What The Mainstream Media Missed: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

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While the mainstream media is transfixed on such weighty subjects as white supremacy, gun control, the Russian hoax, infanticide... the religion of peace has been hard at work. It seems that what makes murder newsworthy is the ethnicity or religion of the victims. Just as it is with black on white crime, when it's Muslims slaughtering Christians all we get from the MSM is crickets. Here are just a few of the stories that they missed...

 - At least 13 civilians died in fresh attacks in Mozambique's volatile northern Cabo Delgado province, where Islamists have terrorized villagers in remote communities for more than a year, local sources said Saturday (from Agence France-Presse). 

Has anyone even heard about this... I hadn't.

 - At least six people were killed as suicide bombers dressed in women's attire attacked people fleeing the Islamic State's final holdout zone in Syria (from the South China Morning Post). 

Crickets again from the MSM.

 - Boko Haram attacked a Christian Village in Nigeria, killing one person, abducting two sisters, and destroying the village church and six houses.  Taking time zone differences into account, this occurred at about the same time as the Christchurch shootings (from persecution.org). 

When is the last time the MSM even mentioned Boko Haram?

 - On the same day as the Christchurch shootings, the Christian Post reported that since February 2019, Islamic Fulani tribesmen have murdered 120 Christians and destroyed 140 houses in Nigeria. 

This I read about... from alternative media sources.

 - Robert Spencer reported in Jihad Watch that hope has been given up that the 3,000 missing Yazidi female sex slaves taken by ISIS will ever be found alive.  They are all believed to have been murdered, some of them by beheading.

All we hear out of Syria these days is about Bashar al-Assad firing missiles into Israel which makes no sense whatsoever. Isis is finished for all intents and purposes. The US and coalition troops are withdrawing. Refugees are returning home. Yet the MSM would have us believe that Assad would jeopardize getting control of his country back by firing missiles into Israel. Where's the logic in that? Assad didn't get elected or maintain the love and respect of the vast number of Syrians by being stupid. The only ones threatened by Assad having control of his country are the deep state.

But the most troubling part of all this is the number of Christians being murdered around the world without as much as a peep from the MSM. This only emboldens Muslim extremists, so we can count on more torture, killings and beheadings. Either all life is sacred and worth protecting or none is, in which case the MSM should just keep quiet.


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I am not surprised by propagandist's selective reporting. The enemedia has a narrative to push, and inconvenient facts prevent herding sheep into conveniently centralized sources of rent. This is bad enough when it's simply duplicity, but since they are lying about crimes against humanity and using those lies to increase the vulnerability of sheep to slaughter, it is impossible to deride and detest them enough.

The Ministry of Truth purveys official lies. It is heretics, you and I, that are the only source of truth now. Censorship and propaganda are existential threats. People must know the truth to protect themselves from harm, and it is known of old that governments not only don't protect 'the people' from harm, but that those profiting from government use government to aggrandize themselves even if great harm to civilians results.

Indeed, war profiteering is so profitable precisely because war is so harmful. This is the real basis of justification for the informationwar from the perspective of fathers, mothers, sons and sisters: duplicity kills, and knowing the truth becomes an act of rebellion when liars gain power. Who can doubt that liars are in power in their government today?


No argument from me... that's why I'm in this for keeps!


Christian persecution by the book.
MSM, politically correct politicians and their foot soldiers are as guilty as the terrorists.

NZ, UK, Germany are the REAL terror states, terrorizing its population by unlawful edicts, eradication of free speech, purging of the right to self-defense. WOE to you ungodly creatures. The day of your reckoning is coming. It's a promise of God.

Also SA, Israel and the other UK satellites!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


SA has a special status with regard to the US tho:
As it is in South Africa, so it will be in the United States.

Calls for slave reparations are already heard coming from radical leftist looneys.
Seizure of private property, such as farms, land, businesses, guns, etc is on the books.

The destruction of the US will have a domino effect on all Western societies that are still somewhat restrained in their globalism/communism/technocracy tyranny efforts. All hell worldwide will break loose once the US has been conquered by the enemies of humanity.

