The links between vaccines and cancer and other autoimmune diseases have been well documented going back decades if not longer. What hasn't been so well documented is why? One problem lies in the complexity... not the scientific complexity but in the spiderweb aspect. Not only are there a myriad of different endeavors going on within big pharma and the vaccine industry, but the integrity of the food we eat is also under attack as corporations such as Monsanto manipulate the genomes of plant and animal life and in doing so affect us all. The only simple, or non-complex issue is why this is being done- to prevent the "human weeds" from reproducing- Margaret Sanger's vision on steroids (no pun intended). Let's begin with a look into some vaccines- the HPV vaccine specifically.
Designed to combat Human Papillomavirus, the HPV vaccines (Gardasil- now off the market and Cervarix) were originally designed to combat certain cancers in women- vulva, vagina, anus,oropharynx, etc.. It is supposed to protect against genital warts that may cause cancer. In mandating vaccines for the general population common sense tells us that there must first be a potential epidemic of some proportion and virulency to necessitate subjecting the entire population to possible toxins. Is there a problem of cervical, vulva, vaginal cancers or genital warts so severe that it necessitates vaccinating everyone... even men? The answer, I believe, is a resounding no. The only substantive good from vaccinating men would be the prevention of genital warts which could easily be prevented by using a condom. There must be another agenda at play... and here it is- since the widespread use of the HPV vaccine there has been a 50% drop in sperm counts.
Eugenics is all about controlling the population. This is not a lost art – it is an evolved art that they have perfected. The U.S. population growth hit a historic 80-year low last year and the entire world population growth is on a downward spiral, particularly in western countries. This is due to a decrease in the number of births and an increase in the number of deaths, along with an infertility crisis. How did this happen?
• While the birth rate is declining, infertility is rapidly rising, immigration is climbing to be the “new replacement population” for the U.S. which has been projected to tip the scales after 2030.
• The U.S. birth rate has fallen to the lowest in 30 years, and men’s sperm count has reduced by 50% over the past 40 years in western countries.
• There is a direct link between the HPV vaccine and infertility rates, and since 1991 the birth rate for teenagers has declined 67%.
Although a decline in teen birth rates can be applauded, there are far better ways of achieving it than causing sterility... it seems like overkill to me. "Between 2000–2018 there has been a significant decrease in natural population in the U.S. The “natural increase” on the chart below indicates the number of births minus the number of deaths. Meanwhile, immigration is on the rise and is projected to be the primary contributor to national population growth after 2030 as natural increase continues to decline.
This explains the open borders policy and the administrations' less than adequate response. The problem, as Rome found out too late, is that these "migrants" hold no fealty to America, only the 3rd world shitholes they fled.
President Donald Trump just suggested last week that he wants to delay the 2020 census following a Supreme Court ruling that its form cannot include a question about citizenship until they justify the change in Census Bureau practice. People go door to door asking specific personal questions about the individuals residing in each home in this country, yet there is a dispute over being able to ask people if they are citizens of this country. Ask yourself why. They most certainly do not want a count on the number of undocumented immigrants living in this country.
But declining birth rates are the crux of the matter. The elite's plan is clear- manipulate the human genome via poison, synthesis, 5G and other technologies and import immigrants to do the menial chores. Then use cancers and other diseases (the very diseases the vaccines are designed to combat) to eliminate the population. It isn't as if they're being coy about it, their agenda is written plainly on the Georgia Guidestones. The globalists use excuses such as "climate change" and other propaganda surrounding natural phenomena as excuses for control.
Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chair and counselor to former president Barack Obama, John Podesta believes that climate change is really about women’s rights. Come again? Just last year he stressed his concern over the burden to the environment due to “population growth.” Perhaps he missed the data on fertility, birth rate, and population growth over the past two decades? Basically, his op-ed in the Washington Post is a rambling about how the United Nations has committed to universal access to sexual and reproductive health care as part of the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. He also felt it important to share that “new data from the United Nations found that if girls in the developing world all received secondary education, we would see a 42% decline in the fertility rate.” See that – they don’t hide their agenda, they just disguise it with trying to confuse people into believing that we are all going to die by 2030 if we don’t stop having babies, because the “climate changes” are going to swallow us whole. Fear tactics.
Fear is the oldest propaganda tool in the world... and the most effective. Problem-Reaction-Solution... create a boogeyman such as man-made climate change and have your MSM allies pump it night and day to create fear. Once the population is afraid enough to grasp at any solution propose draconian measures... it's worked since the dawn of time. The "anointed" elites treat humanity like mushrooms- they feed us shit and keep us in the dark.
Let us not forget, the bizarre Georgia Guidestones – a monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia – consisting of 10 guidelines inscribed in eight modern languages. The story goes: in 1979 a man by the “pseudonym” Robert C. Christian had a granite finishing company produce them for a group of “anonymous loyal Americans” that had been planning this for 20 years, and wished to remain anonymous. He instructed them to inscribe the following message on the 19’ stone slabs, in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian, and the slabs were all to be erected in a very specific manner based around astronomy.
• Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
• Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
• Unite humanity with a living new language.
• Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
• Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
• Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
• Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
• Balance personal rights with social duties.
• Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
• Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Most of these things are clearly utopian nonsense to any thinking person... it's Number 1 that's the most troubling as it would call for the elimination of over 90% of the world population. And if you think for one minute that they're not serious take a look at rising cancer rates alone. Although cancer did exist before the advent of vaccines it was so rare as to be considered nonconsequential. With the beginning of mass vaccinations, cancer rates have exploded. The Salk Polio vaccine, heralded as a "savior of mankind" contained SV-40 (Simian Virus-40) a carcinogen found in the kidney tissue of monkeys. One of the researchers, Dr. Bernice Eddy, discovered this cancer causing agent and was laughed out of the profession. The use of vaccines to cause disease along with decreased fertility has been a part of the globalist plan to meet the Georgia Guidestones guidelines all along.
On April 29, 2019 Tucker Carlson had Dr. Hagai Levine on his show to discuss the alarming decline in male sperm count in men in the west, which has fallen over 50% in the last 40 years. That is astronomical! Despite the numbers rapidly declining in recent years, scientists don’t seem to be studying the reasons why, and no one would appear to be reporting on this, aside from Tucker. When Tucker asked Dr. Levine what he believed could be the source of this, Levine reiterated that they haven’t studied it enough, but that they do know chemicals and pesticides definitely effect sperm. Reuters covered this in an article as well, stating that sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years. This raises the question – why aren’t scientists studying this, and why aren’t the multitude of “population” agencies concerned about this? Why is no one talking about it?
Why indeed... except we know the answer. It's being done purposely. And it may be impossible to reverse. In yesterday's post we discussed synthetic genes being introduced into the human genome. This is alleged to be done to use these synthetic genes to "improve" the human autoimmune system. Given the fact that vaccines effectively destroy the natural autoimmune system from birth from the constant bombardment of an infants' system with toxins before ever giving it a chance to mature. Many of these toxins in vaccines have proven to be carcinogenic themselves... and now food is under attack too. "In a leaked report that we are guessing the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) didn’t want to get out, is data showing that there are “forever chemicals” in meat, poultry, milk, and chocolate cake. The toxic carcinogenic chemicals are called “forever chemicals” because of the time they take to break down."
These are chemicals that have a half-life so long that they're considered a permanent fixture into whatever ingests them. PFAS (perfluoroalky and polyfluoroalkyl substances) include chemicals known as PFOS, PFOA, and GenX. They are all synthetic and allcontain fluorine and carbon bonds that are extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the human body to break down. PFAS are often referred to as “forever chemicals” because it takes them “forever” to finally break down. “It would take approximately 1.5 years to eliminate PFOS from the cow after a 30-day exposure period,” the study noted, using an abbreviation for another form of PFAS.
The FDA’s research showed that water contaminated with PFAS likely ends up in the food supply. Fourteen of 91 samples taken by the agency contained the chemicals, while almost half of all meat and seafood samples tested positive.PFAS has been found in the water supply near military bases, airports that often use firefighting foam and factories that manufacture products with PFAS. –The Hill
Without belaboring the point, I think it's clear that the FDA knew about this all along- the only ones who didn't are the public. From that we can only draw one conclusion- that the FDA has no real concern about the purity, or even the safety, of the food we eat... only in pleasing their masters- the globalists. "New World Order globalists are seeking to eliminate 90% of the human race, in a bid to protect the environment. Those for mass death have convinced themselves that the only way to save the planet is to eliminate “useless eaters.”" Sound familiar, it should, it's the same thing the elites have been saying since the eugenics movement began- even before. Robert Malthus, the original eugenicist, believed that the population growth would outstrip the earth's ability to produce food... by 1825. He was wrong and so too are the elites.
The NWO and globalization has been happening for some time now, but there always appears to be a moment when the agenda’s rhetoric is ramped up to disturbing levels, complete with apocalyptic death. Even leftist totalitariancomedians like Bill Maher have joined in the horrific agenda pushing by saying he just wants people to, “Not have kids, DIE, and stay dead.” Maher said humans hurt the environment, so the solution is for them to die. (Did Maher forget he’s a human?) “As he argued that humans hurt the environment, he concluded that it would be better for Earth for more people to ‘not have kids, die and stay dead,’
When people like Bill Maher talk about people "not having kids" and "dying and staying dead," they're not talking about themselves- they're talking about you. They, after all, are the elite, the chosen, the anointed- the ones tasked with saving the planet from "useless eaters" and "human weeds." If you listen closely you'll see that their rhetoric isn't very different from that of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was an environmentalist and an animal lover- he was also a vegan. He was also an outspoken advocate for children and public education and like all good elitists he used children as the basis of his propaganda.
Leftists truly believe the planet will be destroyed if humans are allowed to survive much longer. Left-wing nut caseAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns that planet Earth only has 12 more years before it will be destroyed by “climate change” — a completely fabricated junk science narrative invented by power-hungry Leftists who are almost universally illiterate in the realm of real science, reported Natural News.
