We're sliding down the slippery slope into the gates of hell, lubricated by liberal lies!

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

Sometimes these posts are hard! This is one of those difficult ones. The Socialist in the United States of America are doing their dead level best to steal power, one of the moves they used was a false flag attack. This is consistent with the policies of their mentors, the National Socialist in 1930s Germany!

I will try to limit the links, because you can use search engines as well as I can. The national socialists in Germany dressed their own people up as Czechoslovakian soldiers, and attacked one of Germany's radio stations on the border. They used this attack to start World War II. To make sure that they were not found out, they used the simple expedient of killing all their own people dressed in Czech uniforms.

Today's Nazis simply dressed their shock troops up as Trump supporters. This allows them to blame President Trump for the violence they created on the 6th, just like the Nazis in Germany blamed the czechoslovakians. A true false flag attack!

It is now obvious and the violent people in DC on the 6th are from antifa and blm! Here is an article on an organizer that I've seen before.

Article on Liberal organizer at the capital inciting violence:

But of course the mainstream media is blind to the fact that this man hates President Trump as much as they do!

Sometimes they show their true colors, ABC is implying that conservatives are not just second-class citizens; but they are in fact subhuman. They're recommending that everyone that voted for President Trump, be 'cleansed' from our Republic. It's interesting to note that the Nazis in 1930s Germany were using the same term...'cleansing'!

Article on ABC saying trump supporters are sub human

Proof that the liberal facists want us dead!

And just so no one thinks that this is an isolated instance; here's another similar listing:

Article on other liberal terrorists 'i.d.'ed by photo in the Capital:


As an interesting side note this one also points out that the actual peaceful protesters we're allowed in to the 'people's house' (yes, WE own it), by the guards who allowed them access. The buildings were not stormed and this is on video, what's up there people did get angry when they were ordered out of the area do do a 'bomb' scare; but no one else was being evacuated!
A lot of people are getting very tired I'm being treated like they are second-class citizens.

It's also interesting to note, that the people actually causing the violence; escaped unscathed, while an unarmed woman was fatally shot in the neck! Non-lethal methods would have been effective, so this is Murder, if anyone is interested....

MSM clouding Babbit's murder by Capital police:


Did you imagine the blowback that would have occurred, if this woman had been a member of antifa or BLM; instead of 14 year Air Force veteran? I haven't heard that word one about any investigation shooting an unarmed civilian. Even though he was apparently saying 'you want some to' to the other people around her, while they were trying to stop the bleeding. There can be no excuse for this act!

The Liberals are we coming emboldened by there apparently successful theft a political power. Sadly as they follow their mentors the Nazis in Germany, they will now begin to attack their political opponents using the force of government. Here is one initial example, but it won't stop here!

BREAKING: Feds Just Raided GOP Offices


They know that they can do anything now, unchecked by The Ballot Box; with the mainstream media actively hiding their crimes!

They will begin killing those that politically opposed them, just like the National Socialist did in Germany! They've gone too far to back out now, SMH.

It has been common in politics, when you disagree with someone; the laser family out of it! This article is beginning to string out some so I'll make it brief but on Monday night Republican Senator John Hawley's family, in an attempt to intimidate him; was threatened at his house. I bet you won't hear That on the 'news'!

Guess what? The police did NOTHING about it...is anyone surprised?

The only place liberals want US United, is in a FEMA camp; or in the cemetery, either is an acceptable result for them!

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Yup. Those who they can enslave they will. Those who are healthy they will kill them and sell their organs. This is how the CCP operates.

I'm desperately trying to get moved to the new Homestead out by the lake. I have moved in as many supplies as I am able, but I have a lot more to go. I just hope I still have time! I'm going to be off grid and I'm going to raise all the food we need on-site. What's running, I won't need to come out for anything. I just need to get busy.


Over the summer I moved from living in a city to a home where I have no visible neighbors. I have private water and sewer here and a generator. I hope I can upgrade to the propane generator though, I have a large propane tank already that only powers the stove. If I can get the propane generator I can be totally off grid if needed. There is an abundance of meat just walking around here. I was able to shoot my first deer right in the backyard. Be careful moving, I blew out my back trying to move my ammunition boxes. ;)

Great, I'm repairing the house is on the homestead that we bought. I had the requirement that I pay cash for it so there aren't any paper problems.

The water there is good that about 80 feet because I'm close to Lake Keystone. I already have a 2000 watt solar system that I just need to tied together and I have another 2,000 watts of cells that I would like to be able to add to it. I will add 1500 watt wind generator, that should make an average of 600 watts with the local winds.

Always carry just a couple of ammo boxes at a time, and make more trips! Put some comfrey tincture on the back to help heal it.

We have deer there almost every time I go out there. My buddy checks on it every time he goes past, the last time, he called me to tell me there were 9 deer on my place! :-)

Sadly, Debbie wants them for 'pets'; and doesn't want them shot.

Propane is good generator fuel! Look at the HHO fuel....

I'm glad you're safe I hope we can make it before all hell breaks loose!


Seems like they want to boil us slowly like a frog in a pot.

They just keep turning up that heat and hoping that will stay swimming and not notice. I think we reached a Tipping Point, I hope I'm wrong; but it looks like there will be blood in the streets within a few weeks!


they are certainly promoting these false flags.

Yes, the liberal minions will riot in every capitol; posing as Trump supporters, to justify martial law! They are masters of the False Flag attacks!

Makes me wonder how many innocent people they have murdered for political gain....


I'm happy I'm not around for any of this... next comes the attack on 2A!

They have already introduced five bills to attack the Second Amendment. They have no shame, steal the election, steal the Senate; and immediately attack!

They will not be happy until there's blood in the streets. They haven't considered the fact let the people they're coming after practice, and they just picked up the weapons they think give them power. Defensive use of any weapon is always been more effective than the offense of use of the same.

May GOD help our Republic!
