Drive through Chronavirus testing is in place across the country which Must result in a Massive DNA data heist!

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

I may just have a suspicious mind, but Tulsa just opened a drive through Chronavirus testing facility.

My suspicious mind began screaming! First, there is almost zero medical return on such testing, from a pandemic perspective; because it is so late in the infection curve. The second thing that bothers me is that the test looks amazingly close to another test being pushed by the government, a DNA Records test.

Image from article:
Wikkipedia DNA_Structure.jpg

Article on this drive through testing:

I listed this article from Detroit, so people will not think it is local only. This is going on all across the nation!

With the 'Pandemic' ramping down, there is not medical reason for bulk testing. No information of any use can be gained from this. A Full DNA Database on the majority of the USA would be an Invaluable resource, and there would be no fighting with private companies for database access!

Here is the 'party line' (what they want you to believe) on this testing:

“Better access to testing and quicker results are critical to our public health officials who are fighting coronavirus and to our residents who have symptoms of COVID-19 and need answers, treatment and peace of mind,” said Michigan Gov. Whitmer in a press release. “More testing will save lives.”

So it looks like people make appointments, and present themselves; for undefined 'Testing' from the government; and ask no questions! What an unbelievable data mine this is, and; how stupid can people become, and still live?

Does anyone believe that this testing is actually limited to ONLY Chronavirus? It is a simple thing to test a sample twice! Since these sheeple are BRINGING their DNA and making the appointment; there are Zero legal problems with taking the DNA!

May GOD open our eyes, and Heal our Land!

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So tired of Whitmer and her "save lives" excuse for her tyranny.

They intend to protect is to death, like every petty tyrant in History!


Upvote on the way :)
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In TalkingPoint.Co

Thanks I'll take a look.


The real question is why? Are they looking for certain genome types? Again why?

They want total control over us, either by information, violence, or contagion. Nothing less than 100% power is enough for them! We will have to end up kicking dirt over them, to get them to leave us alone....


These will be drive through vaccination sites in the future as well.

Bringing murder to your neighborhood, for fun and profit.
