Is Steemit A Dragnet?

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians!

Whenever I write an article that may ruffle the feathers of the powers that be, my husband, Jared, warns me that my actions may alert the wrong people. Looking at my post history, these articles are usually about CPS under the @familyprotection tag, or about another subject I periodically try to spread awareness about: gangstalking.

He gets very uncomfortable about it, and asserts that just because I'm posting on Steemit, doesn't mean I'm not being monitored. I've tried to reason with him, saying that Steemit is filled with free-thinkers, libertarians, anarchists, ect. There are no censorship issues here really. It's a place where one can express thoughts and ideas freely, and when on Steemit, I am among friends.


He laughs and asks me, "Why can't you see this? Steemit's a dragnet. The government uses algorithms that detect key words to flag, these articles are saved and categorized in some database somewhere to possibly be used against you someday! It's like you think you're saving the world by poking a beehive!"

These discussions never stop me because when I feel the need to speak out about something I have a one track mind. It's almost like I can't stop, and I don't even care about his warnings.

Do you think it's possible that the government is allowing Steemit to exist right now to attract and monitor people like us in one convenient place. I mean everything we write can be seen by anyone who has internet, so it's not like we're hard to find. If what my husband says is true, do you care? I'd like to know your thoughts.

Yesterday evening he wrote a poem about corrupt governments throughout history, and I had the idea for him to write a poem that would correlate with this subject, thinking it may be an interesting share. He wrote it, and I thought it was awful, so I did some heavy editing, and then he thought my finished product was awful haha! So we sat down, and reworked the whole poem out together, while staying true to his intentions for the poem. Hope you enjoy!

Grass Roots Steem

Some things in life are easily deduced
Seduction of intellect mixed with grass roots
Sharing our lives, a community of truth
We earnestly know that our joy is the proof

We make up a tapestry of true liberty
We revive and surpass our forefather's dreams
The flaws they carried are now washed away
A more perfect union is coming they say

It can catch a bear with a mean steely trap
Better yet, with destraction it preys
Soon we will know as our community grows
All walk into that government maze
Don't you know that the dragnet can't be seen
When an idealist wants to fight through the screen
Twenty-first century spooks need not roam the street
They glean the things they need without jackboots on their feet
You invite spying eyes and a listening ear
Cloaked useful tools, you hold them dear

You've heard "don't invite a vampire in."
Since you have, your defences were lost
Watching and listening by your own consent
It is you who will pay the cost
Tape the cameras,
Remove the microphone
They mock and laugh at you

You really should have known
This matters not, with your keystrokes you'll find
Your words analyzed by a digital mind

Flagged and stored and sent up the tubes
Just like that, they know your moves
They discover your thoughts, find out your demands
But not only you, your family and friends

Passing our files to those who patiently wait out of sight
Trained in assimilation until the timing is right
With each generation they pass the baton
Hiers of victory, having won the fight
The Trojan horse is already here
They're already after you dear

Avatars who aren't what they seem
Appearing benevolent, they study your dreams
Indeed this poem may also be screened

Love, snowpea ❤

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My girlfriend worries about the same thing with my VOP writing, and other areas I plan on venturing such as gangstalking. I will tell you what I tell her.

This all might be futile, the darkness always to control and abuse the masses. But the only certainty is that if no one speaks up it will not change. We have gotten this far down into the abyss because so many don't speak up. And if it reaches a point where it goes much further than it has, they will no longer hide what they do. It has become so apparent as everyone compares their stories, their truths it is no longer just some stupid conspiracy theory. To many have experienced the same crap and they can't put this back in the box.

And if it reaches a point where it goes much further than it has, they will no longer hide what they do.

This is one of my worst nightmares...things are getting so bad so quickly.
You're right about how if nobody speaks out, things will surely not change for the better.
After you reason with her does your girlfriend feel better about you being outspoken?

No, she doesn't feel any better. She has a mistrust of the government for personal reasons, ones I understand. However, I have to be part of the solution or I have abandoned all of my brothers and sisters who would see a better world. The best I can give her is my comfort that I understand her fears, and share some of them myself.

