Sandy Hook and a random stranger.

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)


I always enjoy a bit of banter.

And had plenty over the weekend. After talking with someone regards to Sandy Hook, and my stance that it was/is a classic false flag, I have been asked to offer up evidence via this post, so without further ado, lets get our groove on.

The grieving father who was paraded around America spouting his nonsense regarding gun laws is a fully fledged "B" list actor and so is his supposed wife. She does or did children's TV program's, dressed up like a pantomime character. Proving they are both paid actors is simple in itself, as there is proof of this on camera, online.

For me the single biggest mistake at this "event" was not the fake scenes of people walking endlessly in a loop at the wrong school house, shown live on TV from the vantage point of a helicopter.
It was not the classic case with regards to destroying the evidence by pulling the school down.

It was using the supposed father as a gun wielding (unnatural looking) FBI agent in the wrong clothes to play that role, as well as the role of a dad.


It is never about the guns.

The anti gun rhetoric is smoke and mirrors trickery, just something they know will get under peoples skin, half want them, half do not, so it is the easiest trick in the book to pull out the "gun law" card.
Do not forget this man was flown around the USA with the then president in Obama either. The make believe grieving was on small screen TV for weeks.
If I was American I would be very angry that my supposed leader played along with this event.

This event as with Vegas is more about selling security scanners for schools and hotels than it is about banning guns. The Vegas shooting I will go into more detail with regards to these scanners, who, what, why, and which politician stands to gain what $'s from the proceeds/sales.

With "ANY" event I follow the money first, if there is no financial gain, then it simply would not be worth playing these role play games.

Lets first have some footage of the dual role playing dad shall we?

He tried to hide his face from the TV cameras also.

You can find that video also on YT. Now though, how about the woman who has died at multiple "events worldwide".

From London to Paris, to Pakistan, to the USA this woman has been killed or had family shot dead, blown up, injured and maimed. Yet over and over again she keeps playing her role.
I have seen her meme used extensively by the truth movement on FB before I left.

They are getting sloppy you see.

Even the sloppiness or lack of attention to details at these staged events is designed to make people feel powerless, as the more people who catch on that these are what they are, false flags, the more people you have that know we are all being conned, and the more people that are angry and dejected. Never let it get you down, smile, tell people that want to listen, don't though spend hours banging your head up a wall trying to tell those that simply do not want to know.

If you want to know who the two actors are in this event, I am going to leave you to find out for yourself, as me just stating facts is never going to convince anyone, that is not willing to take a look on their own.

I wanted to finish with a superb video regards to another repeat (offender) crisis actor, who has played a few events, this guy was supposedly blown up at the Brussels airport, no he was shot, no he was blown up twice, all stated by himself, nothing like fluffing your lines and forgetting which leg you injured is there? Though sadly youtube has deleted all the videos with regards to him.

Have a superb week ahead.

You will either take a look at this event, or remain in the comfort zone, the choice my friends is your own.

Images CCo Pixabay.

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Here is an incredible resource on Sandy Hook, by Jim Fetzer, it's a free PDF, and I will say that in this one subject Jim Fetzer has been at the top of Sandy Hook research, I think Sandy Hook is the False Flag that was best documented and most proven to be a False Flag in the history of false flags, I tested the link, it's clean😀

Superb thank you, I think someone else sent me that last week, I shall though take another look.

I would say though it is a close tie regards 9-11 and Sandy Hook as which is the easiest ff to prove. :-)

I've watched a lot on this, they love to try and challenge Wolfgang Halbig but they keep coming up short. He wants to take them to court so he can prove in a public court that it was a sham but they refuse. These crisis actors should be ashamed of themselves.

Ashamed of themselves? Every actor wants to be on the screen, they get plenty of time on it.

You seen the crisis website yet? watch the vid and it shows you how they plan them, execute them and even admit to changing them along the way.

Hahahahahha ah man well atleast you get people on here who have also done the research and say " Nice one!"

More of these sandy hook posts the merrier I say!

The internet is endless of leaked crisis actors, the best one I ever saw was the supposed murdered children lined up singing a national athem grown up! Did you ever see that docu made by a woman who spent years investigating it, I hope I still have it on a usb somewhere cos its not so easy to find these days..

Man - its just fucking amazing at the things governments have done to get what they want, and even more amazing how most still believe the news!

and even more amazing how most still believe the news!

You mean they are real? them who believe the news on TV!

That supposed father at Sandy hook that was laughing just before going on live TV, then turning on the tears was a eye opener for a lot of people.

Let me know the name of the one you have on USB bro, and I shall try to find it.

It was something like " what really happened at sandy hook"


"the truth of sandy hook" hmm fuck, I just check one usb as it was near but no luck..

That vid it was an hour long or so, and had all rolled into one, smirking "parents" on camera when getting ready to be interviewed..

None of those "parents" have ever actually dropped a real tear , if you find one with real tears Id be flabbergasted (love that word for now!)

Fuck me, just remembered, have you ever checked out the crisis actors for war then?!
Ah man I saw a pootube docu of people putting on fake blood, and then all lgetting on the floor to start recording a "live broadcast" from a bombing site in afganistsan lol.. this I must find though!

this guy was plastered on all the news with a famous line..
brb- I gotta go search that shit RIGHT NOW!

That's the thing though is it not? Once you see through one event, you see through the lot! :-)

what the hells happened to pootube! I cant find shit!

Found this one though! Looks genuine as fuck! and "Live Leaks" seems interesting, can we tokenize it, before it too vanishes?!

I've seen most of this before - thanks to (am I allowed to say the name?)...Alex Jones.

What I find so difficult to accept is that, after running a kindergarten of 15 kids for nearly 2 years, I must say these actors and those who organise it all, despite being 'specialists' have shown less capability of thinking their way through one lie....the kids tend to be far more consistent.