Some thoughts on racism, including KKK and BLM; is there any difference?

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

So, BLM and the KKK...BLM is ascending, and the KKK has all but disappeared. But they are the same at their core, under the skin, SMH!

I will NEVER support either organization, because they both use Violence to forward their agenda. Both organizations base their violence on skin color, which GOD tells us to Ignore. They both use government force, to back their position; and try to stand on other people's necks, to elevate themselves!

Image from article:
BLM on Amazon.jpeg
This comes up on the main amazon page.

Article on Amazon support of terrirists:

Enter Amazon today, I opened Amazon prime today, and my screen was covered by advertisements for a terrorists organization (BLM). They are donating a portion of $10,000,000.00 to help fund this terrorist organization, and promote violence!

The print:

The inequitable and brutal treatment of Black and African Americans is unacceptable.

I actually agree with this 100%, as long as ALL people are treated equally.

Black lives matter. We stand in solidarity with our Black employees, customers, and partners, and are committed to helping build a country and a world where everyone can live with dignity and free from fear.

BLM violence neutralizes this, because by definition innocents are fearful of their politically focussed violence! These are Terrorists people, using violence to force their agenda upon others....

With this terrorism supported by Amazon! Here is why I call them terrorists...

From website

Peaceful Protests are Protected under the Constitution...and should be! Violence is Illegal...and also should be! When you look at what is going on right now, using this definition; it is perfectly clear that BLM, KKK (if you can find them), and antifa are terrorist organizations. They use violence as a political tool!

Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentional violence for political or religious purposes.[1] It is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).[2]

This is how the US Legal code defines terrorism:

U.S. law
Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions of terrorism in their national legislation.

U.S. Code Title 22 Chapter 38, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as: "Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience".[40]

So. now we know that these groups are terrorists, so WHY should I allow advertisements for them into my house? I would Not allow ads for the KKK in here, so now I will be forced to cancel Prime to avoid the same terrorists ads for BLM!

I called and requested they remove these ads for their terrorists causes, and they told me "they support their Black Employees, and their causes"; and will NOT remove this offensive advertisement.

I thought that this sounds the same as it would have in the 1920s when the KKK was marching, burning, and murdering; if I asked them to remove offensive content for terrorists purposes!

They Both peddle Hate, based on skin color, and claim moral high ground; for immoral actions, supported by the Media and government! Sadly, they are opposite sides of the same damn coin; and equally wrong! They BOTH disgust me, and we would be much better off without them!

We have served the Homeless, hot meals for a decade. I had a Man ask me how many of those we feed are black, and I had to honestly tell him I had NO idea! The thought had never occurred to me...we feed People, and I never looked....

He asked again, a little differently, because he didn't think I understood. So I looked some, and realized that we had a blended racial mix, on Both sides of the tables; and NO ONE there cared!

Personally, I am tired of the race baiting, for fun and profit!

Come on down, and we will feed you a hot meal (I don't give a flip what 'color' your skin is); but break into my house, and I will shoot you (I don't give a flip what 'color' your skin is)! I guess this is a message from me to ALL terrorists (I don't give a flip what 'color' your skin is); KKK or BLM...break in to my house, and I will end you!

This is also a Message to Prime; just because it is Politically Correct, does not mean it is morally correct! It also is your right to decide to run anything you wish. IT is also MY Right to fire you, and remove terrorist based materials from my house! They can laugh it off, my account will not break them, but if enough people fire them, maybe we can change them peacefully! If Not, I refuse to support terrorism; and I don't need them!

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Well said sir smithlabs!

Thanks, this one everyone should understand! Blm is a terrorist organization no different from many liberal constructs.


And in an effort to de-escalate the situation everyone bends over backwards and empowers them.
I heard that Eskimo Pie is changing their name. How in the world is that a racist name? lol.

De-escalate with arrests, followed by jail!

Uncle Ben's is on the chopping block too.

Overuse if a term dilutes the meaning; Racist means nothing today!


Yes, Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima. On the news the other day they went to Hawkins, TX where Aunt Jemima was from and they talked to all the black folk there, some of them were her relatives and they all said they loved having the Aunt Jemima brand and said it had nothing to do with race.

I had heard they were mad at her legacy being tainted. She was not a slave, she was paid...well, for 20 plus years to be a spokeswoman. These people are working overtime to find something to be offended about!


Exactly about trying to be offended at everything. It's kinda like the dang matter what us Texicans say they seem to get offended. I reckon it's just jealousy. lol.

Not jealousy, simply pity, LOL! :)

"We'll send you lots of oil now don't you fear...if you promise not to move down here!"


When I first heard the acronym 'blm' I was still thinking that it was the bureau of land management (

Why does 'black lives matter' pick and choose which black lives they think are important? A person would think that there would be major 'protests' outside of abortion silence says something!

Everything the liberals do is selective, intended to destroy this Republic!

While they screamed about President Trump in Tulsa there were 100 people shot in Chicago!


They Can't be honest and retain political power, but in their heart of hearts; they want them all dead!

EVERYONE is inferior to them, and must be controlled, and their 'betters'!



Laugh, when you see the precarious position that the Patriots are in.




That or blow their asses off when they show up to bother you....

I wonder if they know that when the brown shirts finished their job for the nazis, those same nazis killed them, for their efforts?


door A is not the option that I would prefer, but I am not crazy about door B either. Am I hearing you correctly when you say 'those same nazis killed them, for their efforts'. Does that mean that the natzi party killed the brown shirts after the brown shirts did the dirty work? Why?

They simply did not want to share power with them. They taught the brown shirts to destabilize Germany, to allow them to set up the gestapo.

Then they used the gestapo to kill the brown shirts, so they didn't have to allow them a seat at the table of power.

They were Evil (AKA Socialists) in Germany too!