The first thing I thought of when I read this is fear for you and especially her when and if you make your gangstalking research public. Often they will attack the one who has a stronger fear response or who they consider the weakest link. Speaking out against it might just be asking for it. You may already have a hunch that it's a possibility, but I thought I'd warn you anyway.

Yes, I understand. Thank you for your concern. :)

Its important not to get confused about the benefits of Steemit (and blockchain in general).
Getting paid for your content: YES
Censorship Resistant: YES
Owning your own content: YES
Anonymous: Only partly and certainly not from government.
Private: NO

NOTHING you post online to any app (Facebook, Medium, Reddit etc) is private.
Unless you use strong end-to-end encryption like ProtonMail, not even you emails are private.
However there is a big difference between your private information being monetised to make someone else rich, and it making money for you.

I think what hubby takes issue with the most is that the content I sometimes create could draw too much attention to myself, yet here on Steemit there's a false sense of security when saying what we want, when in reality I'm sure the government has a special eye on us.

Believe me @apshamilton, I'm not leaving anytime soon lol. There are many benefits, and it's still my favorite online place to be. :)

The only alternative is self censorship. As there is no alternative to Steemit.

Add to this that steemit's wallet is viewable by everyone.
and the owner of the wallet can't even see WHO has been looking in the wallet.
Steemit is hosted on (amazon?) cloud servers, that for sure can not be monitored by 'strangers'

And then there is this discord thing that is hosted on (google?) cloud servers.
Is not encrypted, uses insecure messaging protocols, uses unencrypted email to send notification emails... to name a few.

Now steemit is still beta, but yeah gmail was also beta for YEARS

If it exists then people will use it...

If we only had privacy aware people building these kinds of systems...

Then there is the point that to be able change things people need to be aware of things first. And that needs communication about the issues. (as we are doing right now)
Someone needs the courage to discuss this else we are all lost...

Until things are fixed we are all screwed anyways.
And as Steemit is still beta NOW is the time to fix things. So now is the time to raise the issues. :-) If they have any ethics at all (and thats also questionable) then they would embrace the feedback, ask questions to US on these issues and find real solutions ASAP as there are privacy law's all over the planet that steemit needs to respect. and sould not be 'done away' with a BS additional policy change. (this is BTW why i'm using to access the steem blockchain)
Steemit should respect privacy by defauld and should not make 'policy excuses' to do away with privacy

You've really educated me with your comment. Much of the information you mentioned I was unaware of, such as what kind of servers Steemit uses, and more importantly, how they disregarded our privacy with a policy change. I've always been kind of bothered by how everything we post can be accessed by outsiders if they have enough information or type the right subject or word into a search engine.

Once someone found my post because she was looking at pictures of cats online and fell upon an article about CPS. She joined Steemit to make a comment on the post, which was fine, but a bit disconcerting.

The problem with is that..well...I just don't like it lol.

You should consider making a post with the information in this comment. I wonder how many other people would benefit from it, and perhaps start speaking out too.

Thanks for stopping by! :)


There is no alternative to STEEM. There are alternatives to STEEMIT. Such as, esteem, etc.

They all look at the blockchain and you are correct that it is transparent and easy to see but really it is not STEEMIT that is transparent. It is the blockchain. This is good, and bad if you are worried about dragnets.

Yet using the internet itself is mostly dragnets all over the place. Unless you go only to encrypted services and sites, you can potentially be exposed.

It is not worth focusing on this dragnet aspect in my opinion. Any of us could end up in trouble so we could waste a lot of time trying not to get in dragnet and thus be silenced. Or we can choose not to speak, because then they can't dragnet us. They are fine with that. Silence is consent.

Mainly I wanted to just correct what you were saying and point out there ARE alternatives to STEEMIT on the STEEM blockchain. There are no alternatives like STEEM yet, but there are blockchains capable of hosting such a thing (EOS) and hopefully one of them will take off at some point.