"All hell worldwide will break loose once the US has been conquered by the enemies of humanity."

Hasn't it? Which politicians aren't demonstrably liars? Not just individuals, but a cadre or party nominal to actually rule. No such ruling party exists. The enemies of humanity long ago conquered the USA, and all hell is upon us.

Not quiet, but the doom seems close. There is still a remnant of true Bible believing, God (Jesus) following humans out there. It seems though that blood will be spilled in a red sea, the outcome of which can be read from Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, Matthew, Jude and Revelation, among others.

Insanity on steroids. Let the devil destroy his own house.

"There is still a remnant of true Bible believing, God (Jesus) following humans out there."

They're not in power. American children are being sexually mutilated for the depraved enjoyment of perverse homosexuals, and courts have ruled that 10 year old boys can be exotic dancers in gay clubs. Children are being taken from their parents because the parents refuse HRT for their prepubescent kids. You can pretend that some actual just government exists, but that doesn't make it so.

I affirm and aver that THIS is that very devil's house, and we are in the midst of destruction.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

God's power supersedes that of the fallen angel aka Satan and ALL of his minions. Most Christians do not exercise the power that has been delegated to them by Jesus, often due to false teachers.

John 14:12-14 King James Version (KJV)

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Those who call themselves Christian and act not on Jesus' behalf will be dealt with worse than Satan's minions.

"...the works that I do shall he do also..."

I see that this is the core precept of Christianity, and why I do not call myself Christian, as I know of no one calling themselves Christian that does this. They all believe in magic, and that speaking magic spells invoking their fetishistic idols will effect what Jesus has called upon them to do with their own flesh and blood.

I do not believe in magic, nor the Roman practice of deification of those they consider great men. I believe in the acts of love and sacrifice that Jesus exemplified with his meat and life, and pretend to no magic or spells to protect me from the consequences of my actions. If I do not act to love my neighbors, then I am due consequences, and suffer them as the world metes them out. If I do love my neighbors, then I will act - not send thoughts and prayers - and bear the burdens of my actions in this world.

My hope is in the next world, because this one is ruled by evil that punishes every good deed. The faint of heart will shy from doing good that will cost them their blood and treasure. They will pretend magic suffices for acting. I will not, and have paid the price in blood, freedom, and treasure for it.

This is why I do not murmur the lies whispered sweetly in our ears by the enemedia, why I will speak the truth whatever the consequence. Here, speaking truly is the only action I can undertake, so that is what I do here.


I meant Saudi Arabia, or Wonderland as Q puts it!

Oh, you mean the murderous Islamic corporation that was created by the English and US corporations aka U.K. and U.S.? Criminal humanoids, agents of satan, the rulers in Saudi Arabia, and their handlers. Their criminality knows no bounds.

Thems the ones!!!

As always, my friend, you put the TRUTH into perspective for those few left with ears to hear and eyes to see.


Dear Lord, PLEASE speak for those without a voice, and for your servants who are being slaughtered with nary a word of remembrance.

Thank you my friend... it seems like open season except for the "anointed minorities"

I just truly thank God for each day that He grants us an additional dose of your wisdom and insight!

Thank you... I don't know quite what to say, except that the wisdom comes from other sources- I just seem to be blessed to be able to find it!


You are an intelligent enough guy to put two and two together. I have admired your work on several occasions, which is why I subscribe to your blog. But you need to break out of the echo chamber.

ISIS is funded if not under the command of NATO black-ops. More than ample evidence for this. You probably already know this.

Be careful of promoting a narrative that is not accurate. Especially if it is inaccurate for a reason: justifying the continuing genocide of the people in Muslim-majority regions, worldwide. Iraq has had more than 1 million casualties, right? How many women and children? What about Afghanistan? And I thought it was supposed to be Saudi citizens that made the Twin Towers and WTC7 implode because of jet-fuel melting steel beams on 9/11?

The only way people will continue to support genocide is if the victims have been sufficiently dehumanized. It's part of the propaganda.

Be responsible.

Nobody cares about Christians or Atheists being killed... it’s just the way it is

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I care