There are far too many humans who believe that the slaughtering and killing off of billions of other humans is the answer to “climate change.” Because globalists truly believe humans are a threat to the planet, they have no qualms whatsoever about calling for the mass genocide of human beings around the world. After all, they are trying to “save the planet,” they tell themselves, which translates in their twisted and sociopathic minds, that the ends justify the means. (Did anyone just picture Adolf Hitler?)
There are no lengths to which these- dare I say it- maniacs won't go to achieve their agenda... which, by the way, isn't saving the planet, but saving it for themselves. They envision a utopia- a Socialist utopia- in which they live a life of luxury, all their needs met and attended to by technology. If this sounds like science fiction, it is- it has no place in reality, but make no mistake, they'll stop at nothing to make it happen.
In the state of Washington, for example, a new “human composting” bill has been passed by the state House and Senate. Once signed into law, it would allow human corpses to be liquefied and flushed into the sewer system. From there, “biosludge” is collected by every city in America — including Seattle — where it is dehydrated and trucked out to the rural farms in surrounding areas. There, it’s dumped on farm fields after being dishonestly labeled “free fertilizer” for farmers.
This, on the other hand is not science fiction, but fact. All governments of the world are on an unsustainable path, and rather than admit failure and give up their power and money they’ve stolen from the masses, genocide becomes their answer. After all, those who are not living don’t need the government handouts. How else does anyone possible think universal basic income could ever work?"
" No one knows when the time will come that governments will decide to finally commit mass murder on a scale never before experienced, but there is evidence and even talk from globalists that it’s the only solution and at some point, could occur."
One might say, “but how does any of the above have anything to do with eugenics or those in a position of power trying to control the population?” Simple: By pushing “the morning after pill,” which has gained an enormous amount of traction, they are reducing the birth rate. This is intentional. By pushing abortions, and extending them to full-term abortions, they are reducing the birth rate. This is intentional. By attempting to scare young adults into not reproducing due to climate change or the overpopulation farce, they are controlling a narrative that some young adults are buying into. This is intentional. By spending decades pushing “gender equality” and “equal rights for women” and the pink-hat-wearing feminists that don’t even know what they are fighting for – they have been striving for women to work instead of being homemakers and raising a family, hence no babies. This is intentional. By pushing taking the morning after pill or getting abortions through commercials, tv shows, and movies, this is normalizing it. This is intentional. By pushing for mass immigration, while disregarding the health and well-being of the elderly, homeless, and veterans, it is increasing the flow of immigration and potential disease and further crime, while also increasing the death rate due to negligence. This is all intentional.
It should also be mentioned that full term abortions produce a number of profitable items for the organ harvesting and "youth elixir" market, not to mention the chilling effect it has on the population at large... remember- Nothing Goes to Waste.
By forcing mandated vaccinations, it is causing higher levels of both children and adults to become sick, autistic, paralyzed, sterilized, and in some cases death. This is all very well documented. If one doubts this, ask yourself, why did the government payout $4.1 billion in injury and death claims since 1988? Just for kicks? Why did they only vaccinate millions of females in Kenya, causing them to be sterilized? If one doubts that these mandates are being misconstrued as “forced,” take a look at the letter from the department of education sent out to parents and guardians of a school in New York. They will send Child Protective Services (CPS) after you, if you do not comply. That’s about the worst threat a parent can receive, given their horrific background with needlessly pulling children out of homes and placing them in foster care, which is the number one hotspot for children being trafficked in the US. Just this week, another schoolsent out the same threat.
This is all being done by the same people- the elites that have been running things long before eugenics was even thought of. The "science" of eugenics just provides justification for their sick agenda, whether it's pedophilia, or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) it's the same elites indulging themselves at your expense. You and your children are merely fodder for their wars, lab rats for their "scientific" experiments, or victims of their sick perversions... "It's a bif f**king club any you ain't in it."
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
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I gave an upvote because you are a Vet. No other reason for upvoting you. Give me a break. Do you really believe that shit? Have you really lost your mind with the Alex Jones bunch? Embarrassing. To blame disease on people instead of nature?
Given, our elected leaders are a fucked up bunch. I believe the only people that give you upvotes are your fellow Vets and @informationwar. Then again @informationwar like many just love #drama. Give me a break.
I will die at my own hand as John Wayne did in this movie. Give me a fucking break. Honour understand that? Maybe not. I do what I do, because I need to educate those that would use the honour of others to be popular.
No Hero here my friend. A defender of Real Heroes.
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Gutless Bastard, repent. We defend, we do what is right. Your shit? Ah!
So what did you do in my military? Maybe a guy that worked in supply? Ah, Sarge knows those types.
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Not an hero myself, jjust wore the uniform and served.
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DISCLAIMER: @sgt-dan is not a member of any community on Steem to include Veterans of Steem. My views and comments are my own and should not reflect the views of any community on the STEEM blockchain. Should you have comments and such they should be directed to me and not other community on Steem. Period.
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