Thanks for this. As the intelligence agencies around the world are rolling out dragnets this still means that we would need an alternative for STEEM. If STEEM and dragnets fail to respect basic privacy laws STEEM is most likely doomed anyway.
The Dragnets of the intelligence agencies will detect this fault and say: STEEM does not respect our national laws. and they close the door on STEEM.
UNLESS they enjoy the lack of privacy for their own evil purposes. So either way we are screwed and the only solution is to actually fix this...
This is a catch 22
If we choose not to speak then we cannot use Steemit and we can not earn STEEM as it requires us to be social.
thats quiet a few nails in the Steemit coffin... And to me it looks like steem needs to get an upgrade.
Pioneers will own the blockchain

The thing about steem. It is a blockchain not owned by a centralized agency. It is also based on open source code. So it would difficult and near impossible to insure it is completely shut down. That is one of the reasons people want decentralized things.

They could target the websites that allow you to view the blockchain, but those too are open source (at least steemit is) and you could spin up another website to access the blockchain almost anywhere.

So this would be one of the more difficult things in existence for them to just SHUT DOWN. Just like they can't shut down bitcoin.

They could make it difficult to use it, but to completely eliminate it would be difficult.

This is assuming it is actually setup like I think it is. :)


I try and keep my identity separate from the handle. Not like that would fool anyone in power who wanted to find out who I am. Even potentially worse than what we are actively choosing to share with the world on the blockchain is the telemetry and spying tactics introduced with new windows updates for 7, 8, 10 and the way cellular phones operate.

In those instances their is a comfortable illusion of privacy when in fact it's anything but. All of your information is being vacuumed up and sold to the highest bidder. There is a company that has over 4,000 data points on each and every American. Their potential to manipulate people in the future with the AI and various personality profiles built around how well they know us will be staggering.

Society Is Being Programmed By A Black Box

I can't upvote right now recharging VP but you've got a resteem from me. Your man is definitely not wrong, big question is, is how detrimental could it be to your future. I'm sure you can imagine someone like AJ or people the deep state perceives to be their enemy would have much more to be concerned about with respect to how much they know about him.

Nice poem you two!

Nice to find someone else with likemindedness to follow! will watch this vid later :) thanks

Likewise, he's a couple more for ya: link one, link two.


The second one is great that it was on a new channel! I learnt this from the small print of fakebook messenger!

All of your information is being vacuumed up and sold to the highest bidder. There is a company that has over 4,000 data points on each and every American.

This is frightening...4000 data points?? I don't think I could even come up with 4000 data points about myself, or my entire household hold for that matter...

Thanks for the resteem and the STEEM upvote! :)

Happy to, yeah it's a pretty bold claim they made.
There is the source below. I think they're using it
mainly for predictive analytics and how to sway
the group mind in the direction their client wants.
Probably in the realm of some1 like Edward Bernays.

"Today in the United States we have somewhere close to four or five thousand data points on every individual ... So we model the personality of every adult across the United States, some 230 million people." — CEO of Cambridge Analytica

If you stop talking, they have won.
No need to stifle speech if nobody is doing it.
No need to make you stop, if nobody is listening,...

Eloquently said @freebornangel. Sadly most people aren't listening.

It's an opinion, nobody cares,...

Your husband is smart & correct

He would agree with you. ;)

Every public place we speak may be a dragnet. Yet some things are too important to remain silent about. Those doing evil things would like nothing more than people not to speak about their wrong doings.

So anything that is public which STEEM is can be potentially used as a dragnet.


A person is only courageous or brave if they are afraid of something and they work up the will to face that fear and o it anyway.

Someone with no fear can never be referred to as either brave or courageous.

Likewise someone forced (by taxes, or other means) to pay for some socialist program to "help" some group can not be referred to as being compassionate. Compassion requires choice.

Stay the course, you do good work. Your husband is correct about the potential dragnet, but I don't think trying to be safe and avoid danger is a wise course in this day and age either.

Do we agree to be a slave, or do we fight? Fighting requires entering places that could be dragnets.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@dwinblood, I don't know what else to say besides your words were exactly what I needed to see. They gave me much needed confidence in the midst of this sea of voices. This is why you're a leader in this community. Thank you for your support, and the resteem. :) Edit: and that's not to say I don't appreciate everyone's addition to the conversation. Just that you have a gift.

