The Left/ Deep State's reaction to the memo in one video

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

"our democracy is under siege" translates into our democrats are under siege

" two TOP Trump officials colluded with Russia and have already been indicted"

  • Michael Flynn part of the administration after inauguration for about two weeks, fired for lying to the FBI and the vice president.
  • Paul Manafort helped during the election wasn’t even part of the administration, charged for money laundering… money laundering with the Podestas! I guess that is colluding with Russia.

Let's face this squarely.

We are not going to have a civil discussion regarding politics in this country. That this propaganda and sedition is so flagrantly open, and that from anywhere between 25% to 33% of the country accepts this nonsense as truth means it is impossible to reason with them.

Trump, if he wants to avoid a civil war, is going to have start arresting these people for sedition

"We need a revolution"

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Trump, if he wants to avoid a civil war, is going to have to start arresting politicians for harboring illegals in sanctuary cities

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Take the organizers, the propagandists, the financiers, and the politicians OUT!

These are goddamn enemies, and we better start recognizing that, and preparing to deal with that fact as necessary.

The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan”.

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This is getting nutty. Take to the streets? And do what? Libs, stay home, indoors where its warm and watch Netflix. Nice safe space from the Russians. @ironshield

I'm a Russian bot; I get paid in vodkee, mail-order brides, and Clinton theses on subversion ;>

Russian bot says #releasethememo campaign successful, now on to #lockherup

I agree, start at the bottom and work your way up. The network is being dismantled piece by piece. Swamps take a while to drain. When the rotting bodies are exposed everyone has to put up with the stink. @ironshield

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Its time to make seditionists criminally liable again.

He said one thing that was right, "Trump is winning".

Donny Douche

our democrats are under siege
exactly right.
and when the siege is over, raze them to the ground.
then plow the earth and salt it.

see upcoming post

It is interesting that they(the democong) continue to argue in these platitudes of superiority and seemed taken aback when doucheschnozzle actually tells them that Trump is winning. They cannot fathom that they will lose this war. I do hope that we win so I can look upon their faces with the disgust that they hold me in.

they are counting on a compliant middle/non-political population

If you take the socialists as mentally ill (which becomes a more valid point by the day, as I learn more), it becomes a moot point .

.... You have to take control or the mad people will destroy everything - including themselves.

You have to take control or the mad people will destroy everything - including themselves.

my saying is you keep a boot on the neck of the left, or they will put one one yours; not quite a libertarian ideal, for sure...maybe it satisfies NAP, maybe not. But that's why I'm not a libertarian ;>

and that principle is subject to political abuse on it's own

finally, I don't know if I want to go down the "mental illness" road with this; classification as leftist seems easier to check for sure, and (IMO) less intrusive on rights

You have to take control
nope...that's Orwellian.
'freedom is slavery'
I don't THINK so.

It's an open double standard.

you say that these actions (lawfully and specifically defined) are counter to liberty, and you prohibit them. you cant leave them open to interpretation, because they will be abused, and you have to watch out for subversion of the law

To not take control over mad people (if they are indeed mentally ill)- that will destroy everything that is good is a dereliction of duty.

I'm all for freedom - a non Orwellian type freedom. But if not taking control of the lunatics today, there will be no freedom for anyone sane tomorrow...

Normandy, 1944....
"We decided not to land on the beaches after all, as the we felt it would be too Orwellian to take control of France at this point...."

It's a time frame issue.
A correct logic in 24 hour time frame, is not the same logic as in a 24 month time frame.

At this point in time, and where we have allowed ourselves to get to, taking control today is what is needed - for us to have any freedoms later...

by 'take control' you mean enforce the constitution as it is written.
then I'm all in.
but if you mean by 'take control' to add more and more laws and regulations and remove more and more of the freedoms we have managed to retain.

.....but if you mean by 'take control' to add more and more laws and regulations and remove more and more of the freedoms we have managed to retain.

...are you on drugs man!😂😂😂

my point being, that the direction that the 'ill' are taking us,needs to be stopped - which means to to wrestle control back, from what 'we' have given away...

read this
Brief Book Review for Humanification: Go Digital, Stay Human
it's free....the kindle reader is also free.
I downloaded it a few hours ago...I'm about half way done.
Smart guy...he thinks like I do.
Read it..then get back to me.

Read the first 15/18 sections, then read less and less...
but did kinda finish it...kinda.

I doubt very much, that he thinks like you do.

(unless you state inaccuracies as facts, are naively immature, and discount people as being people - including the horrible ones)

And biologic analogies that were not just stupid, but countered his philosophy on comparisons.
(e.g. a heart cell works for no reward, as part of a group (commie).
See how long a heart cell runs without remuneration - ie glucose..)

I don't perceive those 'qualities' in you, from what I see in your posts...

....just sayin'...

Incredible! Who are these halfwits?

I can't believe what I'm hearing!

there are two parties in the US
the evil party
and the stupid party.
these halfwits are members of the evil party.

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