All Hallows Eve Most Scary story ever for "Trick or Treat"!steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

The @steemitboard is asking for the sacriest story that I can come up with tonight while the goblins and antifa terrorizes the neighborhood with "Trick or Treat"; and Molitov cocktails. What is the worst, and most dangerous thing that could happen to us today? What can threaten us all with destruction, and servitude?

halloween- pixabay.jpg

The simple answer is uncomfortable and and could cause you to loose sleep.

Once upon a Time the liberals got control of the house in DC in the November 6 election, and began their planned attack on our Republic. They were so successful; with the back up of their minions in the Main Stream Media, that they were able to drive the Conservative politicians out, and put Hilllary in the White House.

witch pixabay.png

With the Witch in Charge, and the sycophants worshipping her; and doing the will of their Master, she does as she wants, listening to no human, then death and destruction reigns!

AND The World stops...forever!


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She has Lucifer himself as the vice president and the anti-christ as secretary of state. Yup. a story to tell around the campfire for sure all year round.

Their fault, they told me to write the scariest story I could think of....

What do you think? Scary enough, ROFLOL? It chills me for sure.


You did a good job!

Sacred me too! Got to go out next Tuesday, and make sure this does NOT come true!

Brrrrrr, Still chilling! ROFLOL!


blimey a scary story indeed , sent chills through me !!

It is at that, hope I can sleep tonight!

I need my strength to be sure and get to the polling place on Tuesday!

We need to have 60% minimum of the vote again, to overcome the ballot box stuffing they are planning for Tuesday!


well I hope you got some sleep , what is the vote for , I don't much about American politics , sure I know about Trump , Clinton etc , is this like a local vote or something

No this is a national election day where all states refill 1/3 of their federal representatives. It could change the balance of power in the House , not likely the Senate.

The liberals here are willing to commit crimes to win. They will stuff the ballot box , and vote multiple times, to try to appear to have won. We have to put up about 60% of the vote, to hit 50%, after they doctor the vote.

It was the same two years ago when Trump was elected. That is why they were so mad, all the cheating was not enough!


I think everywhere in politics it is corrupt , do you vote for a person or a group , like we have Labour , Conservatives , UKIP etc here

There is a fraction within the Republican party called the tea party. They are the true Conservatives here today.

We are in the trouble we are in, because of social experimentation by the liberals (Democrats or Demon-rats to be accurate), and we need to return to fiscal responsibility, and avoid the one world order they love.

A lot of politicians seem to be doing everything they can to oppose the Bible, and would like to outlaw Christianity entirely! It looks to me like they are actively working for the other side!

What is UKIP?


UKIP is a party that what to keep Britain British but not in a racist way , just be self sufficient and not rely on other countries , have you heard of Nigel Farage ?

No, but I think I would like him. I agree that this One World Order is a great danger! Keep your National Identity to slow this take over!

I have been miscalled a racist so many times, sometimes for opposite reasons, that I totally ignore it these days. Any true racism is totally lost in all the noise surrounding it.

These 'boys' have cried "wolf" hundreds of times too many; so if the real wolf arrives, no one is listening any more! Total exhaustion of the term from applying it everywhere, to everything; has rendered it inert.

Being self sufficient is the only to survive what is coming!


sir smithlabs! what are you trying to do, give us nightmares? That story goes beyond scary!

Not MY fault, they asked for the scariest story...

The election went to the Conservatives across the board tonight, by so many that they called the elections before two hours after the polls closed!

They swept the field!


in OK you mean? that figures. must have been your calling them all the time, they needed to get you off their backs! lol.
Cruz won thank goodness, that other guy was a real snowflake.
I wonder how the Senate and House did?

Yes, in Oklahoma...

It looks like they gained in the house. I hope not, but it was expected, Iowa went dummycrap.

I am so glad about Cruz!

Did the Senate seat in N Dakota come back to us?


I don't know about N Dakota, I'll have to see tomorrow.

Me too, I hope they take that Senate seat. The woman there was a BIG supporter of jailing Kavanaugh, before he was placed on the SCOTUS.

Her support numbers tanked over this position. I sure hope they were mad enough to fire her!

I just saw it...SHE LOST!!!!


oh that's great news! Overall, since the midterms are usually a disaster for the sitting president's party, I guess it wasn't too bad.