Also I am worse off than many of you. My handle here dwinblood is indeed my first initial and last name. So I am far from anonymous. Shrug If they want to kill me, imprison me, etc. they will.

Almost ANYWHERE on the internet or traversing the internet is a dragnet.

Unless it is heavily encrypted it can be gathered by bots. So the only way to truly avoid it is not to use it at all. Yet that like not voting is essentially giving them your okay to continue their actions... silence is consent.

Thanks. There are days I can put my foot in my mouth too. Part of being human. ;)

Highly rEsteemed!


Bladerunning would be way more fun compared to thinking I'm going crazy. 😂 Thanks so much for the resteem!

I really wouldn't bother about this, we are creating as much information as we did in the 20th century every few months now. No government has got time and resource to check everything out.

At worst they have a multipoint algorithm whereby you would have to checklist many, many flags before you became somebody they were actually looking at.


I respect your opinion. Seeing that this is your opinion, however, I'm not going to go into a ton of detail about what happened to me, because you would probably think I am looney tunes.

At worst they have a multipoint algorithm whereby you would have to checklist many, many flags before you became somebody they were actually looking at.

Perhaps when they are trying to snag true threats this is the case. There are other programs with different objectives out there though, such as silencing whistleblowers, and conducting social experiments. I have personally been a target of organized stalking for 3 1/2 years now. The hacking of all my devices. My dad is a software engineer, and he told me that remote desktop hacking was happening (even with McAfee protection installed). When we tried to fix my two laptops, the hard drives were destroyed. This is only one aspect of what happened to me. I am no threat, but was targeted nonetheless.

This article was a great conversation starter, and in my opinion of course it's a dragnet! After everything I went through I just don't care anymore, and I will say whatever I want. ;)

I hope they read every word.
I hope 100 potential Edward Snowdens pore over each of my posts.
There is no government, there's only people.
Convince enough people it doesn't exist and it goes away.
They're really good looking guys in the NSA. Clever, handsome, great sense of humour.
I'm sure they'll benefit from reading a whole lot of freedom themed posts all day :)

I hope 100 potential Edward Snowdens pore over each of my posts.

I love this attitude! Sometimes I feel the same way, thinking If some agent is reads this, maybe he'll be impacted in some way. Wishful thinking for the most part though. For every one Edward Snowden there are 100 handpicked individuals who are programmed and unable to think critically. They do their jobs well. Even if they're good-looking and can tell a joke. ;)

Any information post anywhere on the internet is subject to be found and used regardless. That is the nature of the system. The only way to avoid it is to be completely self sufficient in some wilderness. You just have to decide what you think is appropriate for others to know.

Yes, I'm afraid you're right @truconspiracy. I tend to overshare too which needs to be worked on lol.

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The thing is, your husband is right. There is a database (a few of them actually) and huge processors that monitor electronic communication worldwide and flag keywords and phrases.

If you're really worried about it, there used to be a site with the list. But it's old, and I'm sure it has grown. I searched a little for it but didn't find it. Just a bunch of deleted reddit comments.

I would say, you're not alone. And it's just algorithm at first. Specific words and phrases, then context. Then more context. Then eventually it might have real human eyes on it. Then, if they really hate you, or see you enough times, or they are actually doing their jobs and feel like digging deeper, you'll likely be put on a list.
But think about the sheer volume of content being put out everywhere. You definitely aren't alone. But until you start forming groups of a bunch of you on similar lists, you're probably cool.

It's revolution that scares government and there's too many of us for them to effectively watch us all. To loosely quote Mos Def "they want us to think they're God or something. Got the all seeing eye. Can't nobody do that."

All decisions we make come from either fear or love and possibly both sometimes. So make your decision knowing whether it's from a place of fear or love. You might change you mind occasionally. And, more importantly: love wins in the end.

We are only guaranteed one life. I for one choose not to live in fear. But you have to be clever about what you say if you intend to rock the boat.

I sold drugs for a long time. And my constant pot smoking made me paranoid as hell. So guess what we did? We used code words. So do all professional criminals, including police and other Bureaucrats and wall Street hustlers and terrorists, drug dealers, pedophiles... Etc

The watchers have their hands too full to worry about small potatoes.

