Ready For The Good News?

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

Save the Dates! June 23 & 24.

Before the Jews and prisoners of war were exterminated in the Holocaust, a carefully designed process had been implemented.

"Keep everyone calm," they said... Don't give them any clues that they are about to be gassed to death. Instead, trick them into believing they're just going to have a shower after a long, difficult journey. Then they will voluntarily strip naked and leave all their belongings as instructed. They are under trauma-based mind control and will not fight back. They will comply and walk calmly into the gas chambers.

This is considered a tacit consent when you're a Nazi, or any political party, or financial group, or religion that decides taking life, resources, health and well-being is your right of entitlement by birth, by race, or by "destiny" of a chosen enlightened group.

This was really bad news for a targeted population. The Nazi social experiment was great news for those who not-so-secretly are in control of this planet. Shall we name all of their compartmentalized aspects? The military-industrial complex. Corporate news media? Corporate healthcare? Federal Reserve banking system. Corporately controlled food production.

Generate your own list.

These are the same people who brought us the next trauma-based mind control experiment -- 9/11 and CERN.

Ready for the good news?

We are not powerless victims.

The 1% have become so confident in the stupidity, gullibility, innocence, slow learning curve and easily confused, entertained and defeated 99% that allowed the money-making frolic of World War II that they have brazenly taken their successful, terrorizing social experiments and transitioned us (you and me), into an OPEN AIR GLOBAL CONCENTRATION CAMP in which we passively keep ourselves prisoners -- all humming along nicely through trauma-based mind control with a bit of sophisticated technology thrown in

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's) is the next step in the global population, suicide-murder, frequency agenda to wipe out all human life on the planet.

The elite 1%, scientists, engineers, geneticists, and so on -- all have their Ivy League university passes to the good life -- elsewhere. Cloning breezed through with no global conversation regarding ethics or limitations. In vitro fertilization breezed right on through. Prenatal "care" ultrasounds breezed right on through. As did vaccinations and organ transplants.

Human beings are, sad to say, kinda slow on the uptake. Why?Because we are programmed to just be happy, no matter what. Make the best of it. Look for the silver lining. Learn the karmic lesson.

We are, like the Jews, being poisoned, starved, and medically experimented on. We continue to give our tacit consent. We volunteer to buy toxic food. We volunteer to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation for the cancers we invite by eating toxic food and drinking toxic water, and, yes, with chemtrails, breathing toxic air. We volunteer to carry our prisons around our bodies -- cell phones with us at all times. It's called a cell phone for the same reason a smart meter is called a smart meter. Hilarious joke on the stupid humans.

The reason the final solution worked as far as the Nazi experiment was concerned was that NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE ANYONE POSSIBLE OF SUCH EVIL.

Hello! Ringing any bells yet?

Oh, I hope so. I repeat. The 99% are living in an open air concentration camp and we are slowly being exterminated but not before our organs and DNA have been harvested for future use by the 1%. can remain in your white collar prison, or your ghetto prison, or your opioid prison, or your porn prison, or your debt prison -- all are rivers of pain that end in the cesspool that is the "system of separation" ... or you can choose your spiritual birthright sovereignty and exit the Matrix. Not through use of bullets or bombs or guns as the key means of showing resistance.

Come to the Summit!
Saturday June 23 and Sunday 24 online.


We Do Not Consent. We Will Not Comply.
This is our second collaborative event on the "inevitable" 5G rollout.

5G Call To Action Community Summit:
Targeted Individuals & Directed Energy Weapons.

In this summit, with our guests, we'll address the continuing mass population technology experiments that come under the category of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's).

I promise we have a powerful call to action ready.
... All you have to do is be brave enough to walk out of your cell.

We are delighted to have a lineup of provocative, well-informed, experienced guests to make sure we understand what is already happening, what is planned for our future, and what we can do to refuse our consent and gullible human compliance.

The future is ours. We have to know how we come together to get there!

We appreciate your support! Free tickets for Saturday, June 23rd Part 1 of our event have already SOLD OUT but ANY DONATION is welcome, giving you access to the live zoom room and to the replay.

There are still free tickets available for Sunday, June 24th Part 2, ... but they are going fast.

Peace and Blissings, in sovereignty and out of the Construct,
Anaiis Salles.
~ 5G Summit Team 

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Information War

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Image Credit: NeuPaddy

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