The New Eugenics... It's All Around Us- Part 1 - Designing The Perfect Society

in informationwar •  6 years ago  

 Ever since Auguste Comte decided that science could be applied to human beings, social "scientists" have been busy trying to design a "perfect society" what the Marxists would call the Communist utopia. The problems, as if they aren't obvious enough, are that human beings are a very imperfect species. I used to do a series of lectures, one entitled Designing The Perfect Society, that began with this question: If you were to design a perfect society what would it look like? Unsurprisingly, the students all had utopian visions- societies in which things like crime and poverty were non-existent. The unspoken question buried in all of this of course is, perfect for whom? Since the dawn of mankind the elites have been using social engineering of one sort of another to design societies that, if not perfect- well suited for themselves... usually by force or some other form of coercion. 

 It could easily be argued that the founding of the United States of America was an experiment in social engineering- replacing the blood-nobility elite with an elite based on meritocracy. Either way, an elite is an elite no matter how you stack it and eventually the noblest of intentions will be usurped by it's worst element. In the case of America it was the "robber barons" and banking elites of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was during the 19th century with people such as Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton that the "science" of eugenics really took hold. The purpose of Darwin's book Origin of Species was never to create a theory of how humans came to be, but only to confirm that certain races were superior to others. Quite naturally, in Darwin's purview, the white race is the race best equipped to lead mankind. This even gave rise to other pseudo-sciences such as phrenology- determining superior and inferior characteristics based on the shape of the cranium. 

 As science has become more sophisticated, so too have the methods of the eugenicists. In this part we'll examine some of the history- much of which I've covered in other posts featuring Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder, the Nazi eugenicists, and the eugenics movement in America. The motives behind the movement may surprise some- almost everyone knows about the Georgia Guidestones and their Malthusian origins, but may not know that our ability to reproduce is also being affected by the food we eat, our medicine... all on purpose and for one reason- to suit the elites vision of a perfect society. 

  The U.S. has hit a historic 80-year low population growth, with the lowest birthrate since just after the Great Depression. This same pattern is happening in most of the western world. While these numbers continue to plummet, immigrants are being flown in, driven in, and boated in so as to meet their 2030 projected agenda for immigrants to create new growth in populations. As the infertility crisis in both men and women rapidly rises, the elders will outnumber the children. We have already reached the tipping point, and are on the brink of their end game.  

 Eugenicists under the guise of “scientists” and “philanthropists” have been running this game for decades. Statistics don’t lie. The timeline paints the picture, the data creates the framework, and the circle of people instrumental in these agendas are quoted in their own words. It’s not a secret – they haven’t hidden this – one only needs to open their eyes. After all, they’ve long since formed their “population control” organizations, and have been telling you their concerns for years now. You just couldn’t imagine that what they meant by “control” was literally altering human physiology and outcomes to serve their eugenics agenda.   

 The question naturally arises, why do human beings need to be improved? God make us in his own image... are we to believe that these elites know better than God? Moreover, what is it that gives them the right to determine which traits are desirable and which are not? 

  What is the true history of eugenics, its role across the globe, and where are our futures headed? The dictionary definition of eugenics, is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Another popular definition is, eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population by excluding certain genetic groups judged to be inferior, and promoting other genetic groups judged to be superior. Eugenics dates back to the 1800s, and make no mistake – though the terminology may have changed, it’s more than prevalent today. From pushed agendas, forced agendas, sterilizations, vaccines, GMOs, abortions, environmental, and otherwise – it’s happening. The evidence is well documented below.  

 Below is a timetable of Eugenics in the US 

 Late 1800s Francis Galton coined the term eugenics. Galton was half-cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton was involved in the fields of genetics, psychology, meteorology, and statistics, and advocated for a selective breeding program for humans.  

 "Selective breeding for humans" is of particular interest. Are we to assume that people would opt voluntarily not to reproduce... after all the urge to reproduce is basic to human nature. Given the tone that eugenics would take, human breeding would be overseen by either the government or the elites themselves. 

