Cherokee Nation scalps Elizabeth Warren; when she thought she was safely on the War Path!steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

Politics can be fun, once in a while. When a liberal politician MUST win, in her own mind; and takes a risk publicly to support her claim.

Only to have the risk blow up in her face, ROFLOL! Any intelligent person would test in private first! BUT Not Elizabeth Warren; she is so sure of herself, based on zero data, that she jumped off of the DNA cliff!

Cartoonist A.F Branco captured it very well in this cartoon:
dna test politician.jpg

Then we have the response of the REAL Native Americans:
Here is her picture from this article:
elizabeth warren photo.jpg

The really Sad part of all this is that Ms Warren does NOT even know that she is becoming a laughing stock, and all she had to do was shut her big mouth. Maybe say she is not Blood connected to the Native Americans, but rather that she is a kindred spirit. She could have recovered this, but NO, she had to get a public DNA test!

When the test came back, showing 1/1024% (the noise range of these testing procedures) Native American; the Indian tribes themselves began to tell her to shut up!

So far she has ignored them, and continued her verbal diarrhea Big Surprise right? Here is her response still claiming strong evidence of her blood ties to the native American tribes:

My Dachshund could possible show up the same 1/1024% Native American blood, since it is within the noise range of this test! She must believe that the Main Stream Media will cover her to the Public, and hide the Real Truth!

It is SAD to think that she has such a poor understanding of science , so as to pursue this line of attack?


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She is such a joke. I hope even the Demonrats eventually shun her.

I hope they embrace her, so they all end up in the unemployment lines together!

We have to make this a stunning defeat at the ballot box! They need to hurt, a real base level electoral hurt!


LOL...I hope they do too!

We have to overcome their ballot box stuffing, and stomp these evil people! This is the real threat we face today, the liberals unrestricted voter registration.

If we do NOT, our slide into the abyss will accelerate! We are at the most critical point in the election cycle today that has existed in my entire life! We must have a super majority to win, every time; so we have to get out and vote.

THEN we have to Force voter ID!


Well, that, yes, PLUS the electronic voting machine needs to be outlawed.

I am in favor of that! We also need two party monitoring of the vote counting!

If anyone cheats, they will need to be hung, I am DAMN tired of the games! There needs to be a drastic , and fatal response to cheating! Enough is enough, we need to execute those responsible, until it STOPS!


It IS treason after all, so, yea...that's the penalty for it.

It is Treason against the Republic, and her people! Multiple Executions would correct that quickly!

Those ordering it, once convicted, should join them! This has to stop, we have ignored it for far too long!

All that is required is that elections follow the Rule Of Law; nothing more, or nothing less! We need ONE vote, for ONE voter! Why should this be so very hard?


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

They should run politics in cinemas, its the best comedy ever

Yes, They are a joke, and they do not even know it!


They know it, this is why they keep playing :D

They are too committed to stop, however, i do not think they understand that they are a joke; because that would infuriate them!

They think that only they are allowed to use their enemies as a target of their jokes! We, however, are not allowed to ever make fun of them!!

I am hopeful that this joke will drag down their voters in November, and energize the Conservative voters!


What I believe is , now that they are joking around for a long time it's more of a habit to them which they can not stop even after knowing it.

You are not allowed to make jokes about them? Here, we make a lot of fun about our politicians but they are still kind of the same :D so it's a win win for them :D

I hope the best ones come in power and your country prospers more in the real way

They have use laughter against good people, because they have had nothing else to ofer for decades. They have no solutions, and no plans; but they OWN (literally) the media, so they have been able to focus on falsehoods, and laugh their opponents out of office.

Knowing how much damage they have done with laughter; they don't allow jokes, about their obviously funny lives!

But people are beginning to laugh at them anyway!


True that, they use media in favor of them and against their opponents and the biggest damage to our society now is our media, which is mostly paid and biased and spreads false stories just for their own little gain.

People tend to enjoy their misery instead of taking any action against them which is again sad as they keep doing what they want and ignore the fun people make of them :/

This tag @informationwar is hurting them; because they can't censor this group!

I am sure that this group is a thorn in their side, and they Fear what informationwar tough, suck it up!


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Thanks, I am trying to publish information for the November elections, so voters can make an informed decision.

This election it too critical for people not to have as much information as possible!

We must recover our Republic!


I find the whole distracting thing amusing. I do love it when their BS blows up in their face. This lady is a lunatic anyway so I say....give her a mic and hours of airtime. Just let her talk. Get Biden out there too. Let them talk uninterrupted for hours a day. Elections would be easy peasy.

They do seen to be their own worst enemy, and an enemy of sub standard intelligence to boot, ROFLOL!

You are right, the more people understand about these fools, the less chance they have of staying employed. Let them talk as much as they want!


sir smithlabs! do you know what percentage of Native American she would have to be in order to claim that as her heritage?

Well a lot more than 0.1% apparently; or the real Indians would not be so offended!

She is pathetic, and ignorant of the science of DNA testing, or she would have understood that this result was in the testing noise region! As such it can not be relied upon! It makes her look all the more foolish!