Anyway, I'm stoned in a very illegal state and rambling.... And shit. A little paranoid now.

Just kidding 😂😂😂

The watchers

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If you want to be paranoid go to steemit search and type in "snowpea gangstalking" to find my story. I lived in fear for a year as I deleted all social media. They do go after small potatoes unless I'm a big one and don't even know it. Now I just say and do what I want online and it drives my husband crazy because he thinks it will get bad again. But they never really went away completely.

Very insightful what you say about love. I agree. :)

The watched

Oh jeez... Yeah it looks like you caught someone's attention and pissed them off.

Writing bots to scrape any open sites is not that difficult. It is how search engines build their data bases. The same process is easy to turn into a dragnet. It is happening. So unless we plan to not use the internet I think it is more important to just be aware it can happen and decide what you are willing to say, and how brave and willing you are to try to spread the truth even if their is potentially personal risk to yourself.

Fear or love decide our actions

It's a lot more complicated than that. ;) Though they do decide SOME of our actions, and they are ONE factor in many more. Generalizations generally are false, because we are all individuals. The only minority that truly matters is the individual.

Thanks for the inspiration... and no you don't get all the credit... you just helped my thoughts go towards this. :)

All powers are corrupt, you know what I say?
Lessons not learned are repeated some day
So just get off your butt
And do, I don't know what
Just do something to prevent being prey

That being told, they are watching us now
Try as you might, you may not know how
But you can fight back
And plan your attack
Because they will come after you anyhow

Nice! Did you just come up with that?

Yea. Took me about 20 minutes. I like the limerick style.

You have a talent! It took us hours do finish ours - then again we argued over many of the lines and it took awhile to agree on everything haha! Btw thanks for the resteem too! :D

You're welcome for the resteem. Information like this needs to be shared. Also, my poem was shorter and it is harder with two people. I usually win fast when I argue with myself.

You've already been gang stalked. Everything you've done, read and watched online will have been monitored, which was probably why you were gang stalked. At this point, would it make much difference unless you did a complete turn around?

When I started being gangstalked, I was terrified and off of social media for like a year, and they still didn't stop. After a while I just didn't care anymore. They already did it to me and still do - cats out of the bag already. Oh well then I'll do what I want.

This is a great questioning post!

Steemit cant be "allowed" or "disallowed" to be happening because its decentralized and its up and running :)

The governments most likely (I would say 99%) are monitoring it all and why not, if they can they would right?!

And yes, transparency, hihi- its a completely new aspect of how humans will start to act and behave and we are alien to it! Like being on camera or something, under a spotlight almost. I was thinking today actually how the blockchain will change peoples action in life, as in, how they will start to do business and act sociably within the crypto world and then in real life..

Me personally I know that data will be a currency in the future and that data collection is already a billion dollar industry, and that's why I choose to stay anon on here. I have a lot to say about how the government controls the masses, and I blog about my alternative life of living for free in protest, which is definitely something (for example) that is damaging to governments as it is thought provoking :)

Im looking forward to reading more replys to this post before bed!

Steemit cant be "allowed" or "disallowed" to be happening because its decentralized and its up and running :)

I know logically you're right, then there's that small part of me that thinks well, if the rulers of this age really didn't want something in existence, they would destroy it somehow.

I blog about my alternative life of living for free in protest

You live for free?? Could you tell me a little bit about how you can pull that off?

Im looking forward to reading more replys to this post before bed!

Comments usually have died down by the next day. I think there are a couple new ones now though.

Thanks for participating in the discussion!

Hi! Im sure the only way to stop steemit,is by switching off the internet 😊 and i think the governments like this observation tool way too much to stop it haha 😆

Im actually living since a long while in Norway,and im paying for just my buspass every month ,120£.. Im king of dumpsterdiving\ bindiving\ upcycling etc.. Clothes and food are 90% from the trash, i get tabaco from abroad because taxation is daylight robbery,and for accomodation in norway ive been living in empty places (squatting\occupying)

Im on my phone but will send you some links of where I live later, I know its boring to sift through peopkes blogs lol. I did a recent one though 😊

Yes, I suppose you're right, they won't be shutting it off lol.

