You've got to be sh*tting me...FBI loses McCabe's emails, too

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

According to Jim Hoft...
FBI “Lost All” of McCabe Text Messages Before He Was ‘Removed’ from Agency – Refused to Turn Them Over – A Week Before He is “Removed” from FBI


People call me bloodthirsty, but tolerating this amount of corruption in the security community? These people need to hang from the neck until dead...dead...dead

Tha...tha...that's all folks

I'm going to let someone else run this one down. tag it #informationwar, if you run with it.

Woke up late, went to gym (had a good workout, not swimming), never bothered following up on the writing plan, as I was kind of waiting for The memo vote, made the decision w/ the folks @warfeed, and bammo, I is done for tonight.

...maybe a few comments

gooood night!

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I lost my left eyeball from disbelief

the good thing is that they are getting more desperate by the hour!

Yes! I so agree! Clif High predict great unsettling via the Deep Stats for the next several years as the curtain unveils the deepest and darkest of the Cabals. Many and many more of the swamp creatures will wilther away or die off in large quantities

The corruption knows no bounds. Add that to the list of lawless acts from the Deep State.
-33,000 Clinton emails - no problem.
-Lois Lerner Emails - no problem.
-Debbie Wasserman Shultz running a blackmail ring through the Awan Brothers - no problem.
-Fake dossier - no problem
-Strzok 50,000 text messages - no problem.
-McCabe text messages - no problem.

You are just reporting the surface of the small amount we have learned about. Think how much worse this could be. Only 5% of the iceberg is above water.

The depth of the issue could be 20X worse than your short summary above.

I would say "could" is not strong enough of a word. The Deep State has already proven to be littered with criminals hell bent on covering up their illegal activity. The notion that the public knows everything they have tried to cover up is a hard argument to make. In fact If you check out my channel I have reported pretty extensively on Deep State pedophile networks. See the report below:

they have gotten away with it so long they think it's the natural state of affairs...
once Trump got elected they had to dig deeper to cover up what they had already done

Here are all the details anyone needs to know about the original Uranium One court case and the role of Andrew McCabe:

I'm actually gonna watch this for a third time, but making popcorn first.



Edit: I made a whole post for this video. It's one of the best examples of speaking truth to power I have seen.

Social media has given us a unique moment in history where we have the same, if not more of a platform than the ruling class. This is why they are pushing so hard for censorship. Don't be surprised if we see a false flag and demands for censorship in the near future. We have to attack now, because now is liberties greatest chance. I will not cower so that my children have to do what I was not willing. Give me liberty or give me death.

one of the many threads in this weave of treason and corruption

jeez, I should keep that as a copy/paste comment, I use it so often ;>

Something tells me it won't be the last time.

Corruption is everywhere and it is even more spread in the third world countries like the one in which I am living. Good night.

Agree. Many countries are already much worse than the US. We need to cutout the cancer that has infected American DOJ and FBI. We need at least one shiny city on the hill, for citizens of the world to look to for guidance and inspiration.

at this point in time, every country is a 3rd world sh*thole...the effects of corruption

cat covering up shit on a linoleum floor.

I like this comment , and I'm also grateful that there was no picture accompanying it.

rofl, a perfect analogy!! I'm going to steal it for off-steemit use

I am pretty sure if I tried to delete some emails or text messages that the FBI could recover them, maybe Assange has a copy....

NSA (Rogers faction), DOJ OIG (Horowitz) both have em

anything that was on Clinton's servers...probably everybody in the world has em LOL

This is insane. Because it's inconceivable they will get away with this to me, I am sure they'll get away with it.

The memo will at least come out.

Unless they lose it.


like @sabrin514 and I were discussing, I think the biggies get away with it, but the rank-and-file will get crucified...

my theory is that Trump will try to avoid a civil war

but those biggies ought to stay out of the woods, I hear there's hunting accidents every once in a while

There... are.... no....words. Period. And the fact that the general public just keeps chuggin' their starbucks and posting pictures of their cat, and watching reality TV as if it's actually their reality...... Yea. no words.


it's basic human nature; we dont burn energy we dont have to

that includes mental energy (heuristics/cognitive biases)

some people recognize the danger when it closes in on them, some recognize it after they've been burned once...some never do, sadly.

so while it's frustrating for people that are trying to suss this out that others dont care, we should cut them a little slack...and ourselves, too, by not getting pissed off ;>

thanks for the comment!

Liberal Democratic communist corruption has taken over control of the DOJ and FBI. Heads needs to roll.

some combination of leftist subversion/globalist corruption...I'm not sure what it is, but it has to be scraped off and purged by fire

May not be part of any globalist conspiracy. Could also just be confused idiots acting on a local basis. Just because you stick around long enough, and are toady enough to get an Acting Director position in a government agency; doesn't imply anything about your IQ or motivation to support or not support the American ideals.

unfortunately, they have a pattern of "losing" things/destroying evidence that disruptus the deep state narrative

  • Strzok/Page emails
  • Clinton/aides testimony and computers
  • control of the San Bernandino shooter's house
  • the wife of the Orlando shooter

It's hard for me to accept incompetence when there is a pattern of it in a specific direction

FBI loses McCabe's emails, too

I'm worn down to the point where that didn't surprise me. Good night, and I hope you get a sound sleep.

I'm not really is amusing that they think they are going to get away with this. It's like a 4 year old stealing cookies in front of Mom and saying Not me!

I think I'm going to have a good night of sleep!

Have a good night!

Sadly they probably will get away with it. Look at how Hilary obama and George Soros are still free and not hung for \sedition and treason.

obama and clinton will most likely walk. soros will never set his foot in this country again (we should send a cleanup squad after him...)

My theory is that Trump is trying to avoid the civil war that I would cause by locking up every single one of these pieces of filth

I think we need a good civil war every now and then, especially to clean up the leftists and the filth that they have let invade our country.

the vengeful, confrontaional, purtian side of me agrees with you for damn to rip the scab off, scour the infection out, and let the wound heal,

the side of me with family...the side of me that wonders how it play out for the economy...and the little tiny part of me that understands most liberals are people w good intentions and no critical thinking ability thinks a civil war is a bad idea

The trouble is that unfortunately sometimes you have to cut off the leg to save the body. This country has been very deeply damaged by the decades of leftist/communist agenda being allowed to pervade the very fabric society and the values that bind us together as Americans. There are people that have been allowed to come here that will never assimilate and do not believe in the freedoms that we hold dear.

I agree with you on both points.

My theory is that Trump understands that and thinks he can fight it in slow motion.

I don't know for sure.

This week will be intersting, to say the least.
House Intelligence Committee Votes to #ReleaseTheMemo, Along Party Lines

ok I will wait to get your next post. so I just follow you to get your next post. This post also has been resteem by @kazol674