A NeW uLTiMaTe Konsept of WaR : the designated survivor :D !

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

it's so violent ! I love it :D. I can stop laughing because it the most best idea ever.

what the designated survivor? it's part of the total dominance project (as full spectral seems clear way too ambitious).

What it means, it's among them, one will live ! this one.

it insert a element of survival and consideration of the enemies, which bring a certain responsability and custodianship toward the mission : = ).

More seriously, I am still thinking about the duke. And ask myself that there was certainly a time, when this little boy was really a nice little boy ! I am not providing any excuses. I am just saying that this is an interesting aspect for research !

so how could a little boy who had everything, could end up like this? And more exactly who, played an active role in this downfall? Furthermore (ahahah), who are the people who failed their role as guardians and chaperons (understood?)? So who failed?

The trade.... is that I see, there are some resistances to purge bedbugs.

And so comes the concept of the designated survivor ! so that he could answer from his jailestate, to the question : is it true that all others were killed? ahahah !

But even more importantly that the faith and destiny on this reality of an individual, I ask, who are the others? Why?

there are many theories... but I don't think this individual is resonsible for the highly probable murder of future queen, but those who lead him ashtray ! clearly !

My guess, is that they, would have first infiltrated the security services ! and there is simple, there are the intouchables, and the fallen ! A lack of organization and professionalism natural in any non imperial structure ! the hereditary syndrome...

because rewinding, when the two boys went touring, it came clear that it was more problematic than not... part of the great struggle of the no-tatoo (aka designated visible individualisable item struggle) , part of the warriors of god series :D, no joking, too much imputation.

but bill clinton must be executed.

it's nice to whine some tears for the fallen from the sky, but it's way more powerful to wipe some bedbugs having infiltrated the home front !

I must maybe remind everyone of the great tragedies of the pacific war, and specially the nukings have japan, to remind that wiping those few bedbugs (or many) will always be nothing compared to those previous carnage.

if we act now !

because like bed bugs, they don't intent to not spread ! ahah !

so, it's not about readynessss anymore ! but action !

eradicate !

and one day the machine will be so mighty that it will even be able to interrogate the bedbugs, the real ones, to ask if they all left...

and those having lied, will simply be absorbed by death ! :D

action, understand, warfare ! I have a tendency to see the bedbugs as a form of "mucus" I know they are individuals, but still... moving like the glue... they get and spawn... conquering ! taking over the night...

and no(w), time for the knight !

if I may say the ideals of the knights are great ! it's the organization that sucks !

starting with selections :D

if the best for the most expansivest is the poorest, I don't care ! be brave, shine and lead ! part of the grand series of constant motion !

and we reach, energy in motion !


what we want is the energy of the wild.

not the energy, the will, the oneness with the universe.

of course for mere mortals, this seems phantazists... nothing beat pimping under the lights of the chandeliers...

but those whom the stars lights reveal untold and foretold potentials... how can such mondanities have an interests when only 36500 nights are available, for most (or few) !

and a little reminder, the people of hawaii, never chose the day of "contact" !

and who knows what is going on this universe, when already a simple castle has many secrets...


and when the first message of those will be :

you will not censor us.

ahaha !

it try to be positive...

but this stituation must be debloqued.

it means to kill.

I mean I am sorry, but I don't have the legality nor spacecraft :D.

but it's really a few individuals who are really the things blocking the unravelling of this corrupt organization...

ahhh and maybe I didn't wrote it, but those politicians of westminster in the 1980... I mean andrew was young in 1980, it would have been useful to them to corrupt him... hmm hmmm... I am not denying free will and invidual responsabiltiy and choice, I am just saying that again the hereditary problem comes, but I am betting that they used chemicals to increase the libidos of their blackmail targets...

it's one thing to lose a son to criminal cabal ! that can happen to the best, as it's an individual, however not putting the shit hell of fight against those responsible is a treason so even graver that it's the entire structure that is gone ! Because I guarantee you that in a real civilization, now is time for warfare !

who are those mother fuckers and get them all ! jump suit... processing... never forget: they are absolutely replaceable in any function they may occupy ! zero worries !

the DoD gift to the american children this christmas : all, foreign or domestic. you are safe, at least from those !
and that what I say ! it's really a revolution ! because some motherfuckers are way embedded in position they should have never been let it. again first step restoration. the soldification ! you can build around, or above or below corrupt !

maybe starting with a , how to say, the soft removal of all the pedoessence at the 6 major media corporation, by soft, I mean, the exponential funeral attendance of the bystanders :D... yeah, the executives work too much ;D,

darkness fall on the medias execs :D. ! ahahh ! but strict vigilance, only pedogate ! the rest is none of our business ! a clearing of the chain of command... but not toward youth, ohhh no ! talents !

anyway ! each does what he can :D.

another idea is asking for a plague toward the aliens so they are forced to deliver their ship !! ahahah :D.

how do you want your AIs to answers to ALIENS AI Regarding childrape? Imagine yourself on the others position, what are they doing strange? they rape their children... and if you ask why the borders have started to blink, it's because that they aren't anymore...

understand? it's in 3 letters and you can write raw with it...

it's one chance !

I think very few understand the significance of the choices made...

and the american driver...

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