We now have more registered voters, than we have living voters; due to registration of the dead, and fake voters!steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Fake voters and the dead vote; this is what we must overcome to WIN in November! DO NOT loose heart; this was in place in 2016 too, and we were able to overcome it then! We did it once, we can do it again!

Ballot Box.png

The problem is simple: The liberals have "registered" enough dead people, and outright fabrications, that they were able to stuff the ballot box by about 10% here in Oklahoma. In their liberal strongholds, that number likely pushes 20%. THIS IS WHY the liberals have so violently opposed voter ID. If we ever get voter ID, they will be reduced to a regional party as they have become so radical, that they have left their base voters behind. The dead are the only votes they can count on!

I base my 10% estimate on a tax referendum election here in Tulsa (Vision 2025) where the voters were presented with several proposals for voting sales tax increases for specific projects locally. One of the projects had enough support to pass, IMHO, from discussions I had with local voters. One other had a weak possibility, and the rest were anathema by discussions I had with local voters.

Enter election day; the favored project, as I suspected, passed by 60.5% of the vote. This was likely correct, and a minimum of 60% was required for approval; so far so good. Next came the one with little chance: WHAT? It also passed by 60.2%...I smell a skunk! Lastly came the ones that were anathema to a lot of voters that intended to vote for the first one. Anyone want to guess? They were from 60% to 60.1% These should have been 45% tops

These idiots could not understand the statistical concept of a bell curve distribution across variables; So they simply added as many "votes" as they had to have to ""pass" all these increased taxes. In so doing, they violated all possible scientific distributions; telegraphing the absolute Fact, that they had tampered with the vote! We have since beaten back these liberals, but we are stuck with the taxes! I tried to find a link to these voting results, but they have been buried to avoid questions.

One of the voters was investigated by a local journalist, and the address was found to be an empty lot, that had not had a house on it in decades!

By chicanery and outright lies, our system of voting itself is at risk; by deliberate false registration of non existent voters, intended to slew the votes to liberal needs.

Here is information that should FORCE the use of voter ID:

It is my humble opinion that anyone convicted of voting using these false IDs; should be banned from voting for life, because they have already placed a lifetimes worth of voting , into their existing time. Those caught and convicted of registering false accounts, should be imprisoned for high treason, and permanently banned from politics!

This is a serious threat to this country and her future! Legal action should be taken against any that can be proven to be part of this attack on our voting system

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I'm thankful to have voter ID laws here in MI, even so really dumb tax inceases get passed all the time! Braindead living people pass them! here!

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Idiots live here too, but that is no reason not to check voter registration across the board! It is also significant that every place where there is no voter's registration, liberals win big!

We have to FORCE Picture voter ID across the board! It will not stop them, but it will make their illegal operations a lot more difficult!


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Well no joy on discord, I will try again when I catch up on my replies.


I think that for state-level votes it should be up to the state (so that states that are stupid will suffer their own consequences eventually), but anything involving the federal government should require it. Which if I understand elections means that every election would need Voter ID. It makes for an intresting problem...

Our states that are VERY liberal resist voter ID vehemently, because they have the most voter's fraud.

The federal government does need to require voter ID, and they need to actively monitor voter roles!

I would like to see troops checking IDs coming in to every single polling place in the USA!


Troops may not be necessary, but I would be happy to see a law enforcement presence that is confirming the IDs of people coming and AND KEEPING A SEPARATE TALLY. Imagine how bad it would hurt the left to have the law enforcment come out with a report that they only recorded half the number of people voting (you would need to account for abseetee etc of course, it would likely be a margin of error) as are counted. Things might go south for them really qucik.

Local law enforcement worries me, because IN A LOT OF PLACES, THEY ARE LESS THAN UNINTERESTED, and might not be much help to improve accuracy!

But troops, would be from OUTSIDE the control of the local political machine, with specific orders about voting accuracy. Having police there to arrest the fraudulent voters would be a good add!

I love the idea of a separate tally, it is one more honest thing for them to worry about!


True, not just police, we do have the national guards for a reason. But we would also have to consider that it would require a large number of man-hours that need to be made up and paid for somehow.

And redundancy in things like people going into polling places compared to total votes minus absentee ballots etc can never hurt. Although people could be abusing the absentee system as well, I imagine that's a bit harder though, at least I hope it is.

The cost is already paid for, because the troops are paid monthly, whatever the duty. Fuel expense could be absorbed as minor. We could skip one of their training weekends in exchange if needed.

Separate books would be great, and if there is an obvious add, dump that entire voting block!

Absentee ballots need to be harder to get. There should be a reason you can Not vote normally, not just walk in and ask for one. When there is an absentee ballot issued, the voter should be marked as such, in the sign in roll call book. The most common abuse is to vote absentee, and also vote at the polling place. THIS needs to stop too!


The real struggle is enacting these changes. But I think it can be done. Sadly I don't see many people who hold views similar to us make it as sucsessfull politcians.

These days there are very few "Successful" Politicians! To be successful, they are supposed to do what WE want them to do! Very few know that, that is their actual job! They are NOT Rulers, they are Servants!

That is the basic disconnect in Washington DC, they have forgotten that they work for US, and do Not Rule US! They are just hired hands....

We need to remind them!


sir smithlabs! very interesting post. How do we know that the Republicans don't do the same thing?

That is SIMPLE! The only time I know of this actually happening (A Republican filed an absentee ballot, and voted at the polling place) the media found out and they she was jailed. If they were able to find that one instance, they would have found more, if they occurred.

In their view, it is okay for them to cheat (because their hearts are pure...yeah right) but it is Unforgivable if the other side does the same thing!

So they will monitor US VERY THOROUGHLY on voting roles!


oh ok, that makes sense.

It is even Fair; in a liberal's mind! WOOPS, sorry, I know they do NOT have a mind, ROFLOL! Just a slip of the tongue....


Why did Trump say he was going to get to the bottom of this early in his Presidency, and then back totally off of that a few months later?

No support from RINOs makes it look like a fatal split in the RNC. WE NEED TO FIRE THE RINOs, and get him some MEN in there to back him up!

We MUST have voter ID, to draw us back from the abyss!


I couldn't' agree more. People who are for foreign interventionism and for taking sides in the Middle East are easy to spot and remove. That, and/or being a free TRAITOR, or for "gay rights," are obvious indicators a person is NOT a real Republican.

We only have to look at their voting records, and the RINOs stand out by voting in sync with the democrats.

These fools need to be removed first! The liberals lie about their final liberal goals, but the RINOs lie about being liberals, so they are actually worse!

Watching them vote for abomination, should cost them their place in DC! These politicians, once fired, must never be considered for any public position again!

We need to have a long, and unforgiving memory; and we need to work to approach the liberals in their political intolerance! We can never match their racism, and we should not even try; let them revel in it!


They are properly referred to as subversives. They need to be sent packing back to the left-wing of the Democratic Party where they rightly belong.

I just call them jerks!

They do need to be sent...anywhere that is remote! The further the better, especially if it is permanent!

The proper identification of the enemy is important, and we need to push them to admit their plans and values! If they do tell the truth, sane people will reject them, hands down!

They do wish us permanent harm, and you are 100% right, they are subversives without any doubt! They are EVIL as well, and will pull us down into the abyss, unless we stomp the flat!


Yup, I expect all the usual games. Maybe a new one thrown in. A person guilty of voter fraud should loose their citizenship. Just my opinion.

Sadly they will do everything they can think of!

Loosing their citizenship would only hurt a few, most are not US Citizens I suspect....

We have to force Voter ID so EVERYONE gets to vote...ONCE!
