You can't make this up, sometimes it is Ironic, but NOT amusing! They were willing from day one, to send others into harms way, but apparently they are too important to risk....
Image from article:
They refuse to go back to work!
Article on House Refusal as 'Unsafe' conditions:
Here is the heart of the liberal, laid bare. NO risk is acceptable to a self centered politician; only THEY are too 'important' to risk!
One day after announcing that lawmakers will return to Capitol Hill next week, House leadership on Tuesday decided against going back so soon.
House Democratic leader Steny Hoyer said on reflection, the leaders decided it’s better to wait.
Such impressive "heroes"...NOT! What a bunch of Useless cowards! I bet they expect their grocery store to have stocked shelves, and I can Guarantee you that the stock clerk is NOT making over a hundred thousand dollars a year, for a Part Time Job! HOW DARE THEY put themselves above others welfare? They are 'Public Servants"; NOT our Rulers!
“After hearing from our members and consulting with the speaker and the attending physician, the House will not reconvene next week,” he said. “We will return once the CARES 2 [stimulus] package is ready.”
Hoyer had announced Monday the chamber would return from recess in a week. Lawmakers have been away from Capitol Hill since March 26. The Senate still plans to return Monday.
So the only thing that will bring the liberals in, is the smell of unlimited Pork! When was the last time they did their JOB, and balanced the Budget? It looks like the last truly balanced budget was in 1960....
IF the budget is NOT balanced (their ONE job) they should not be paid! If they refuse to work, they should not be paid either.
Doing their job in the Senate:
McConnell said Senate routines will be modified in “ways that are smart and safe.”
But NOT the house! They are too important:
A group of House Democrats told Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday that returning was a “dangerous” idea. Others said a lack of childcare would also present a challenge.
Every other employee in the USA has to deal with child care problems. We should replace these failures with waitresses and warehouse workers. At least THEY know how to arrange childcare and how the real world works!
Welcome to the real world, their are people al over; working where others are infected. The can't just refuse to go in, and keep their jobs!
So far, seven members of congress have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are presumed to have been infected.
No self respecting virus would infect politician scum vermin! This virus is dangerous, because it has VERY Low standards, ROFLOL....
If the Representatives refuse to go back to work, hire the Waitresses or factory worker; and fire them. We would get better workers that way, and might even find real honesty in DC again!