  1901 John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (RIMR) in Arkansas, where William Welch served as chairman of the advisory board. Welch later became a trustee and chairman of the executive committee to the Carnegie Institution. Welch was a physician, pathologist, bacteriologist, and medical school administrator, in addition to being one of the four founding professors at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. By the 1930s, the Rockefeller Institute became the center for viral research where most in the field of virology trained.  

 This is particularly important. Not only did eugenics in the US begin with the Rockefellers, but so too did allopathic medicine- both used for the same end, to control the population. This has always been about one thing... control. Something else to consider about Johns Hopkins is its proximity to Ft. Dietrick MD where the military experiments with virulent pathogens. 

  1907 Indiana was the first state to enact a sterilization law, and by 1935, 32 other states followed suit, which resulted in forced sterilization of 60,000 people in the U.S. by the mid 60s. Not only did they focus these sterilization programs on the disabled, but on the poor, criminals, and “low IQ” as well. California accounted for one third of the sterilizations across the country.  

 This is where the government became involved in deciding who is to be allowed to reproduce. In addition to those mentioned above, there was also the "negro problem," the elites didn't want blacks reproducing unchecked. In addition to the efforts of Planned Parenthood which continue to this day, there was the "Tuskegee experiment" in which black men were infected with syphilis "to observe the effects." 

  1910 Charles Davenport founded the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island “to improve the natural, physical, mental, and temperamental qualities of the human family.” Harry Laughlin was the first director, and they began collecting data on family pedigrees depicting the inheritance of mental, moral, and physical traits, with a focus on undesirable traits. The ERO operated for three decades. 

 The English focused on selective breeding for positive traits, while the U.S. focused on eliminating negative traits by preventing poor, uneducated, and minority populations from propagating.  

 Some interesting terms pop up here such as "temperamental qualities" along with "moral traits," as though these things were a product of breeding rather than the milieu in which one is raised. This was the "settled science" of its day... that proper morals came along with a "pedigree." Obviously, according to this mindset, the poor, blacks, and other "human weeds" as they were viewed as, were inherently incapable of fostering these desirable traits in their offspring and therefore must be prevented from reproducing. 

 1914 Harry Laughlin published a Model Eugenical Sterilization Law that would authorize sterilization of the “socially inadequate.” It was to include people supported in institutions or maintained wholly or in part by public expense, in addition to feebleminded, insane, criminalistics, epileptic, inebriate, diseased, blind, deaf, deformed, dependent, orphans, ne’er-do-wells, tramps, the homeless and paupers. By the time it was published 12 states had already enacted sterilization laws.  

 It was not long after this that Margaret Sanger burst upon the scene and given the context in which the "undesirables" were viewed it should come as no surprise that birth control should become the next logical step on this long road to insanity.  1917 Margaret Sanger founded the journal the ‘Birth Control Review.’ Some of her articles included:”Birth Control and Racial Betterment” (Feb. 1919), “Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics” (June 1920), “The Eugenic Conscience” (February 1921), “The Purpose of Eugenics” (December 1924), “Birth Control and Positive Eugenics” (July 1925) and “Birth Control: The True Eugenics” (August 1928).  

 Interesting that this is always framed within a moral framework, that the eugenicists were/are doing humanity a favor by improving it. This was the same argument used by Hitler and the Nazis- they were only trying to improve the Aryan race. One issue I always brought up in my lectures about a perfect society is: What do you do with those who simply don't fit in? 

  1926 Margaret Sanger stated in her autobiography that she had addressed the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan, who were a group against blacks, Catholics, and Jews. Planned Parenthood has recently denounced Sanger’s address to the Ku Klux Klan, after it was put in the spotlight.  

 And herein lies the rub... the crack in the eugenicists veneer is revealed. Eugenics isn't nor has it ever been about improving the human race, but eliminating people with whom you disagree. There is no inherent moral deficit in blacks, Catholics or Jews, only traits that the elites despise such as skin color or religion. It is the whims of those in charge that determine what "traits" are desirable or not. Like George Carlin so amply pointed out: "It's a big f**king club and you ain't in it." 

