The Development of Military Technologies and the Created in World War Period I

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

Ever since World War II ended, military technology has evolved as though it were indefinitely. Every day as if emerged a new weapon system that is increasingly sophisticated and deadly. It is always on the rise in its development during World War I, and basically emerging technological warfare is during World War I.

Little did we mention World War I. World War I made major changes to the political map, with the defeat of the Central Bloc, including Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire; and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917. Meanwhile, the winning Allied nations such as France, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Romania gained new territory, and new states were created after the collapse of Austria-Hungary, the Russian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

But here we will discuss how far the development of technology at that time.

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Technological advances and warfare

Airplanes are used for spying, fighter, bomber, and ground assistance, and each of them has made significant progress. Emerging innovations include air transportation (the ability to move the supply, equipment, and personnel of high priority and limited in a short time); and strategic bombing (bombing populated areas to destroy industry and morals). Anti-aircraft weaponry was also developed, including radar and ground-to-air artillery, such as the German 88 mm gun. The use of jet aircraft began and despite the late introduction gave little influence, jet aircraft would become the standard of air force around the world.

Progress is made in virtually every aspect of sea battle, especially aircraft carrier and aircraft carriers. Although since the beginning of the war, air warfare has been a bit of a success, actions in Taranto, Pearl Harbor, South China Sea and the Coral Sea have made aircraft carriers capable of replacing warships.

I just write a little summary, More articles you can read here

5 Military Technology Invented in World War I Period

  • Tanks
    Undeniably, the tank is one of the most recognizable symbols of military technology development in the 20th century. The tanks were developed secretly by allies in World War I and were originally referred to as "land liners".

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To defend the element of surprise, the Allies called this new war machine the name "The Water Bearer", before getting the name "tank". To this day, tanks are still being used in many military conflicts around the world. Although the design and technology has continued to develop over the past century, tanks are an innovation rooted in World War I.

  • Drone
    The controversial war tool of the 21st century also has roots in World War I. In 1916, the United States Navy began to develop prototype unmanned bombers, although initially very ineffective. Initial experiments produced unsatisfactory results with poor gunshot accuracy being the main problem.


As a result, interest and funding to develop the project dries up, and early efforts to develop the drones are stopped. Years later, John Stuart Foster Jr., an aviator model enthusiast uses his hobby to develop a new weapon. In 1973, the US Defense Technology Research Agency created two prototype drones that although still "primitive" became the basis for today's drone technology.

  • Aircraft carrier
    Five years after the first aircraft was launched from the deck of a marine vessel, World War I demanded a new innovation of air war. Although successfully flew the plane from the deck of a ship, but no one ever landed it again because no special ship made for this purpose. England, had built a new warship armed with a powerful 18-inch cannon.

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The British Navy decided that the cannon was too strong and would likely damage the ship's structure called the HMS Furious. Thus, another function must be created for the warship. Then a big runway was installed on the deck of the ship. The presence of such a hood allows HMS Furious to be the first ship that can be used to fly and land an aircraft.

  • Pilot communication system
    Until the start of World War I, there was no system that allowed pilots to communicate with their base on land. Once the aircraft is on air, the pilot's communication and base are immediately interrupted. Initially, communication cables were fixed to overcome the problem, but the existence of cable is very easy to know Germany.

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The solution was to develop radio technology and for the first time used combat pilots in World War I. In 1917, the first sound could be transmitted from airborne pilots to officers on land. This is a breakthrough not only in military technology but also for the current air traffic control system.

Before World War I, the Gatling gun was the only model almost identical to a modern machine gun. However, the Gatling guns could not be used on the European battlefield that was then plunged into a static trench war. Something more effective and easy to move is needed and the solution is the Vickers machine gun. Although initially the machine gun required six men to operate it, the Vickers rifle proved to be effective when used in combat. Vickers quickly gained a reputation for being a highly trustworthy warrior.

So that's some military technology that has existed since World War I. But if we look at it is much different from that, that's how technology plays a role. The longer, the more we are impressed with the technology of the future. Hopefully my discussion can add a little bit of your knowledge.

Thank you

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Just to mention: besides tanks and airplanes, armored cars were also used.

Thank you @renandossantos ;)

You're welcome!