partners with Erich Fromm doing trauma based mind control experiments on villages in Mexico and Central America. He also took part in the Mexican assassination school where Oswald went. Now he's part of "humanitarian aid" orgs in Haiti and Cent. America, as is his son Max (atty and friend of Alefantis)

Unreal. Guy must be tipping into his grave by now though...

@richq11 thanks for the post

I appreciate you on your work