Well, when I saw your username, I didn't quite put a meaning on it, but now I think I have. Your a homeless nomad! By choice it seems! How curious! 😮

No, I haven't looked at your blog yet lol, but I will, and I'm following you now. 🙂

hihi I didn't choose my username but its my email addy, so!

Its all completely by choice yes :P since 9 years i guess it is now! No debts, No rent, No bills and No banks :) I started in a van, realised that I didnt need the van and a tent and rucksack was just as good hahhaha


There is just no way I can ever go back into what I was born into..

Happy that we interacted, after seeing lots of your posts when i first joined here!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@snowpea Yes, I thought about that also before. I questioned myself if it really would be possible to keep my attitude, behaviour, thought and of course my data secure online from future "happenings".

This question could be answered easy with a no I think.

With the time I have learned, that I have two choices.

One, be careful as much as possible, stay away from the computer, use an old school mobile instead a smartphone, have a museum piece TV instead of a "smart" one and so on.

Second, focus on the visualisation that I am secure.

I lived both options. The second is mine. A life, feeling chased in a sense, produces energy around me that I don't want to have close to me.

I am not blue eyed and careless. Some measure have to be taken, but that's it. I try more from day to day to live the moment and enjoy it.

And I moved from an metropolitan area to a small community. Life here is different, this helped me a lot ...

Moving out from all the citys and all that illusion of a life really does change things, I would go insane for many reasons to go live in a box next to other boxes in a city!

im recharging my vote power - sorry to not upvote this :(


Second, focus on the visualisation that I am secure.

Yes, sometimes we need a certain measure of trust and letting go, because we can't control everything...

I'm glad you were able to move somewhere more peaceful.

Take care @anutu, and thanks for your comment. :)

It was not easy to have the money to get away. This might be a problem for many. I mean there are always options, but many seem to be bound to a place in the city considering job, school, friends ...

Take care too @snowpea !

The Steem blockchain is just code, and we're all generating it with every keystroke or click here on Steemit (and elsewhere). It's all open-source and free for all to use. It's free, high-value, data that has already been sorted and sifted through by intelligent human minds. OF COURSE there are nefarious people and groups analyzing and storing it for their own use. Surely you're aware that the government is fully corrupted and owned by elite people, many of them globalists who don't give a shit about countries, or you? I hope? So then you know there are people using the blockstream for evil as well as good. End of story.

Your poetic collaboration is excellent!

Thanks @celcius100! I really appreciate it! :)

Yes I think they are keeping tabs on all of us and paying us in steem power as an incentive to contribute, but that is for another article for which I will one day write. Blessing @snowpea. A good poem my friend.

Bottom line - You CANNOT exist in modern civilization without having your every communication being monitored, logged and entered into databases. To escape it, you almost need to live like the Amish.

Might as well embrace it and keep speaking out against injustice... if we do not, we may not have that chance in the future.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

Well, anything publicly posted on the internet can be data mined by government or by others. Steemit is no different in that regard.

I personally believe that privacy in this modern times is an illusion. We have major parts of our livesonline; pictures, private messages, they are cameras in almost very corner, satellite above re spying on us as we speak.
So you might want to hide one aspect of your life that deep is been watched, covertly or overtly, but there is still an open window to the other part of your life which is still under whoever is watch radial and it can be used against you i.e your credit card activity, restaurant you eat, the books you read, everything is link to some computer of some art and your data is saved somewhere.
Nice poem by the way

As I see it we live for the public. So when we seek to hide ourselves totally in the private sphere, we are inauthentic and undermine ourselves. If fear would stop me, then I'm defeated already.

The whole internet is a dragnet...

Who developed the internet again? Oh yeah... the US Military... isn't the next episode of family guy on?

Yes, of course. Family guy. And this. This is funny too.

Resistance to tyranny will be rewarded 10 fold we must be willing to deal with the consequences. The majority that aren’t psychopaths will eventually control this world.