  1927 The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics was founded in Berlin, Germany. During the Nazi era, it was strongly associated with theories of Nazi eugenics and racial hygiene. Between 1937-1938 they analyzed 600 children descending from French-African soldiers in Nazi Germany, and later sterilized them.  

 The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute is worth mentioning here not so much for its contributions to eugenics but that it created the model that American educrats adopted to base American education after... the Rockefeller Foundation was instrumental in designing education as well as medicine/eugenics. 

  1927 Supreme court Buck V. Bell, the state of Virginia sought to sterilize Carrie Buck for giving birth to a baby out of wedlock. Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes ruled against Buck, declaring “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…Three generations of imbeciles is enough.” And so it was – legitimized by the Supreme Court. It wasn’t until the 1970s that state legislatures began repealing these laws.  

 Carrie Buck's crime was that she was black and therefore inclined toward crime. This may be the most famous case determined by eugenics but it certainly wasn't the only one. It reveals the mindset of the elites- that blacks, the poor and others have a genetic predisposition toward crime. Unfortunately, the hip-hop culture is doing everything in their power to prove the eugenicists right... I wonder if there's a connection? 

  1930 The Rockefeller Foundation began financing the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, and continued to fund them up through 1939, being fully aware of their eugenics experiments.  

  1933 Borrowing from Harry Laughlin’s Model Law, the German Nazi government adopted a law that provided legal basis for sterilizing more than 350,000 people. Laughlin published a translation of the German Law for the Prevention of Defective Progeny in The Eugenical News, and was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg in 1936, in tribute for his work in “the science of racial cleansing.”  

 It must be said that at this time the University of Heidelberg was considered the top medical school in the world. The "science of racial cleansing" has never stopped, it has just assumed a more respectable sounding veneer: "Women's Reproductive Health." When we speak of the elites behind the eugenics experiments, we're talking about the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora- the same elites that have been pulling the strings from behind the scenes since the early 19th century. After the "Nazi experiment" failed it became necessary to change tactics. 

 Remember, it was the same bankers that funded the Russian Revolution that funded Hitler. They've been funding both sides of every conflict since Napoleon- both military and social. Eugenics have them more leeway to operate in the open. Hitler may have failed, but the eugenicists didn't. The targets have always been the same- blacks, Catholics, Jews and the poor. Through their control of the USSR, the Rothschild bankers infiltrated the Catholic Church by flooding seminaries with homosexuals. After buying Israel in 1917, the Rothschilds turned it into a "Jewish homeland," a haven for a particular sort of Jew- Ashkenazi Zionists, effectively usurping Judaism. In the black community the elites have found it useful to elevate certain blacks and use them as judas goats to subvert the community at large. 

  1939 Controversial statement by Margaret Sanger: She reiterated the need for black ministers to head up the “negro project” in a letter to Clarence Gamble in Dec. 1939, stating “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”  Clarence Gamble, by the way, was the CEO of Proctor & Gamble. 

  1940s The U.S. eugenics programs were discredited after what took place by the Nazis in Germany, but it never really stopped.  

 After WWII it became necessary for the eugenicists to distance themselves from Hitler and the Nazis. Sanger changed the name of her organization to Planned Parenthood because it sounded more "suitable." One of the later presidents of PP was the father of Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft. 

 1947 The Rockefeller Foundation obtained a sample of the Zika virus strain. Zika was first discovered by their foundation-supported Virus Research Institute in Entebbe, Uganda. A sample of the virus strain was then given to ATCC, a non-profit organization that authenticates and preserves microorganisms for research, by J. Casals of The Rockefeller Foundation in 1953. In 2015 and 2016, outbreaks of Zika virus suddenly showed up in Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Florida and Texas. The Zika virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, causing fever and rash, and can cause microcephaly in babies born to mothers infected during pregnancy. They consider it a big “threat to pregnant women.” The US immediately passes a “Zika Response and Preparedness Appropriations Act of 2016,” with a whopping $350 million disbursing out of the CDC. Then, governments and Bill Gates rallied together $18 million for researchers to release mosquitoes they infected with Wolbachia bacteria to allegedly combat the Zika affected areas in Colombia and Brazil – something Gates had been working on since 2011.  

 In the movie Braveheart King Edward I said of the Scots: "If we can't drive them out, then we'll breed them out." In 1947 the eugenics movement seems to have decided: "If we can't breed them out, then we'll eradicate them by epidemic." In this case the cure turns out to be worse than the disease. Most people that have been paying attention know that the AIDs virus was created in Ft. Dietrick, MD. So too are many of the other pathogens that currently threaten populations around the world. Many of the vaccines designed to combat these diseases contain chemicals that cause sterility- and often even more serious consequences. 

  1968 Report by the Rockefeller Foundation on ‘Problems of Population’ and their development of anti-fertility vaccines. (more on this below)  

  1972 Planned Parenthood’s President, Alan Guttmacher, was honored with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Margaret Sanger Award. He was also Vice President of the American Eugenics Society. Other honorees have included Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Ted Turner, to name a few.  

  1973 Abortion was made legal by the Supreme Court following Roe v. Wade. Coincidentally, this is also the timeframe in which most states repealed their sterilization laws. 1973 marked the final sterilization performed in North Carolina, which was one of the most aggressive states, going so far as to sterilize those with IQs 70 or under. They gave social workers the power to designate people for sterilization. Almost like giving child protective services (CPS) the power to remove children from homes today. The patterns of power don’t change, they just shift.  

 By giving CPS the power to remove children from loving homes it kills two birds with one stone. It not only discourages couples from reproducing, it keeps the child sex trafficking pipeline full of victims for the elites. 

  1988 The Rockefeller Foundation’s annual report states that their “population division” was making progress: “India’s National Institute of Immunology (in New Delhi) successfully completed the first phase of trials with three versions of an anti-fertility vaccine for women. Sponsored by the government of India and supported by the Foundation…” The National Institute of Health (NIH) published the abstract on ‘Anti-fertility Vaccines’ in 1989. “Vaccines are under development for the control of fertility in males and females.” (more on this below.)  

 These vaccines that prevent conception are not sold as such, but as "anti-malaria" or preventatives for commonplace ailments like the flu. The governments are given financial incentives to go along with these programs such as low interest loans from the IMF or World Bank. Conversely, if they don't go along, much needed financial aid is withheld. 

  1993 The Rockefeller Foundation became a major sponsor of the Children’s Vaccine Initiative and on December 14, 1993 they allocated $2.5 million to support further research programs and the development and distribution of developing country children’s vaccines. Nearly all of these vaccines for childhood ailments such as Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox etc. contain chemicals that hinder the production of sperm and or ovarian growth. 

  • Bill and Hillary Clinton spearheaded the free and mandatory vaccines for children program in the U.S.

• The William H. Gates Foundation was formed, later becoming the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000, with their goal centered on global immunization.  

 The Clinton and Gates Foundations combined through the Clinton Global Initiative to sell vaccines throughout the developing world all of which caused sterility or a number of other conditions even more harmful. India has issued an arrest warrant for Bill Gates because of his involvement in these bogus vaccines. 

 The article goes on to list more threats to human health caused in the name of "designing a perfect society," one controlled by the elites. As always it's the same list of culprits behind the eugenics movement... Rothschilds/Rockefellers and now the Clintons and Gates. The game is global control, whether through one world government or just a cadre of oligarchs pulling the strings from behind the scenes. The goal is clearly displayed on the Georgia Guidestones... a population of 500 million controlled by the elite. In the next installment we'll take a closer look at the Rockefellers and how they used money and influence to take over medicine.  

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A great bit of research here. Added new bricks to my wall of disappointment in both the masters and my family tree who bought into the whole freedom line.

Thanks and sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

First step towards reversing the trend is to remove all hand held phones, games, etc. This will force the youth (the breeders) to find something erlse to play with. Lo and behold, there is the ultimate plaything there and it wants to play as well.
Next thing would be the Governments complaining that they have to build new schools for the inrush of children. This would screw any master plan the elietes had, and if you were to actually ban youth playing together it would only happen faster and stronger.

The cellphones and hand-held devices are part of the plan. They emit microwaves and look where they're held!

Yep but who chooses the perfect humans?

Well the Spartans did it...

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